Chapter 11 Brainless Stupid Woman

Ye Shian's ears turned red, and he politely clasped his fists towards the dean, "I still have things to deal with, sorry to bother you, Uncle Ouyang."

After saying that, he turned around and went downstairs.

After talking for a long time, Ouyang Yu's mouth was dry, and he smiled as he watched the man disappear into the yard. After Song Yizhou, this was the only supporter of Lishan Academy. Although he was a relative, Shi An was in a high position, and if something really happened, he would not stand idly by.

Turning back to face his good-for-nothing nephew, Ouyang Yun's heart sank, "You can jump around now, right? What are you standing here for? Get out!"

With a loud roar, Master Ge signaled Yao Ji with his eyes, and asked others to come over and quickly drag the man out.

When the bell rang, Song Yanjin yawned as he walked to the kindergarten class. He didn't take a nap in the afternoon, but he got a delicious meal. It was worth it!

Bai Zhu behind him was also yawning.


The two drowsy people were knocked to the ground. Song Yanjin got up, covering his butt, to see who the reckless guy was.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ye Shiran apologized hurriedly, picked up his book on the ground and ran quickly into the academy. If he got any later, Mr. Fang would kill him.

Bai Zhu stretched out his hand but found nothing. He bent down to pick up the young lady's book and said, "You are so reckless, young boy."

Song Yanjin patted the dust off his butt and said, "Let's go, the children are waiting inside."

Quickly walking into the courtyard and into the classroom, the children were full of energy after their nap, and their endless chattering became quiet the moment Song Yanjin came in.

Taking the book handed over by Bai Zhu, Song Yanjin flipped through it. It was not his lesson preparation notes. Thinking of the reckless student who bumped into him just now, he looked carefully at the article in the book, curled his lips slightly and shook his head. What kind of thing is this? It's so fancy and unrealistic.

We learned five characters in the afternoon. Song Yanjin still remembered them by heart, so he stood up and wrote them on the small wooden board behind him, then started teaching them one by one.

Ye Shiran from the next courtyard walked into the school and was dumbfounded when he looked through the books. How could these scribbles be his homework?

I looked up at Mr. Fang sitting in the lecture hall and sighed helplessly, thinking that I would never have the chance to leave the school.

The whole class was devoted to policy essays. Fortunately, there was no question-and-answer session. Ye Shiran looked at Gui Huafu's notes very carefully. The content was about teaching "Thousand Character Classic". He vaguely guessed that it was from Mr. Song in the kindergarten class next door.

Occasionally there was a short story in the notes. Ye Shiran pursed her lips, shook her shoulders and laughed silently. She didn't expect Teacher Song to be so interesting. No wonder the children in the kindergarten class liked her so much.

During the break, Ye Shiran took his notes and went to the next courtyard. He was a little reluctant to leave, but he couldn't get his homework book back for the next class, and he really had no way to explain when Mr. Fang asked him questions.

The children in the kindergarten yard were as noisy as usual. Ye Shiran walked into the classroom and saw Master Song surrounded by the children. His face twitched, "Hello, Master Song. I am Ye Shiran from the next yard. It was unintentional that I bumped into you during class earlier. I hope you can forgive me."

He took out his notebook and said, "I picked up the wrong book. I'm returning it to you now."

Song Yanjin smiled but said nothing. The boy looked so righteous, but he didn't expect that the article he wrote was such a stinking piece of shit.

"You knocked down our little Master Song and you still have the nerve to come to his door?" The little fat man grasped the key point, stood in front of Master Song in a protective manner, and tilted his head to glare at the big brother who was half a head taller than him.

The little bean buns gathered around and said, "That's it!"

"that is!"

"There's no point in apologizing. Our little Master Song is hurt."

The noise gave Ye Shiran a headache. He was a bully at home, but he didn't expect to be threatened and bullied by a group of kids today. He raised his hands in surrender, "Master Song, I have already apologized to you, please come out and say something."

Song Yanjin shook his head helplessly and handed the homework book on the table to Bai Zhu.

Bai Zhu threw the book into his arms viciously and said, "Young man, please watch your eyes when you walk next time."

Ye Shiran took his textbook, threw his notes back, pushed away the group of children and fled.

"This kid"

Bai Zhu took the book and wanted to chase after the person and beat him up viciously.

After the last activity class ended and sending the children off, Song Yanjin and Bai Zhu happily rushed to the dormitory to eat chicken tonight!

There were laughter coming from the small kitchen, and Song Yanjin thought to himself that something was wrong.

Bai Zhu also became anxious and ran into the small kitchen. Four female teachers were smiling gracefully and sipping the chicken soup. There were four small piles of chicken skeletons on the table in front of them.

Bai Zhu was furious and went forward to overturn the small table. "Eat, eat, eat. I'll let you eat."

"Ah~" Yao Ji screamed, shaking her stained skirt.

The remaining three teachers licked their lips, avoided eye contact and kept silent.

The bowls on the floor were smashed to pieces, and the small table was about to fall apart, a mess. Song Yanjin walked in with a cold face, "I didn't have enough time to make chicken soup at noon, and the chicken wasn't cooked yet. I had classes in the afternoon and couldn't take care of it. I was just planning to come over after school to make some soup and invite all the teachers to enjoy it together, but I didn't expect that all the sisters had eaten it in advance."

The female teachers tried hard to suppress their nausea. It was Yao Ji who said that she would take over when Sister Song came, so they got on the pirate ship.

The beautiful lady An Huaimin stepped forward and said, "Sister Song, please be patient. This afternoon I asked my maid to go to the town to buy two pheasants. I wanted to ask you to teach me how to cook them. When I came back from get out of class, I happened to meet Sister Yaoji in the small kitchen. The chicken soup was so delicious that I couldn't help but taste a bowl of it. Now these two pheasants are for Sister Song as compensation."

When the maid outside heard it, she hurried in carrying a bamboo cage containing two pheasants.

An Huaimin was the teacher of Danqing in the girls' school. His family was well-off and he worked in the academy just for fun. He was a polite person and whenever he met someone in the academy, he would greet him in a friendly manner.

Song Yanjin glanced past her and looked at Master Ding and Master Shao. The two were older and seemed to be taking advantage of their seniority, so he rarely met them on weekdays.

Yao Ji couldn't stand it anymore and said disdainfully, "You are so selfish, you girl. We live in the same courtyard, so what's wrong with you drinking your chicken soup? Master An has already compensated you with the chicken, what else do you want?"

This person had been thinking about her chicken at noon. Song Yanjin sneered, "Master An paid for the chicken, that's her business. The three of you should either pay for the chicken or pay for the money. If you don't pay for the chicken soup you drank, your stomach will get rotten, and none of you will have a good ending."

The girl with a sharp tongue blocked her way out and even cursed her!

Master Ding glared at her unhappily, "Sister Song is narrow-minded, there's no need to make such a fuss over a bowl of chicken soup and living in the same dormitory."

"Yes, yes, it was Yao Ji who made us drink. You should ask her for compensation." Master Shao wiped his mouth and passed the blame after eating and drinking.

Yao Ji gritted her teeth and said, "You two old guys, the food you just ate was delicious, but you dare to blame me, I will beat you to death."

As he said this, he rushed over and grabbed one of them by the hair. The two men screamed in pain and fought back.

Master Ding and Master Shao were old and strong, so they fought back against Yao Ji with bows left and right.

Yao Ji, who didn't know her own limitations, was quickly defeated and was trampled to the ground and beaten by the two men.

Brainless stupid woman, Song Yanjin smacked his lips and shook his head, who gave her the courage to fight two people at once?

"stop fighting."

"Sister Ding and Sister Shao, stop hitting me!"

Master An's kind words of advice did not go unheeded, and he anxiously pulled Song Yanjin, "Sister Song, please try to persuade them. We live in the same dormitory and see each other all day long. Please don't hurt the harmony."