Chapter 4 - I have to get out of this [SEXY] dungeon!

The spider servant leads me through a labyrinthine passage until we arrive at the designated dinner alcove. The dimly lit cavern reveals a table, intricately woven from silk threads, adorned with strange, luminescent fungi.

Around the table, suspended in mid-air, are human cocoons. They dangle like macabre chandeliers, their forms wrapped in silk, frozen in a state of suspended animation. The air carries a faint, sweet scent of what smells like roasted beef.

As I take my seat, I can't help but glance at the dangling forms.

"Aren't they a stunning view?" The spider queen's voice, smooth as silk, pierces the cavernous silence.

I turn to see her emerging from the shadows.

As she approaches, her silhouette reveals the captivating duality of her form—a regal torso that seamlessly transitions into the sinuous grace of spider legs.

Her long, silky black hair cascades down her shoulders. Her eyes, dark and hypnotic, fixate on me with a predatory intensity. She moves with a fluidity that mirrors the spider realm she commands, a step after the other, her large breasts following her sensual movements. She is not covered in my cum anymore, I notice.

The spider queen gracefully lowers herself into the intricately woven silk chair. Her spider legs fold beneath her as she regards me with a smile.

The spider servants approach with plump, hairy bodies, each carrying a grotesque assortment of food. My stomach churns at the sight of their offerings—strange, wriggling creatures that writhe in the silk strands. 

The table before me becomes a nightmarish banquet, adorned with the display of spider cuisine. A concoction of twitching insects, their legs entangled in silk, forms a disturbing centerpiece. My gaze goes from one unsettling dish to another—creatures with multiple legs, unidentifiable in their contorted shapes, served on silk-woven plates.

The spider queen watches with a serene expression. The spider servants move with unsettling precision, presenting their offerings as if it were a feast fit for royalty.

I recoil at the sight and my stomach closes.

"What's wrong?" The Spider Queen asked. "You don't like what you see?"

She laughs, her servants join in. Their eerie laughter sends shivers down my spine. Amidst the laughter, the spider queen's gaze remains fixed on me, an inscrutable glint in her eyes. She leans forward, her hand delicately tracing the edge of a silk-woven plate.

"You can't afford to offend your gracious host, now, can you?" she purrs, her voice a seductive whisper that sends a chill down my spine.

The spider servants, still chittering in the background, pause to await my response.

Feeling a strange mixture of dread, I hesitantly reach for one of the grotesque dishes.

The queen's laughter subsides into an unsettling silence as I lift a dead fly towards my mouth, the strange taste and texture eliciting a grimace. Yet, before I can react further, the queen's eyes narrow with a dangerous intensity.

"Eat," she commands, slamming one of her sharp feet on the banquet, "Or face the consequences."

I look up, the bodies still hanging from the roof of the cave.

I will end like them if I don't eat.

I close my eyes and place the fly in my mouth, The taste is a nauseating blend of bitterness and an unsettling texture, like chewing on a concoction of wriggling legs and exoskeleton. I fight the urge to gag, my throat protesting against the foreign intrusion.

The spider queen watches with a sardonic smile, her eyes gleaming with a perverse satisfaction.

Every chew feels like an eternity.

Fuck me.

"Maybe," she says slowly, her voice dripping with a peculiar amusement as she traces the table with her sharp foot. The eerie smile that curves on her lips sends a chill down my spine. "Our guest might enjoy the taste of something more exotic."

Her gaze lifts, and I follow it instinctively.

With an unsettling grace, the spider queen extends one of her spindly legs and delicately brings down the suspended figure. The cocoon unravels to reveal a human form.

The body, now freed from its silken shroud, lies before me on the table like a grotesque centerpiece. The spider queen watches my reaction with an inscrutable gaze, her amusement evident in the sinister glint of her eyes.

The man is old. His features, frozen in an expression of silent horror, tell a tale of a life extinguished within the queen's web. As the spider queen observes my response, the air becomes heavy with the acrid odor that accompanies the process of decay. 

Arachnia, with a chilling nonchalance, uses her sharp and numerous feet to deftly open the man's lifeless form, preparing him for the grotesque feast. The sound of tearing flesh and snapping bones fills the cavern. The pungent scent of death intensifies, saturating the air with an overpowering stench.

My stomach churns in revolt, and I feel the bitter taste of bile rising in my throat.

I turn away, my body convulsing with the violent expulsion of everything within my stomach. The silence is shattered by the retching sounds.

The queen's amusement seems to grow as I struggle to regain my composure, my senses overwhelmed by the mingling odors of death and decay. Her laughter echoes through the cavern.

As the spider servants begin to feast on the prepared remains, a disconcerting realization settles over me like a suffocating shroud. 

The moment she won't get enjoyment from me, the moment my skin will turn wrinkly, she will toss me aside like a used toy.

I have to get out of here.