Chapter 21 The Female Ghost Appears

Bai Zhu was so angry that she picked up the wooden stick against the door and waved it, "I'll beat you guys to death for being such a gossip. You are the mistress."

"My young lady is here on a lease, I'll beat you to death, you bastard."

Such a fierce girl didn't look like a concubine, and everyone dispersed in fear.

Song Yanjin heard the noise outside, threw the feather duster on the table and went out, "What happened to Baizhu?"

There were scattered debris on the floor at the door. Bai Zhu was angrily leaning against a wooden root and panting. After catching her breath, she spoke, "Miss, these gossipers say that we are the mistresses of the master. It's so hateful!"

"Why listen to these? Let's just live our own lives." Song Yanjin went back calmly and took out a broom to sweep the garbage scattered on the road.

The young lady was careless, so Baizhu put the wooden stick back at the door, put down the backpack and repacked the sundries.

Carry the fallen leaves and other things to the vegetable garden in the backyard and burn them into ashes to fertilize the soil when you have time.

After the inner room was cleaned, Song Yanjin picked up his pen to write a poem himself, put some rice paste on the rice paper, and patched the broken vents on the doors and windows.

The two of them hurried out to buy groceries before sunset. This was the first meal in the new house, so Song Yanjin made up his mind and bought a chicken.

The kitchen in the backyard is still usable, and there are several piles of firewood. It seems that the deceased mistress was very much loved by the master, and every detail was taken care of.

Song Yanjin is very good at making dry pot chicken.

After a very filling dinner, he changed his usual exercise into labor. The weeds in the two vegetable plots in the backyard were growing again, so Song Yanjin rolled up his sleeves and started working again.

Baizhu felt bad for having nothing to do, so he started pulling out the weeds.

When it got dark, Baizhu held a candle and went to look for the newly bought quilt. No matter how much the young lady disliked her today, she still wanted to share a room with her, even if it meant sleeping on the floor.

Song Yanjin, who was used to reading imperial examination materials before going to bed, seemed to be asleep while lying on the bed, but in fact his eyes were wide open.

"Woo woo."

Here it comes! The ghost is coming. Baizhu covered her head with the quilt and pretended not to hear it.

Song Yanjin exited the system and listened carefully. The crying sound seemed to come from the backyard.

He got up, dressed, and got out of bed, patting Baizhu's quilt, "Baizhu."

The dead girl covered her head so tightly that I couldn't even touch it.

"Ah~ Don't catch me!"

Baizhu covered herself more and more tightly with the quilt.

Song Yanjin: "."

He kicked her and said, "Don't be afraid, Baizhu. Listen carefully. It's people crying."

Baizhu in the quilt heard what the young lady said and pricked up her ears to listen carefully.

What the lady said seemed to be true. Thinking about the people watching at the door during the day, I started to wonder if someone was doing this to deliberately scare people.

Bai Zhu threw back the quilt and came out, "Miss, let's go. I want to see who is playing tricks."

The two of them used handkerchiefs to cover the candlelight and crouched down to go to the backyard.

The sobbing sound was getting closer and closer, right inside the firewood pile. Song Yanjin signaled Baizhu to start from the side.

The two men dug through the firewood pile, and the people inside jumped out alertly.

Song Yanjin could only see a thin figure in the dim candlelight. There was a dog hole under the firewood pile, so it was obvious that the person came in from here.

Bai Zhu patted his chest and said, "It's so infuriating. What kind of ghost story is this? Feelings are just fake."

Today I moved into the yard, and the ghost came! It seems that he has some intentions towards this house. Song Yanjin took off his handkerchief and shone the candlelight into the hole, trying to find if there would be any clues left.

A large area of ​​grass was flattened, and it looked like it had been there for more than a day or two.

"I'm going to seal this dog hole tomorrow and see if she can still play tricks." Bai Zhu kicked the bundle of firewood over angrily.

Song Yanjin pulled her back to the bedroom, "It's up to you. We've already alerted the enemy today. Maybe he won't come again in the next few days."

It's safer to block it. The two girls live here to prevent someone with bad intentions from coming in and causing trouble.

Bai Zhu now fell asleep with peace of mind, hugging the quilt.

Song Yanjin couldn't sleep. She passed by the Song Mansion during the day. She had no family in modern times, but here she had family but had never felt the warmth of home since she was a child. The eldest princess said that the Song Mansion was not much better than the academy.

My father had gone to the academy before and took away the documents. Now that I am no longer a teacher in the academy, this thing needs to be sent back. I will write a letter to my father tomorrow.

Thinking about future plans, I gradually closed my eyes.

Baizhu got up early with joy after having a family. She went to the backyard kitchen to cook porridge first. There were still weeds to be pulled out in the vegetable garden, so she started to work without saying a word.

Not to mention, such days are like those in Baihua Village. Fortunately, she met a very good lady.

Song Yanjin got up late today and went to the backyard. He had already pulled out all the weeds in the vegetable garden. He would go to the market and buy some vegetable seeds.

After breakfast, he took Baizhu out for a walk. Passing by Shuyuan Street, Song Yanjin walked in with the hope that there might be a school recruiting teachers, or a school that was idle and rented out.

Bai Zhu behind him was very afraid of the academy. The young lady was a teacher in Lishan Academy and was bullied every other day!

The notices posted at the school gate are all recruiting famous teachers.

Tsk~ Song Yanjin showed disdain on his face. Discrimination also existed in ancient society. Which teacher didn't start out as a novice?

As we walked further and further, we saw a large lake in front of us. This lake was different from the lake at Lishan Academy. Looking back, the lakeshore was in the shape of a heart. This was also Song Yanjin's modern thinking. Ancient people had never seen a human heart, so they had no idea what it looked like.

Willow trees are swaying in the wind, and there are many pavilions on the bank. Inside, elegant students in long gowns are reciting poems and composing couplets, and the sound of laughter is everywhere.

Song Yanjin returned along the same route. Xiao Ruan left his address when he left last time. As a dental assistant, he must know if there are any schools for rent or sale.

It was almost noon and Baizhu was hungry. She couldn't move away when she passed by the wonton stall.

Song Yanjin had no choice but to sit down with her, "Boss, give me two bowls of wontons."

"Have you heard? Someone died in the West Market, and his limbs were chopped off. Old Liu, who was pulling swill, passed by this morning and was scared. He was the one who reported the case to the government office."

"Is this true? Is the dead man or woman?"

"Not really."

West Market? No wonder the market was not as lively as yesterday when he passed by it this morning. Song Yanjin thought of the woman dressed as a ghost yesterday. It was midnight then. It couldn't be such a coincidence!

The stall owner brought wontons, but Bai Zhu ignored them and just ate them. It was so scary, it was like someone was going to die...

The wontons tasted delicious. Song Yanjin hadn't eaten pasta for a long time, so he picked up the spoon involuntarily and went back to buy some flour. He would also invite Xiao Ruan, who was as greedy as Bai Zhu.

After eating, he went to the market to buy some things. When he returned to his residence, Song Yanjin ground ink and wrote two letters, asking Bai Zhu to deliver one to the Honglu Temple and the other to invite Xiao Ruan to have dinner with him.

I still have to trouble Xiao Ruan with the school matters. Last time in the restaurant, the kid drank a few sips of wine and started talking nonsense. Among them, he said that he was a bastard of the family, and that his two eldest brothers, who were taking the imperial examinations, were fond of him and looked down on him for running around outside all day.

Baizhu came back and bought some vegetables. The lady said there would be guests tonight.