Becoming Enlightened

Xiao fan and Xiao dong were standing beside, watching them drink grape juice. They started at them had looked very pitifully. Xiao Jing ting let them take a sip of grapes juice to relish the flavor but he didn't expect it made the two kids crave for more.

Xu Muan couldn't stand their greedy look and drove them to sleep.

Xiao fan sat on the bed and rubbed his feet, full of exasperation, "Daddy and father are getting more and more stingy."

Xiao fan was very aggrieved. In the past, his father hid the delicious food and ate it himself. Now, his Daddy also eats delicious food with father, but they were driven to bed.

Xiao dong looked at Xiao fan and hummed, "It's a pity that we don't have much strength. That's why we can only eat less, and if we eat more, we will only get sick. When I grow up, my strength will also rise and I will be able to eat a lot more. Poor thing, I've been teaching you for so long, but you still haven't even gotten any progress yet, so you can only continue to eat little."

Xiao fan was full of surprise and looked at Xiao dong, pouting, and it looked like he was about cry.

Xiao dong said coldly, "It's useless for you to look at me like that."

Xiao fan was unable to practice, which was the biggest concern of Xu Muan. Xiao dong would also urge Xiao fan to work harder when he was free. He would teach Xiao fan step by step, but Xiao fan still had been unable to get started.

Xiao fan blinked his eyes and looked at Xiao dong with a pale face, but Xiao dong was ot moved.

Xiao fan pouted, crossed his legs, and started cultivating according to Xiao dong's method.

After a few moments, Xiao dong was somewhat surprised to discover that he actually sensed Qi from Xiao fan body.

Xiao dong looked at Xiao fan and started at him with eyes full of amazement, before, he had spent to much effort, but Xiao fan still didn't make any progress. But now he could feel the Qin in his body. It turned out that when it came to food, this boy could make some advance.

In fact, Xiao fan got enlightened not all because of he food. Xiao fan recently ate a lot of goof food and his body was full of spiritual energy. Now when Xiao dong's words provoked him just now, he naturally felt the Qi.

Xu Muan touched his stomach when he was full and thought to himself, The qi I absorbed after eating a meal like that is equivalent to what I had absorbed for dozens of days.

"Daddy, father, brother become enlightened." Xiao dong tugged on Xu Muan hand.

Xu Muan's eyes brightened as he glanced at Xiao dong's body.

"Daddy, did you see that?"

"Yes, I saw it." Xu Muan looked at Xiao fan, only to feel that good things were coming one after another recently, if, it could go on like this forever, then he would be forever on cloud nine.


Uncle Li, I'II trouble you again." Xu Muan said to Li Sheng.

Li Sheng shook his head and said, "It's okay, my pleasure, I'm making a living for this."

Because there was a bit too much stuff, Xu Muan directly rented Li Sheng ox cart for a whole day this time.

"Are you going to sell the newly harvested grain?" Li Sheng asked.

Xu Muan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Where is your husband? Why didn't he come with you?" Li Sheng asked.

"He went to the farm." Xu Muan said.

Li Sheng was filled with gratification, "Your husband now entrusts you with the matters of selling grin. It is evident that he trusts you."

Xu Muan smiled faintly.

Li Sheng looked at Xu Muan's smile, nodded and said, "That is right, families are supposed to support each other."

Li Sheng grabbed a handful of grain and was filled with wonder, "It's indeed the spirit grain grown by a third level Qi Practitioner. The quality of this spirit grin is extraordinary."

Xu Muan smiled, he also felt that the grains grown by Xiao Jing ting was of high quality and this batch wasn't even the best one, the best ones were left at home.

Xiao Jing ting said that the best should be left for his own family to eat, and Xu Muan felt that the quality of the grains planted by Xiao Jing ting was so good and it did not look like it was planed on the low-grade field so he agreed to Xiao Jing ting's idea of leaving the best grain at home for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

"From what I hear, your husband has changed a lot lately." Li Sheng said.

Xu Muan nodded and said, "He has changed a lot."

"Good for him. If he has the ability to grow crops, he won't need to worry about earning enough money, right?"

Xu Muan bowed his head and cloud not help feeling a little uneasy. Xiao Jing ting made too many mistakes in the past, but now Xiao Jing ting was too good. It was common to have three wives and four concubines in this Wasteland.

The first time they arrived n Mound Village, many people wanted to be a matchmaker for Xiao Jing ting. Later, when those people saw that Xiao Jing ting was acting badly, no one came to visit them anymore. If their life turned better in the future, those people would come back again.

Xu Muan shook his head drove out the bad ideas from his mind.

Xu Muan sold the spirit crops and returned home. He handed over 22 tales of silver to Xiao Jing ting, saying, "Crops were sold for 26 tales of silver, I spent 4 tales of silver for earthworms, so here is 22 tales of silver left."

Xiao Jing ting took the money and said, "Thank you for you hard work."

Xu Muan shook his head and said, "it's all right, it's not hard at all. By the way, when I went to the street, several people saw me and ordered grapes from me."

"Ordered grapes?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

Xu Muan nodded and said, "Yes, many of the people who bought grapes yesterday still want to buy some grapes. The grapes from Yuehe Restaurant are very expensive, and there are many people who bought grapes from us yesterday. Many people know that the grapes from Yuehe Restaurant are from us, so..."

Xiao Jing ting thought for a moment and said, "I see. If someone needs more, we can sign a long-term contract at a cheaper price."