Chapter 1 – The [SEXY] Spider Queen

My name is Adonis.

And if I don't find refuge soon, I'll die.

"Almost there," I think, the descent into the gaping hole guided by the advanced harness that suspends me in the vast, vertical expanse.

The journey down feels like navigating an abyss, an endless plunge into the bowels of the earth. The surrounding darkness is overwhelming. The air grows denser with each step, a heavy weight that presses against me.

I have to press on, no matter the cost.

My body aches with every movement, but I can't afford to stop now.

I grit my teeth against the discomfort, my gloved fingers securing the advanced harness as if it's my lifeline.

The subterranean winds, more a rushing current than the howling winds above, whisk past me, ruffling the strands of my hair.

The mist, a strange luminescent haze, obscures my vision, making it impossible to see more than a few feet ahead. Yet, with each descent, I venture further into the unknown depths, driven by the desperate need to find a refuge.

I step cautiously on a seemingly stable surface, but with a sudden, heart-stopping jolt, the descent mechanism malfunctions.

Panic claws at my chest as the world around me unravels into a freefall.

The walls of the ravine become a blur, a distorted abyss that devours all sense of direction. The protective gear meant to shield me is rendered useless against this force, the walls' unforgiving edges tearing at it a part.

Sharp, agonizing impacts send waves of pain through my body.

When the descent finally halts, the abrupt stop sends tremors through my body.

I lie there, dazed and battered.

The first layer of this ravine proves more difficult than I could have imagined.

All I can think about are the tales written by the few survivors who visited the first layer.

Spiders hunts at night. Do not let them see you.

Mustering all the strength I have left, I manage to sit up. The air in this layer is heavy with an oppressive darkness, and an unsettling chill crawls along my spine. As my surroundings come into focus, I notice an opening in the side of the tunnel.

Dragging myself towards the cave, my limbs heavy and uncooperative, I can't shake the feeling that the malfunction wasn't just a glitch—it was a sudden plunge into the shadows, a descent into the malevolent unknown lurking within the depths. With the remaining of my gear, my rope and backpack, I walk towards the cave.

Once inside, the silence is overwhelming. The cave is damp and cold, but it offers shelter from the outside. I take a moment to catch my breath, the realization of how lucky I am to have found this refuge sinking in.

My fingers fumble to turn on the small light I had packed, and its glow illuminates the cave's walls, revealing ancient markings etched into the stone.

I peer deeper into the cave, wondering what secrets it holds. As I venture further inside, my footsteps echo in the darkness. The air smells musty, and I can feel the weight of centuries pressing down on me.

I run my fingers over the markings, tracing the lines and symbols, trying to decipher their meaning. They are of sexual nature, of women entertaining themselves in sexual activities. The thought sends a shake down my spine - desire.

A voice inside my head urges me to turn back, to retreat to the safety of the upside world. But curiosity gets the better of me, and I press on.

The passage narrows, and I have to squeeze through, my breath catching in my throat.

Finally, the cave opens up into a vast chamber, illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent fungi clinging to the walls. In the center of the chamber stands a stone pedestal, on top of which rests a shimmering object - a crystal, pulsating with a soft blue light.

I approach it, my hand reaching out instinctively.

As my fingers brush against the crystal's surface, a surge of energy courses through me. Images flash before my eyes - ancient battles, long-forgotten civilizations, and a power beyond imagination. I pull my hand back, gasping, my mind reeling from the amount of information.

"Is this what I think it is?" I say to myself as my fingers stroke the crystal, "It cannot be... it was supposed to be depth ... the tomes-"

I scramble to open the tomes, the ones I paid with half my food ratio for. The legends were clear, the crystal able to bring the dead to life was supposedly at the bottom of the expanse, not in a random cave! I stumbled upon the page in question, there lay the replica of the crystal I just found!

I gulp.

The truth hits me like a lightning bolt - the crystal I've found, pulsating with unimaginable power, could be the very artifact I've been searching for.

The crystal that can bring the dead back to life. A mixture of awe and fear washes over me.

A flicker of hope ignites within my chest, my heart pounding with the possibility of seeing my loved ones again. Faces of my family, long lost to the famine, flash before my eyes. My mother's warm smile, my father's reassuring embrace, and my little sister's laughter echo in my mind.

The temptation to use the crystal becomes almost unbearable, drowning out the voice of reason.

But a nagging thought tugs at the back of my mind.

The legends always came with a price, a consequence for meddling with the natural order. I try to recall the specific details, but the relevant passage in the tome is conveniently missing, as if someone had intentionally removed it. The unknown consequences are a void, a terrifying uncertainty that chills my spine.

Despite the fear, grief swells within me, overpowering my rational thoughts. The urge to reunite with my family, to undo the pain of loss, becomes an irresistible force.

With trembling hands, I reach out once more to touch the crystal, my fingers brushing against its smooth surface. The surge of energy returns, engulfing me in its ethereal glow.

A whispered promise hangs in the air, enticing me with the chance to rewrite my history. But deep down, I know there's no escaping the consequences, no matter how desperately I want to believe otherwise.

I clench my fists, torn between the longing for my loved ones and the fear of what might come. The decision hangs in the balance, and I stand on the precipice of a life-altering choice.

I carefully tuck the crystal into my pocket, its once vibrant glow now dimmed.

A shiver runs down my spine.

My mind races with possibilities, but my thoughts are abruptly interrupted as I step out of the cave and into a sticky, invisible trap.

I freeze, realizing I've walked right into a spiderweb.

Panic sets in as I feel the silky threads clinging to my skin, wrapping around me like a cocoon. I try to move, but the more I struggle, the tighter the web becomes. My heart hammers in my chest, and a sense of helplessness washes over me.

"Fuck!" I shout. This is not a common spiderweb, but a gigantic one.

I scream for help, my voice echoing through the desolate landscape.

With every futile attempt to escape, the spiderweb tightens around me, its invisible strands constricting like a vise. I can feel the magic woven into the silk, a malevolent force that responds to my struggles, ensnaring me further.

In my frantic efforts to break free, the crystal slips from my pocket and falls onto the ground, just out of reach. I stretch my arm, my fingers straining to grasp it, but the web coils around me, pulling me back. The crystal lies there, close, yet unreachable.

Exhaustion claws at my limbs, and I gasp for breath as the magical web continues its relentless assault. The world blurs around me, my vision dimming, and I realize I'm losing the battle against the web's enchantment. With a final, desperate attempt, I reach out for the crystal, my fingertips brushing against its surface, but it might as well be a mirage.

My strength wanes, and darkness edges in from the corners of my vision. I succumb to the overwhelming exhaustion, my body going limp. The last thing I hear before succumbing to unconsciousness is the distant skittering of the spider, its victory assured as it approaches to claim its prey.

I awaken to a strange, melodious sound that pierces through the darkness surrounding me.

My eyelids flutter open, and I find myself face-to-face with a surreal sight. Before me stands the spider queen, a mesmerizing creature with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a spider. I can't help but stare at her voluptuous breasts, bare and exposed to me and so few inches away from my lips. Her nipples stiff at the realization that I was indeed staring at her chest – gawking at her beauty.

Her eyes, as black as the deepest abyss, seem to pierce through my very soul.

Her voice, smooth as silk, caresses my ears. "Welcome, mortal," she purrs, her lips curving into a bewitching smile. "You've stumbled into my domain, and now you are at my mercy."

I find myself transfixed by her beauty, despite the horror of her unnatural form. "Who... what are you?" I manage to stammer, my voice weak and trembling.

"I am Arachnia, the queen of spiders," she replies, her voice weaving a spell around me. "You have trespassed into my territory, and for that, you must pay the price."

I struggle against the sticky threads of the spiderweb, my desperation growing with every futile attempt to break free. "Let me go!" I yell, my voice cracking with fear, "I mean no harm. I'll leave and never return, I swear."

Arachnia's laughter rings out, a chilling sound that reverberates through the cavern. She holds the crystal aloft, its radiance casting eerie shadows on the walls and her breasts. Only now I notice her vulva, just nestling in front of her body, throbbing and glistening with desire.

"You humans and your desperation for power," she muses, her eyes glinting with a predatory glimmer. "These crystals are my only bargaining power with your people, and you think I will let you have it?"

I nod frantically, my eyes fixed on her wet pussy, then slowly at the precious artifact. "I didn't know... I didn't understand its true power. Just... just let me go, and I'll leave it behind. I won't tell anyone about you or this place. I promise."

I lie, of course, but she doesn't need to know that.

Arachnia tilts her head, considering my words for a moment before a wicked smile curls her lips.

She inches closer, the crystal still in her grasp, and dangles it in front of me, just out of reach.

"Oh, but where's the fun in that?" she smiles. "How about a little wager, mortal? I'll release you, but you must repay me somehow…" she gestures as she speaks, her hands waving and drawing circles around her pussy. My heart quickens, drool escaped the corner of my lips.

How long has it been since I last fucked?

I shake my head, I can't think of something like that right now.

She notices my gaze fixated on her genitals, and smiles with understanding. She grabs my chin with her spidery legs and tilts it up to meet her gaze.

"I've heard of human sex, I've longed for it but I've never had the pleasure to try it myself."

I swallow hard. What?!

"I don't believe you" I say and this time I mean it. Someone like her, beautiful and tall, with silky hair like that and such a big vulva couldn't have stayed without sex for long… she must be playing with me!

"A spider queen is supposed to mate with her own kind," she shrugs with a sad sigh. "Take it as you will, a queen is born to mate with the other spiders … yet nature granted me a human pussy. Almost a cruel joke."

"I don't …"

"Boy," the queen whispers now, her voice seductive and almost impossible to hear. "I want you, everything you have to offer, and I want you now."

"And you will let me leave?" I ask, although it doesn't really matter what she asks me in return, I would do it anyway for her.

"I'll let you become part of my court, a mere human can't just leave my realm and go tell my tales. You must stay here, until the day I die."

As she says so, her vulva swells with desire. So does my dick. I can feel it growing in size, lust cursing through my body. I need to fuck her just as much as she needs to be fucked.

I try to open my legs, a sweet fire spreading through my dick as I imagine penetrating her and reaching deeper within her body.

"I accept," I groan, my voice barely a whisper. "I will fuck you and become part of your court."