Chapter 20 – Gunshot wound

As we walk, Luna leads me to an alcove filled with an array of weapons, each piece carefully organized. All hope is perhaps not lost.

"Choose what you need, Adonis. The Mothkin trust you to wield their creations wisely."

But my initial enthusiasm dies quickly as I examine them more closely. The Mothkin artisans have indeed put effort into crafting these tools, but the result is a collection of rather rudimentary weapons. The materials used are simple – wood, stone, and bits of metal salvaged from the remnants of abandoned helicopters.

The spears have pointed ends, but the edges are not as sharp as one would hope. The bows are crafted from flexible branches, and the arrows appear more suitable for hunting small game than confronting giant spiders. Wooden shields, adorned with moth-like patterns, are sturdy but lack the refined construction of those from my world.

Luna watches me with anticipation, her eyes filled with hope. It's clear that the Mothkin have done their best with the resources at their disposal, but the limitations of their materials are apparent. I choose a simple bow and a quiver of arrows, a wooden shield, and a spear that seems somewhat more serviceable than the others. As I equip the weapons, a thought crosses my mind. If Luna is willing to assist, perhaps she can provide invaluable information about the spiders – their weaknesses, habits, and the lay of the land in the layers below.

"Luna," I begin cautiously, "do you know anything about the spiders' lair, their strengths or weaknesses?"

She hesitates, as if deliberating whether to share certain details. "Luna knows some things, Adonis. The spiders are powerful, and their queen commands formidable magic. They're skilled in weaving traps, much like the ones you encountered in the realm. Luna advises caution and stealth."

Well how am I capable of doing stealth when I have to kill something?

Luna suddenly collapses on the cavern floor, moaning in pain as she clutches her leg.

"What happened?" I ask urgently, scanning her for injuries.

Luna winces, her breaths coming in short gasps. "It's the curse," she whispers, her voice strained. "During the crossfire with the spider queen's minions, a bullet grazed Luna's leg. It's nothing, nothing Luna can't handle."

I inspect the wound, realizing that the rudimentary weapons we obtained won't be sufficient to treat it. The bullet has left a significant injury, and without proper medical attention, infection could set in.

"We need to find a way to help you," I say, my mind racing for a solution. "Do you have healers?"

Luna nods, sweat trickling down her forehead. I lift her from the ground and she points me in the direction of the healing chambers.