Breaking Bread and Barriers

After the tomato paste turned a dull red, Harry added beef broth and double cream and a rind of parmesan cheese. He stirred it until it was smooth and turned the heat so it came to a light boil before turning it down so that it simmered slowly. "There, all done for now," Harry said, looking satisfied. "Now we wait until it's ready."

They continued to study, moving from potions to charms, then transfiguration. After they finished transfiguration, they decided to take a break. Hermione sat with Sue and Padma, discussing a finer point on their transfiguration notes. Neville and Harry talked at the stove while Harry stirred the simmering sauce.

Millicent and Pansy wandered over to Parvati and Lavender who had taken her case out and started working on something. "Oh wow, where did you get that?" Millicent said, looking at Lavender's sewing kit.

"It was a Christmas gift," Lavender said happily and proudly. "Isn't it great?"

"I'll say," Millicent said. "That's a legacy case, from a really high-end crafts company: Sartorious' Sartorial Supplies. They're super high quality and really expensive."

Lavender looked at her case. "Really?" she asked, eyes widening a little.

"Oh yeah, that sort of thing is something professional tailors would want. My family has one that's basically an heirloom. Whoever got you the case must really like you."

Pansy noticed the look that Lavender and Parvati shared, and she saw how Lavender looked across at Harry. Realizing what the looks meant made her squirm a little inside.

"It's really that valuable?" Lavender asked in a small voice.

Millicent nodded. "All the things inside, the tools, are made by hand and by enchantment. My family does lots of fabric and clothing related things so a lot of the tools they use come from Sartorious'." She flushed a little, waiting for the inevitable reaction.

"Your family does stuff with clothes?" Lavender and Parvati asked, eyes lighting up with interest.

"Mostly shipping fabrics and materials but we have a small branch of the business that makes things," Millicent said, looking visibly confused by the response.

"That's so cool," Parvati gushed. "So you have to know a lot about fashion stuff right?"

"Not so much on fashion really," Millicent blushed, "but kinda familiar. I know more about materials and things."

"I actually have some questions about magical fabric things," Lavender started and soon a very lively conversation started between the three girls, with Millicent growing more enthusiastic as they chatted.

Pansy was happy for her. Many who saw Millicent, being broader in stature than most girls, made many assumptions about what she liked. Many made cruel comments regarding her and her family business. Pansy knew that Millicent had always been reserved due to her size and to be so readily accepted by the other two girls made all the difference to her.

Pansy left them to their clothing conversation and walked to Harry and Neville. Seeing her arrive, Neville finished talking and left them, shooting Pansy a nervous glance as he passed. "I didn't interrupt anything again, did I?" she asked, watching Neville walk away.

"No, I think he's still a bit nervous around you," Harry said.

"How can you tell from his usual nervousness?" she asked dryly before flushing, clapping a hand to her mouth.

"Yeah, that's probably partially why," Harry said wryly. "You and Draco weren't too nice to him last term during Potions."

"I… no I wasn't," she admitted quietly.

Harry released a breath. "I know you're trying to be nicer, I can tell. So I kinda feel bad asking you this directly, but you're not planning anything mean, are you?"

"I am not," she said firmly, glaring at him. "Why?"

"Parvati seems to think so," Harry said sheepishly. He choked a little when Pansy turned to glare at Parvati who waved back cheerily when she noticed the glare. "Can you blame her?"

"No, I can't," Pansy said mournfully, looking at the stone floor.

"Like I said, I know you've been nicer," Harry repeated. "And I really appreciate it. It just… it might take a bit for the others to warm up to you too."


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