Threads of Friendship

Guys awesome news. Chapter 100 "Hedwig's Antics" is live on my p@treon. Join now and enjoy this awesome chapter.

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Hagrid had explained that the school would help him in the future for any number of careers. When he told the boy that his parents were alumni, that was the real draw. Then Vernon and Petunia threatened to punish him for wanting to go, while greedily eating the food Harry had prepared to add further insult and indignity. After some choice words from Hagrid, as well as some promises to have Dumbledore come among others, the Dursleys had relented and 'allowed' Harry to attend and leave for his school supplies.

"It can be a bit gross," Hagrid said instead, pushing his bad thoughts aside. "But it's natural. It's life. Things eat things to live. You just have to do it right and be good about it. Don't waste things if you can help it. Be respectful."

"I agree," Harry said. "Do you hunt in the Forbidden Forest a lot?"

"Oh sure, it's part of my duties as groundskeeper," Hagrid said proudly. "I help the grounds stay orderly and help maintain the Forest some. Usually the parts closest to the castle but also with the other parts when asked. Lots of wild animals are in the Forest, magical and not." He patted the boar. "These ones like to eat all sorts of things and will even get into the gardens and things of the folk in Hogsmeade. So I help hunt when needed."

Harry nodded in understanding. "And you keep the meat?"

"Always do some. Others I sell to people in Hogsmeade or give a good portion to the kitchens here." He gestured to the castle and at distant trails of woodsmoke that curled in the air. "It's nice to give as much as I get. Not all are as lucky as me to get such good food."

"Can I go hunt with you in the Forest one day?" Harry asked eagerly.

Hagrid hummed. "Let's see about that for the future. The Forest's called the Forbidden Forest for a reason."

The rest of the day passed pleasantly for them. Harry helped with some of the preservation that Hagrid did: smoking and salting. Then the pair spent the afternoon cooking in Hagrid's hut and while Hagrid had tried to dissuade Harry, the boy was a guest after all, he also liked seeing Harry happy so he relented.

As he chewed on a very delicious bit of roast pork, watching Harry be buried under a very affectionate Fang that had also received some cooked meat and bones, Hagrid decided he was happy that Harry convinced him to cook some things a bit differently.

"Look at those sparkling eyes," Daniel Brown said. He looked at his daughter fondly. "Someone looks very happy."

"I'm really happy," Lavender confirmed, her smile from ear to ear. "Look how beautiful this is!"

Daniel looked at the gift with interest. A large polished wood case lay open revealing rows and rows of colored thread on one half. In fact, there were more spools of thread than he thought possible, they seemed to sink into the half of the case when they should not have been able to, going well beyond the dimensions of the case.

The other half was filled with all sorts of sewing related things. Rows of gleaming silver needles of all shapes and sizes lined the length of the case, sitting above shears and scissors, measuring tape and rulers, a magnifying glass, soft clothes, and all sorts of things.

"It really is," he smiled. "A good gift. Who gave it to you?"

"Harry," Lavender said happily.

Daniel immediately went on guard. "Harry? Harry who?"

"Harry Potter," Lavender said, rolling her eyes at her father's expression. "He's my best guy friend at school."

"Oh okay, that's good then." He narrowed an eye at her look. "What? I am your father and can you blame me when I get worried?"

"If you read my letters, you might've already known Harry's name," Lavender said pertly.

"I do read them!" he protested. "I'll admit that I might forget a detail here and there. I don't remember hearing Harry's last name though."

"Oh I might not have written it," Lavender shrugged. "Harry's really nice."

"Oh right, the nice cook friend. Still a bit odd that he can cook so well at his age."

"A little, but he likes it and he's good at it," Lavender said firmly. "Besides, you have to be nice to him. Hedwig is his owl."

"Your father is still afraid of owl post." A smiling woman sat next to Daniel, curling into him comfortably.

"I'm not afraid," Daniel sniffed. "I was startled."

Leena Brown snorted. "Hedwig came flying through the window as your father opened it the first time she visited. She 'startled' him so much I heard him scream from across the house."