An Unexpected Attack

Dumbledore hummed. "Not quite yet but I may ask you to do that in the near future. My next few years probably will not be able to provide a good showing, but I have hopes for the coming years." He smiled ruefully. "I normally have reservations against asking for such help behind the scenes, but personal pride can be swallowed for the benefit of others."

"I will be happy to. If you have the connections, might as well use them." Nicolas looked over at a snoozing Fawkes. "Your phoenix looks good but am I right in thinking he has gained weight?"

Dumbledore snorted. "He has, the lazy thing. Now there's a thought. Would you like to take a walk? Perhaps I can introduce you to someone and we can have a treat."

"That sounds nice," Nicolas said agreeably. "Would said treat also include walking past Minerva's office?"

"It could, providing I am far away when you and she get into one of your arguments," Dumbledore laughed. "I fully expected her to hex you the last time."

"She has to learn that the Scots do not own scotch," Nicolas smiled.


"Filius mon ami! "

Flitwick paused and turned, smiling broadly and waved. "Nicolas! I didn't know you were here."

"Albus is ashamed of my company and keeps such news under wraps," Nicolas sighed woefully. "Such old friends, and he treats me as such."

"Hmm, and how did you introduce me to your colleagues the one time?" Dumbledore asked dryly. "Some chap from England?"

"Was I wrong?" Nicolas asked while Flitwick laughed and Lavender and Harry stared with large eyes. "And who are these delightful youngsters?"

"Harry, Miss Brown, this irreverent fellow, is Nicolas Flamel," Dumbledore said warmly. "Nicolas, this is Harry Potter and Lavender Brown. Two Gryffindor first years and about to be second years." He winked at them. "And yes, that confirms passing marks on your exams."

"Hello Sir," Harry said politely, extending his hand. "You're the alchemist, right?"

"I am indeed," Nicolas said, shaking their hands warmly. "So you've heard of me then? Perhaps a minor footnote in a textbook?"

"Professor Flitwick mentioned your work a few times, since alchemy combines multiple schools of magic," Harry said. "Professor Snape did too."

"You still have children suffer that man?" Nicolas asked Dumbledore, his comment making them snort and laugh.

"Would you care to fill the post?" Dumbledore countered.

"Not at all, I'm a dreadful instructor, as you would know," Nicolas laughed merrily.

"No, tell me that he is not here." McGonagall's voice cut through and they saw her standing at the end of the hall leading into the castle's foyer. She looked fondly exasperated. "Please tell me Perenelle is here holding your leash."

"No she is too busy holding someone else's," Nicolas said smiling. "Good to see you, Minnie."

"Minnie?" Lavender repeated silently to Harry, giggling mightily at McGonagall's look.

"And what did I tell you the last time you used that appellation?" McGonagall said crossly as she approached.

"That you love it when I do," Nicolas grinned.

"Nicolas was always a jolly fellow," Flitwick told a thoroughly amused Harry and Lavender. "There are times when he is serious and professional of course, but they are few and far between." He turned and saw someone approaching them rapidly. "Oh dear, Quirinus seems to be bothered. I wonder what is wrong."

"H-Headmaster!" Quirrell stammered as he ran up. "I-I must sp-p-peak with you!"

"Of course, what is wrong?" Dumbledore asked, turning to face the professor.

Harry grunted, rubbing his scar. He felt compelled to take a step back from Quirrell, feeling his head ache. He bumped into Lavender who was standing behind him. "Oh, sorry Lavender."

Lavender did not say anything. Instead she clung to him tightly, utterly silent. She started pulling on his arm.

"Lavender, what's wrong," Harry asked, turning to look at her.

She was as white as a sheet and was staring at something above the both of them. "Harry?" she whimpered and pointed.

Harry turned to look down a side passage and gaped at the gigantic mountain troll that seemed to fill the entire hallway. The magical creature was monstrous in size and stature, towering over all of them. Harry gulped when he saw the club that the troll hefted, the length of it was longer than he was tall and the head was enormous. How it approached them unnoticed, Harry did not know. He watched the troll raise the club and start to step forward.

He pointed his wand at the stones beneath the troll's feet and shouted the first incantation that came to mind. " Scourgify!" Scrubbing bubbles saturated the stone and when the troll stepped down on the soap-slicked stone, it roared in surprise and anger and slipped. Harry dove, pushing Lavender down and the club went sailing over them. Lavender screamed and pulled Harry with her.


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