Late Night Visit (E)

"Cut!" Anderson shouted out from his seat and rubbed his forehead in frustration.

It was the eleventh time he had done so today, and that too for the same scene.

Hearing Anderson's words Jin removed his arms from around Fana's waist and looked at Anderson apologetically.

"I'm sorry…" Jin replied while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

Hearing this Anderson could only sigh.

"We'll do other scenes first before diving into this one, I hope you'll be able to get a hang of it by the end of the day…what intimate scenes need is chemistry and you two seem to be lacking in that regard by a lot…your emotions aren't in synch at all!" Anderson addressed the two of them.

While Fana seemed to be doing okay, her performance was still not good enough.

As for Jin, his performance was abhorrent, to the point that even Anderson couldn't believe he was the same actor who played the lead role in "Smile Please".