Chapter 27 – Sylvan

I will publish an extra chapter soon to make up for the inconvenience! See you in one hour :)

Luna goes to try her luck with the magic in one corner, creating illusions with the flicker of her fingers while Mila takes a different approach, sitting on her makeshift bed and braiding her hair. As for me, I decide to scout the surroundings, looking for any potential threats or opportunities.

"Be careful, Adonis!" Luna waves at me, scared that I am going outside. I wave back and so I venture out of the tent without looking back.

I step outside, and take a deep breath. The air is thick with anticipation, fear and moss. My feet brush past the green moss, it feels like a gentle caress against my bare skin. In the past few days my body has been through everything, and now I feel a weird sensation. I am tired.

I drag my feet across the glare in front of me, looking back and forth to check if a spider is awaiting for me to make a step out of the barrier. there is not such a thing.

As I walk out of the barrier, it is as if the air grows thinner and purer and I can finally breathe again. I smile despite everything. The trees are tall, the bark surrounded in glowing moss. I can tell we are in the mothkin territory. I get close to one of the trunks, a massive piece of wood three times wider than I am. The green glow emanating from within its core is not moss, but radium.

"I would be impress," I tell myself, "If they didn't exile Luna."

I hear a rustle of leaves coming from a nearby bush. I turn and ready lance, strapped against my back. Am I good at fighting? Not really. I did some training before descending, but I look more toned than I actually feel.

With the spear in my hand, I circle around the bush. The blade of my spear is sharp, and pointed against whatever is making that noise. Best case, I'll roast some kind of exotic meat later for dinner. Worst case, this is an ambush and I am fucked.

I stab the bush when I hear a loud cry.

"Please do not kill Sylvan!" a male voice says from the bush. I frown.

"Who the fuck is Sylvan?!"

A boy around 25 years old emerges from the bush, looking disheveled. What I thought was mostly foliage was his fur, green and brownish beneath the sunlight. His hair is curly and black, his eyes just as penetrating as Luna. He is a mothkin.

"Please don't kill Sylvan!" the boy said again.

Before I can say a word, Luna let out a surprised cry. I turn and see her behind me, concern etched in her beautiful face. She runs towards the mothkin, her gigantic breasts swinging left and right as she does so.

"Sylvan! What happened?" She caresses his face, I feel a sudden pang of jealousy. I should've known that Luna must have had someone she was close to.

Mila is next to me now, looking up and down the mothkin with a hungry grin on her face.

"Who's the stud?"

I can't help but roll my eyes at her attempt to flirt.

"Adonis, Mila… this is Luna's best friend, Sylvan!" Luna says with a small curtsy bow. Mila and I exchange a quick glance. "He has followed Luna recklessly after he heard that Luna was exiled."

"Sylvan couldn't help himself!" Sylvan said with a nod, "Forgive me, lord Adonis…"

"I am no lord!" I say quickly, but Sylvan bow his head anyway.

"A friend? Nothing else?" Mila asks with a grin, then grabs his hand and shakes it. "My name is Mila, and the pleasure is all mine."

Mila's gaze falls on the bulge in Sylvan's pants, protruding as if he was hard. Sylvan notices, and blushes vehemently.

"Sylvan and Luna have been friends for over a decade," Luna explains. The words echo around me as I take in that bit of information. A decade… did she really just say a decade?!

"Just how old are you?" I ask Luna. She blushes.

"Well… Luna is 128 years old… while Sylvan is 120."

My jaw metaphorically drops on the ground as I stare at Luna, the beauty who couldn't even have more than 25 years, to be a 128 years old… it makes no sense. She is cute, nice, gentle and she has said she has never used a didlo! For 128 years."

Mila leans against a nearby tree, the curves of her voluptuous breasts in plain sight for Sylvan to get harder from. He does, anybody could tell from miles away.

"I have never fucked one century year old man… there is always a first though,"

"Mothkin do not involve themselves in acts of pleasures," Sylvan explain, blushing.

"Wait… you don't do sex?" Mila asks confused.

"Yes, mothkin do perform sexual rites only when in need of a new mothkin to be born."

"That's sounds utterly boring, Sylvan. And a pity," she sighs as she takes in one more time his sight before turning towards me. "I guess you are still the only one who is getting pussy."

I don't answer, instead I focus on what I have just learned. That's why Luna had no idea about dildos and pleasure, for them sex is a duty and yet she has asked me to fuck her. Our gaze meets, I feel electricity in my whole body just by taking in her sight. She wants to know what pleasure means, how one must feel finishing. I promise myself to go visit her that night, and explore her wetness with my tongue. She must finish at least once in her life, and her first pleasure won't be coming from an old-used dildo.

As if sensing my thoughts, her antennas twitch. I can read desire on her lips, on her entire body. I imagine her nipples stiffling, my hand brushing every curve in her body, cupping her breasts, licking her naked pussy. I am hard, I can't deny that I want to take Luna and make her moan my name, scream it if she like.

I don't care for Mila, as of right now my eyes and body are craving Luna more than anything. I wish I had fucked her in her bedroom, when she asked me about the dildo. What was I thinking? This mothkin was giving herself on me, pushing me to fuck her and let her feel pleasure, and I was dwindling about it?! I was turning insane, insane for not taking her in this glare and shove my cock inside of her.

"Adonis, what's going on?" Mila asks, cocking her head to the side.

I shake away those feelings, I would be fucking Luna soon but now I had to focus.

"Sylvan, you should probably go back to your kin before they figure out you disappeared," I say, because I don't want an old friend to be circling around Luna anytime soon, especially during our lovemaking session. Sylvan shakes his head, of course he does.

"No, please Adonis let Sylvan stay! Sylvan and Luna have been friends since young, Sylvan doesn't want to live a life in which Luna is not present."

This sounds mostly like a love confession. I don't like it one bit.

"Please Adonis," Luna says this time, I blush now that she stands in front of me with her breasts plastered against my chest. How can a 128 years old be so cute? So unaware of her sexy appeal?

I needed her, I needed to know how sex was with Luna.

"Why would I let him join us?" I ask, truly questioning that choice.

"Sylvan is a friend, and a worthy ally! Sylvan can help Adonis win against the spiderqueen." Her eyes are giant, looking up at me as if I am her last hope. I let out a deep breaths, feeling her body pressed against mine in a plea.

Luna slowly goes on to her knees, and lay her back against the moss. To everyone surprise, she openes wide her legs and looks up at where I am.

"You can do whatever you want to me," she said with a hard swallow. As her legs are now spread I can see a tiny spot of wetness in the middle of her underwear.


"Whatever you want," she repeats slowly, "but let Sylvan join us! He needs allies, and I was one of them back home."

Mila scoffs, "And why would Adonis wanna fuck an old hag of a bug girl?!" she says with disdain. Oh, how little she knows me.

"Stand up, Luna." I tell her, and my tone of voice is serious. She nods and closes her legs, my dick aches at the her sight being taken away from me. I reposition myself, covering my dick to cover my hardness. Hopefully nobody noticed.

"I will help, you don't need to be acting… like this." I gesture around with my free hand. She nods with embarrassment, and then I regard Sylvan. "You're free to join us, Sylvan." I extend my hand to him and shake it weakly. "But keep in mind, Luna was handed over to me so that I could look after her."

I don't mention the slave situation, but I want Sylvan to be aware that she wanted me.

He nods, "Of course, thank you Adonis for letting Sylvan join!" he says.

"I hope I didn't poke you with my spear earlier.."

"Oh? No, no I am fine."

What a pity I didn't hit his cock. I look at our misfit group, the misfits. This time when we divide again, we actually go to work. All I do is making sure I made Luna experience pleasure that night.