
She decided to dance, remembering the words of her friend Liz: It is true that there are so many men. For example, she was surrounded by gallants who offered her beer and invited her to sit at their tables. With a smile, refused them, telling them: “I am a married woman; my husband is not late in arriving.”

An evil plan came out of the heads of a group of men who were also drinking alcohol there; they wanted to take advantage of her drunkenness by taking her to the exit to rape her to exhaustion and then sell her. For sure, for sure, for that beautiful girl, the white slave traders would offer a few good dollars. Because they were eager to carry out the plan and were encouraged by Ximena's silly smile, they surrounded her and took her away, pretending to be concerned friends. Of course, they did not count on Luis' call, who wired money to the owner of the bar to protect her and who managed to alert his doormen to protect her.

“Leave the lady alone, or else.”