Chapter 7 – Outside is just as worse

The lights blind me when we reach the outside.

How long has it been?

The transition from the oppressive darkness of the cavern to the blinding brightness of the world above ground is disorienting. My eyes struggle to adjust, and I shield them with my hand as I take in the unfamiliar surroundings.

Ahead of us, a few kilometers away, I can see the vertical expanse. It's a breathtaking sight — a colossal inverted cone that defies the very essence of gravity. The giant hole yawns open in the earth, a dark abyss that seems to stretch into the bowels of the planet. The edges of the expanse form a perfect circle, as if nature itself carved out this colossal void with meticulous precision. 

Nobody knew what caused the ravine to exist. Some believed in meteors, but nobody knew. One day, it just appeared.

"I left my gear somewhere within the forest," she says as she moves away from the hole.

I sigh. 

I follow her into the forest, the transition from the stark openness of the expanse to the enchanted realm of the woods is striking. This is no ordinary forest - it's a magical tapestry where everything is larger than life. Towering trees with twisted branches reach for the sky, their leaves adorned with colors unseen in the natural world.

The air is thick with the scent of blossoms, and the ground beneath our feet is soft, almost cushioned by a carpet of vibrant moss.

Gigantic mushrooms, their caps glowing softly, punctuate the landscape like ethereal sentinels.

The trill of unseen creatures echoes through the air, and the play of light and shadow creates a mesmerizing dance among the colossal ferns that sway gently in a breeze known only to the enchanted woods.

"Impossible," I whisper to myself.

Mila smiles knowingly, as if this beauty doesn't faze her at all and she is used to it. Something tells me she is a bluffer, and she is just as surprised as I am.

We reach the bottom of a tall tree, its ancient branches reaching skyward like twisted spires. As we approach, my eyes catch glimpses of strange tribal traps cunningly hidden amid the magical undergrowth. 

Is someone else living in this layer together with the spiders? I look closely to the trap. Twisted vines, enchanted snares, and peculiar symbols carved into the bark suggest the presence of an unknown and potentially hostile tribe. Maybe the spiders?

"Who could have made something like this?" I whisper.

The traps are unlike anything I've seen before — a blend of organic materials woven into intricate designs that seem to resonate with a primal energy. Small, shimmering symbols are etched onto the surfaces of the traps.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Mila screams, her eyes wide with panic, as she frantically searches the vicinity for her misplaced gear.


"What do you mean 'What?' My gear is gone!" she says.

"Alright, let's think for a second… who could ever steal your gear?" I askm trying to reason with her.

"I don't know? Another human?! It must be … or maybe someone from Laesta who heard of my ideas to get the stupid crystal and followed me?! No…" she starts pacing back and forth, "the spider queen… that bitch is still pissed that her husband gets a boner when he is around me. She tied me up in a cocoon whenever he was gone… she must be behind this."

"Or maybe, you are mistaken and don't remember where the gear is?" I ask.

Above us, I can see the sun setting.

The vibrant hues of the evening sky paint a surreal scene. For how long will we be able to see the sun? I wonder if the second layer will be too far below for me to spot the stars.

The prospect of descending further into the depths of the hole fills me with a strange melancholy.

"It's getting dark, we should find a place to sleep," I say.

I don't need to add that I don't want to be anywhere near that trap by nightfall. Whoever placed it will probably come back to check on it, and if they found us here…

She pouts, but agrees with me anyway.

Together we search for some twigs and foliage. It doesn't take long before we find big leaves we can use to create a makeshift tent. By the time the sun has given in and the moon slightly illuminates the first layer, I marvel at what I have created.

The makeshift tent stands nestled beneath the towering trees. It's a bit too simple, but I think it's better than nothing.

"You have made only one?!" Mila yells, red in her face.

I sigh. She is becoming more annoying by the minute.

"What? Your highness wanted me to make her a castle?" I ask.

She pouts again. "I would like to share a tent with a man who doesn't stink."

"Be my guest and go back to the spider king, you've been wining since you left."

She turns redder but my words shush her. Better.

I enter the tent. The large leaves form a protective barrier against the night, and the intertwining twigs provide a surprisingly sturdy framework. Inside, the moonlight filters through the gaps in the leaves, creating a soft, ethereal glow.

Mila follows after me. The tent is small, but the two of us will have to squeeze together in order to sleep comfortably. 

"Do you have food?" I ask, the memories of the spider queen banquet still haunts me. I have my own but I am not sure how long it will last.

She nods, thankfully we don't have to share our resources.

We eat in silence, sitting side by side, our arms brushing against each other. 

"If you want us to travel together, I need you to keep that mouth of yours shut," I say and I eye her. She gulps on her food and sends me an equally threatening gaze.

"If you try to steal my gear tonight," I say slowly, making sure she listens intently each of my word, "I'll kill you."

"Don't worry, I have no use for broken shit," she shrugs, her clothing rustling as she does so.

We keep eating.

"Do you have anybody waiting for you home?" She asks. I don't answer, neither I care if she has.

Another weird silence falls on us. By the time I am done eating, I lay down in the darkness while Mila sits by my head. Although dark, my eyes have gotten used to it. This is my first night spent in the giant hole, and a sense of nostalgia fills within me.

When I was young, I would have given anything for a night like this, spent in the wake of a journey. The feelings I imagined having are replaced by dread and tiredness. The echoes of adventure that once danced in my dreams have given way to the harsh reality of the descent into the unknown.

As I lie there, staring at the tent's roof, I can't shake the weariness that seeps into my bones.

The enchantment of the magical forest and the mysteries of the giant hole are overshadowed by the weight of the journey itself. The nostalgia, tinged with a hint of regret, keeps me awake. 

Mila lay by my side after a while, stiff, until I feel her body relaxing against mine. Her eyes are open just as mine are.

I feel the silence as if it was part of my body.

I feel it rifle within me together with the darkness. A different type from the one surrounding us. It is as if I am dead, as if I am nothing and all with the world. 

I close my eyes.