Script Reading (E)

The next day Jin woke up early.

After finishing his workouts when he checked his phone he saw a few messages from Diana.

Jin replied to them briefly and put them aside.

He had been deliberately keeping his replies short to increase his distance from Diana.

'Oh, he's awake?" Diana smiled brightly when she received a reply from Jin and immediately texted him back.

Their exchange lasted only for a couple minutes but Diana savoured every second of it.

She had thought that Jin would end up missing her more because he was unable to have lunch with her daily but instead, it was her who had started missing him.

It was to the point that she was unable to notice the subtle meaning behind those short and late replies from Jin.

'He must be exhausted from all the shooting and all,' That's the excuse she gave herself as she kept her phone down and began her day.

Meanwhile, Jin had freshened up by now and was going over his script.