The Aftermath of Courage

Harry groaned. His head ached and throbbed and his limbs felt like they were encased in mud and stone.

"Mister Potter, lie easy," Poppy Pomfrey, Matron Healer of Hogwarts, said gently.

He opened his eyes, squinting myopically as he did as bidden. "Am I in the Infirmary?" he asked, his voice raspy and rough.

"I am glad to see that the head injury did not rob you of your senses," Pomfrey joked lightly. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts," Harry said. He took his glasses back from her and put them on. "But okay I guess."

"You hit your head rather hard on the stone," Pomfrey said. "And I believe you cut your forehead from something else, you lost a bit of blood. Luckily no brain damage as far as we can tell, not even a concussion."

"I was told I had a thick skull," Harry said sheepishly.

Pomfrey blinked. "Well, perhaps and it seemed to have spared you some damage," she said. "You have been unconscious for two days healing but if things progress as expected, you should be out soon. You are healing rather well to be honest. And that is very good."

Harry then remembered the events leading up to him hitting his head. "Is everyone okay? Did anyone get hurt?"

"You were the worst hurt. Professor Quirrell had some bruising and burns but otherwise was fine. Everyone else was mostly unhurt as well, thankfully."

Harry laid back, relieved. "Thank goodness," he said.

"I agree," Pomfrey said. "There is someone who would like to see you. I can deny them, if need be, but they are rather insistent. Do you feel up to it?"

"I guess so," Harry said.

"Let me know if you need the rest and I will chase them away." Pomfrey left his bedside and after a few moments, Dumbledore approached, sitting down on the chair beside him.

"Harry," he said, looking happy to see Harry awake. "How are you feeling?"

"My head is a bit sore, but otherwise okay. How are you?"

Dumbledore laughed at that. "I am fine, doing much better after seeing you awake. You did a very brave thing, Harry. A credit to your character."

"I did?" Harry blushed.

"You saved Miss Brown," Dumbledore said firmly. "Your quick thinking with the spell and pushing her down not once but twice spared her from harm."

"Oh, right. I just… I didn't think, I just reacted," Harry said lamely.

"Your instincts took over and it was a good thing. You did well, Harry, do not think otherwise."

Harry blinked slowly, staring at Dumbledore. "Thank you, Sir," he said at last. "And she's really okay?"

"She is fine. Been a bit belligerent about visiting you, as some others have as well." He smiled. "Perhaps I can convince Madam Pomfrey to allow them to see you."

"Yes please," Harry said eagerly.

"I will do my best. She is the law in this wing, however, and not even my words can sway her all the time." Dumbledore sobered. "Do you remember anything, when you were knocked down the side passage with Professor Quirrell?"

Harry shook his head. "Not really. I remember hitting my head. Oh! I remembered thinking my head was going to split open at one point. There was a lot of pressure and then it stopped and I think I bled a little, from my scar. It hurt right before the trolls appeared."

Dumbledore leaned in, looking interested. "Your scar hurt you?"

"Yes Sir. There's been times where it tingled and felt funny but it hurt a lot and then the trolls appeared and I forgot about it."

"Does it hurt now?"

Another headshake. "No Sir. I feel fine, actually fine, really."

Dumbledore leaned back. "Well, do let me and Madam Pomfrey know if anything changes. I want to thank you again, Harry, for your bravery and selflessness. You acted intelligently and courageously." A soft smile grew. "Your parents would be as proud as I am."

Harry felt tears prickling but his smile was broad. "Thank you, Sir."

"No, thank you, Harry."


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