Chapter 16 – A [SEXY] new monster girl has joined me

I jolt awake, the sudden shift from darkness to the soft glow of candlelight disorienting.

My surroundings come into focus - a cozy canopy enveloping me, candles casting warm flickers of light, and the scent of ginger incense lingering in the air.

Blinking against the residual grogginess, I take stock of my surroundings. I attempt to sit up, and that's when I notice her - Mila, sitting nearby with a concerned expression. Her silhouette is illuminated by the soft glow of candles, the flickering light playing on the contours ofher face.

"Easy there," she says, a mixture of relief and caution in her voice. "You took quite a hit."

I shift my gaze around the makeshift haven, the candles revealing intricate details of the canopy adorned with makeshift decorations. It's a stark contrast to the perilous forest I remember.

"What happened?" I manage to rasp out.

"You wouldn't believe me!" she says with a smile. That's when I notice the shackle around her wrists. The spider queen must have caught us.

Before Mila can explain, a figure enters our canopy. The creature is a stunning blend of ethereal beauty and the otherworldly. From the waist up, she appears as a captivating woman with luminous eyes and flowing white hair that seems to shimmer in the candlelight. Her breasts are voluptuous, big, her nipples stiff with the cool breeze of the night she brings inside of this tent. Her nipples are barely hidden in the small cloth dragging from one corner of the breasts to the other.

As my gaze descends, the lower half of her body transforms into delicate, translucent wings reminiscent of a moth. They unfold gracefully, displaying intricate patterns that catch and reflect the ambient light. Each wing bears a network of fine veins, creating an intricate mosaic with runes similar to the ones I found earlier. Her legs are exposed, adorned with a soft fluffy fur. 

She is beautiful.

Mila catches me gawking at her and clears her throat, bringing me back down to reality and to her shackles.

"Luna welcomes the weary travelers to her sanctuary. Luna is the guardian of the first layer, the realm of endless possibilities and unforeseen dangers. Luna senses the pain in the wounded one," the moth-woman called Luna says, weirdly speaking about herself in 3rd person. I exchange a glance with Mila.

"Were you the one following me, Luna? You spied on us?" I ask.

"Luna was just curious," she admits, her voice a delicate whisper. Blushing, red marks coloring her cheeks and nose, she looks down at her feet, nervously chewing the inside of her lips. "The lights of the fire, they enchanted Luna. She wanted to see who the visitors were and then Luna heard sounds."

I blush slightly too as she refers to Mila and I fucking in the helicopter.

"Luna just wishes to understand... to learn your kind."

"It's alright," I say, "What happened to those who followed us?"

Before Mila can answer, Luna does. "Luna has been following you for a while, and she has understood someone was after you two. Luna left a message in runes, that's the only way Luna knows how to write, but it was too late. So Luna intercepted you and made sure to kill the spider's followers. They won't bother you anymore, Luna made sure of it."

Just how powerful this woman-moth is?! As I try to stand up I wince in pain.

I look down, my leg has been carefully wrapped in bandages. Luna moves towards me, her long white hair looks like silk and moves as such against her body. She crouches by my side, and inspect my wound.

"Luna wishes to help,"

Mila scoffs. "Luna should then unshackle me asap,"

Luna turns towards Mila, a frown takes place on her forehead. "No."

"No?" Mila echoes her in disbelief.

"Luna won't unshackle the spider king's whore."

Mila shrieks to Luna to let her go. I wonder how Luna knows of Mila's past. Arguing with the woman seems unwise, so I go along with her.

"Where are we right now?"

Luna blushes again, it seems she does so every time I open my mouth. "You are in Luna's king territory, neither spiders nor their sentinels will make it pass the moth's magic. Luna is surprised the spider king's whore did."

"I am not his whore!" Mila echoes her.

"Luna's king wishes to speak to you, male human," she blushes again, "The king awaits you deeper in Luna's realm, Luna can accompany you to his presence."

I notice know, arounds her waist, the glint of what looks like an old gear used to descent the depths of the hole. A thought crosses through my mind. Her kind must have been the one stealing the human's gears.

"Will Mila be safe in this canopy?"

Mila widens her eyes, "Don't you dare leaving me alone, Adonis!"

Luna looks down on her feet, "Luna doesn't like Mila, but Luna can promise the magic surrounding you both will keep her safe."

"Adonis!" Mila admonishes me.

I ignore her. This is not the time to fumble, I have to speak to this king and convince him to give me the gears.

"Trust me, Mila," I tell her. Mila stops screaming, instead she pouts.

"Lead the way!" I say and Luna smiles.