Premiere Day (E)

When he returned to his room, instead of sleeping, Jin was tossing around in his bed.

The reason was the gym woman's appearance.

Since she's always dressed fully in a hoodie Jin could only get a glimpse of her face from afar but today thanks to his debacle he was able to see her face in a more detailed manner.

'She looks very familiar…I just don't know why,' Jin had this thought in his mind and tried to recall the face from his memories many times but no matter how much he tried he was unable to accurately pinpoint where he had seen her before.

'Whatever, it might even be a wrong feeling and here I am wasting away my sleep time cause of it,'

Noticing the time on the clock Jin soon forced his mind to not think over the issue.

With this, his mind quietened and fell asleep.

The next day started and soon neared its end.

Jin followed an almost similar schedule as yesterday and went to the gym in the late evening.