Xiao Jinfeng

"I'II go to the city tomorrow and do some shopping, and then we'II do it." Xiao Jing ting said.

Hearing what Xiao Jing ting said, Xu Muan naturally had no opinion and replied, "All right."

The next day, Xu Muan looked at the things bought by Xiao Jing ting, speechless.

"You're back. I've bought you a lot of things. Come and have a look." Xiao Jing ting was full of excitement as he faced Xu Muan.

"Look at these shoes. They are called Wind Boots and can double the speed. These clothes are third-level robes that can offset 50% of the attack power. This is internal armor, which can protect key parts, and this bead, if you throw them out, they will explode. Unfortunately, they are disposable items and will be gone once used. I also bought some attack talismans. Each costs seven tales of silver. It's so damn expensive..."

In his two lifetimes, Xiao Jing ting exceptionally valued his life, and although he coveted Green Cloud Grass that could enhance his strength, he valued his own life even more.

"How much money did you spend?!" Xu Muan asked Xiao Jing ting who bought two sets of things. One for Xu Muan that was laid on the bed and his own set was already put on. Xiao Jing ting also bought himself a pair of green bamboo swords.

Xiao Jing ting smiled awkwardly and said, "A total of 140 tales of silver."

Xu Muan was stunned for a moment. After the spiritual plants from medium-level fields were sold, they earned more than 300 tales of silver. Xiao Jing ting gave him 100 tales of silver and Xu Muan thought that Xiao Jing ting would spend the rest of silver for a period of time since he had more than 200 tales of silver, however, Xiao Jing ting spent more than 130 tales of silver in one go. During this period, Xiao Jing ting also spent a lot of money on long-term workers and if they went on like this, 200 tales of silver would not be enough to spend at all.

Xu Muan secretly said to himself: Xiao Jing ting has changed a lot recently, but his habit of lavish spending has not changed! However it is still better for Xiao Jing ting to buy practical things rather than spending it on eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Although he tried his best to comfort himself, Xu Muan couldn't help feeling pain.

"Well, I was born to be useful, and even if I run out of money, I will start all over again. Try them!" Seeing Xu Muan in pain, Xiao Jing ting comforted him.

Xu Muan nodded and said, "All right!"

The next day, Xiao fan and Xiao dong were told to take good care of their house as Xiao Jing ting walked towards the mountains with Xu Muan.

"Master Xiao, going to the fields?!"

"Master Xiao, next time you're looking for someone to farm, remember to look for the one in my house."

"Master Xiao, you really look good in this outfit!"

"Master Xiao, is it your newly bought sword? It suits you well."


Xu Muan titled his head and looked at Xiao Jing ting, saying: "You have become a popular man now."

Xiao Jing ting laughed and said, "Let's go."

When Xu Muan and Xiao Jing ting reached the wilderness, they unexpectedly found a snake and eagle fighting. Seeing this, Xu Muan and Xiao Jing ting were stunned for a moment and quickly his themselves.

Humans and demonic beasts were natural enemies, and when demonic beasts encountered people in the wild, those fighting monsters could easily work together to deal with the humans first.

"I miscalculated. Green Cloud Grass has already started to emit its fragrance." It was just that the fragrance was still light.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "It is fine, the wilderness is unpredictable."

The giant snake and the eagle fought a fierce battle.

A small snake fell down from the top of the tree, startling Xiao Jing ting, which immediately attracted the attention of two fighting demonic beasts.

"I'II distract them and you destroy Green Cloud Grass." Xu Muan made a quick decision and jumped from under the tree, attacking two demonic beasts when he was still in the air. Attracting them to chase after him.

Although he was worried about Xu Muan's safety, Xiao Jing ting did not dare to give up on the opportunity Xu Muan had secured for him. He quickly jumped down the tree and threw Green Cloud Grass into the jade pendant space.

A roar of fierce eagle rang out. Xiao Jing ting was shocked, since he did not expected that demonic beast would return so quickly.

It turned out that after the giant eagle was led away by Xu Muan, it suddenly noticed that the scent of the Green Cloud Grass had disappeared so it left the giant snake and Xu Muan and ran back. When the giant snake saw the eagle turn back, he didn't brother to pay attention to Xu Muan and also turned back.

When Xu Muan saw the giant eagle and snake run back, he could only turn back as well.

"Run." Xu Muan shouted.

Xiao Jing ting quickly ran away, only hating that his parents hadn't given him an additional pair of legs.

Seeing Green Cloud Grass disappear, the angry giant eagle chased after Xiao Jing ting, swinging its sharp claws towards hi back.

Xu Muan shot three arrow toward the giant eagle; one aimed at the throat and the others at its wings.

Two of the three arrows failed but one hit the giant eagle's wing. Xu Muan sleeve arrows were so sharp that thet pierced through the wing, making the giant eagle's flight very unstable.

Xiao Jing ting didn't have time to celebrate since the python had already rushed towards him. Xiao Jing ting immediately made a decision and threw out the black beads, which exploded, shattering a few scales on top of the python's head.

Xiao Jing ting looked at the python, which was still showing its sharp teeth and waving its claws, and he cursed the treacherous businessman who sold him these beads in mind.

A sleeve arrow shot towards the demonic python, making it scream immediately.

Xiao Jing ting excitedly took out his stack of talismans and smashed them at the demonic python.

Taking advantage of the python's dizziness, he hit with his two swords at the demonic python's wound.

The giant eagle in the sky, seeing the miserable situation of the demonic python flew away gloomily.

Xu Muan took back the sleeve arrows he shot out. There were six arrows in this set and within a certain distance, the sleeve would sense the sleeve arrow and make them return automatically.

Xiao Jing ting looked at the dead python in shock and touched his own chest.

"Are you alright?" Xu Muan asked as he walked toward Xiao Jing ting.

Xiao Jing ting shook his head and said, "It's all right. Are you okay? What's the ,matter with you? You look like you're not in a good mood!"

"The arrow just now hit the wing of the flying eagle, and this eagle took one of mu sleeve arrows away." Xu Muan was a little regretful. A set of sleeve arrows could play an important role. If one of them was missing, it could be much worse. The sleeve arrow was the first precious gift given to him by Xiao Jing ting, so Xu Muan actually cherished it very much.

"It is alright. In the future, I'II buy you a better one." Xiao Jing ting did not care about it.

Xu Muan suppressed the sense of loss in his heart, he nodded and said, "Pack up and let's go."

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "Okay!"

Xiao Jing ting murmured, "One talisman costs seven tales of silver, and now five of them have been used. Twelve tales of silver for one black bead. This is a big loss." To beat this demonic python, Xiao Jing ting spent 47 tales of silver. This demonic python was blown up and tattered, selling it would earn them no more than 20 tales of silver. if Xiao Jing ting was just hunting, it would have been a big loss.

Xu Muan smiled and said, "As long as we're not hurt, we can always earn more silver."

Xu Muan privately felt that Xiao Jing ting fighting quality was too poor, moreover, he could cope with the situation on the spot and he seemed to be afraid of shakes. Talisman were expensive and many people only used them to save their own lives, but Xiao Jing ting used them like they were worthless. It was such a waste. Xu Muan was afraid to speak these words to Xiao Jing ting so he just thought about it in his heart.

"Am I acting too badly?" Xiao Jing ting asked, his accuracy seemed to be too poor, and if that was not true, he would not have wasted so much silver.

Xu Muan laughed and said, "After all, you are still a novice! All beginners are like this. When I first started hunting demonic beasts, I was also at a loss. A first grade beast could frighten me to death."

Xiao Jing ting and Xu Muan packed the body of the python before leaving the jungle.

Although Xiao Jing ting chose a secluded road, they still met many people. Xiao Jing ting was now a popular figure in the village and he couldn't keep a low profile even even if he wanted to.

"Master Xiao, you are really amazing. You killed such a big snake."

"Master Xiao, you're amazing! Look at this snake, it had no power to fight you back!"

"Master Xiao, you are really capable! You can hunt as well as farm."

"Master Xiao, a snake of this size may sell for more than 20 tales of silver. You can really make a lot of money now!"


When Xiao Jing ting was praised by villagers, his face flushed with shame. His combat effectiveness was really not strong and if it wasn't for the fact that he was well prepared, he would have been already in the python's stomach.

The news that Xiao Jing ting had killed a large python spread quickly, causing the villagers evaluation of Xiao Jing ting to rise to another level.

Xiao Jing ting went back and made a big meal of peppered python meat. Xu Muan had never eaten such delicious python's meat and carelessly ate till his belly became rounded.

the python's meat was a little tough so Xiao fan and Xiao dong ate very slowly. When Xiao fan saw Xu Muan eating so fast he anxiously scratched his cheek, "Daddy, you need to eat slower, wait for me!"

Xu Muan turned his head to look at Xiao fan's sorrowful look, then looked at Xiao Jing ting seemingly smiling face and blushed.

Xiao dong glared at Xiao fan and said, "Eat your food, you talk too much."

"Hurry, just eat, it's a blessing to be able to eat!" Xiao Jing ting said as he gave Xu Muan another few pieces of meat, making Xu Muan face even redder.

"Master Xiao, there's a letter for you." As the Xiao family at their meal, the messenger's voice rang out, rescuing the embarrassed Xu Muan.

Xu Muan walked out the door and paid delivery fee and as he took the letter from the messenger's hand. He opened it and began to read.

"Who sent this letter?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

"It's from the steward of the Xiao family, named Xiao Ping."

The letter came from Xiao Ping, three years ago, Xiao Ping was an odd-job man in the Xiao family. At that time Xiao Ping's son was ill and needed a grade-three grass to save his life. The first-grade grass was everywhere, but it was not easy to cultivate it to the third grade. Xiao Ping was in a low position at that time and had no choice but to turn to Xu Muan for help.

Xu Muan had the title of Xiao Jing ting wife at that time but had no real power at all. He couldn't really help Xiao Ping, but he still thought of a way and it worked.

There was a first-grade field in Xiao Jing ting's courtyard, which was planted that were of little or no use. They were under the care of a fourth level spiritual planting master on a regular basis. Xu Muan secretly planted the first-grade ground grass into this flower bed.

Ground grass was no different from ordinary grass and no one found or took it seriously for a while.

With the nourishment of first-grade spiritual field, and the fourth level spirit planting master's unintentional care, the ground grass was indeed cultivated to a third-grade level.

Xiao Ping was later promoted by the head of the Xiao family and then promoted step by step, but he never forgot Xu Muan's kindness. Xu Muan identity was special Xiao Ping had never revealed his relationship with Xu Muan in front of people so only a few people knew they were actually on good terms.

"What does he say in the letter?' Xiao Jing ting asked curiously.

Xu Muan looked sullen as he said, "Something happened to your second brother."

Xiao Jing ting was suddenly alarmed. The original body owner's second brother Xiao Jinfeng had three attributes of metal, fire, and earth, although he has some attributes suitable for farming, his earth qualifications were very low and not valued by the Xiao family. in Xiao Jing ting impression, the bigger the family was, the more they valued their children. The children with strong wood attributes would be given priority.

Xiao Jinfeng was very progressive person, completely different from the original body owner. But the treatment Xiao Jing ting got was still much better than Xiao Jinfeng in the Xiao family. However, Xiao Jinfeng was at level four while Xiao Jing ting was only at level three.

Three years ago, Xiao Jinfeng joined a mercenary team and sent his time with them. In his impression, the original body owner looked down on his second brother because of his mediocre qualifications. Xiao Jinfeng on the other hand, hated the original body owner, who an uneducated scum, making the relationship between the two brothers very rigid.

"What happened to my second brothers?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

"He robbed Zhou family's young master Zhou Kangqi of his prey and injured someone. He was expelled from the mercenary team. After returning to the Xiao family, he did not want to repent and attempted to rape Feng Xueer, the wife of his cousin Xiao Muhong. Then he was also expelled from the family." Xu Muan frowned.

"Bullshit." Xiao Jing ting said angrily.
