Welcoming Ceremony (E)

"Ding dong ding…Ding dong ding"

The irritating sound of the alarm invited a groan from Diana who opened her sleep-filled eyes with difficulty.

She wanted to hit the snooze button but stopped when she realized that it was her third time waking up to the alarm this morning.

She could not afford to delay things any longer.

With an exhausted sigh, she pushed herself off her bed and went to the washroom.

The first thing she did when she entered the washroom was to look at herself in the mirror.

A set of drowsy eyes stared back at her.

Her gaze went subtly downwards and fell on her lips as the memory from yesterday night bombarded her mind and a tinge of red appeared on her face soon after.

She shook her head to get rid of that image in her mind but that was to no effect.

Her passionate encounter with Jin last night was too deeply embedded in her mind to be put in the back of her mind this easily.