Second Brother's Shock

As soon as Xiao Jing ting started working, he didn't stop until the evening. "Second brother, I'm sorry! When I got busy, I forget about you."

Xiao Jinfeng smiled at Xiao Jing ting and said, "it's fine, if father and mother were still here, they would be very happy to know that you become so motivated."

Xiao Jing ting smiled sheepishly.

"Many people were watching you just now when you were casting your spirit technique on the field." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting was a little surprised, "Were they?"

"Yes! many of them were young boys and girls, and they all looked like they liked you. Third Brother, you are now the ideal partner in many people's eyes," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting shook his head and said, "Second brother, you just love to make fun of me."

"That's not true." Xiao Jinfeng said.

"I have a wife and children. Now I just want to make money to support my family and i don't dare to think about anything beside that." Xiao Jing ting faintly said.

Hearing Xiao Jing ting's words, Xiao Jinfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second brother, if you have something to say, just say it. I see that you have been waiting to say something to me." Xiao Jing ting was confused.

Xiao Jinfeng hesitated for a moment and said frankly, "Sun Miao miao is going to marry Xiao Muhong."

Xiao Jing ting was stunned for a moment. When he thought of Sun Miao miao, he couldn't help blushing. The original body owner claimed to be a faithful fan of Sun Miao miao, tagging along as soon as he saw her on the street and he fought with people for the sake of Sun Miao miao. He would also keep sending gifts and other things to her, even when they were returned, he was still happy.

Xiao Jing ting felt ashamed when he thought of the wretched appearance of the original body owner.

Although those things were done by the original body owner, Xiao Jing ting was now integrated with the original body owner and there was always this feeling that he had done these absurd things himself.

"is that so? Sun Miao miao is going to marry Xiao Muhong? That son of a bitch Xiao Muhong will really suffer. She is a very fierce woman." Jing ting shook his head as he thought, it was really difficult for him to understand the taste of the original body owner. based on the memory, the original body owner even let Sun Miao miao whip him. It could be said that the original body owner was a masochism.

Xiao Jinfeng was abit surprised and said, "You don't mind?" Xiao Jinfeng could still remember how Xiao Jing ting served Sun Miao miao wholeheartedly, as if he cared nothing but her, which made Xiao Jinfeng want to slap him.

"Why should I mind? Sun Miao miao is not my wife." Xiao Jing ting coolly said, the original body owner was so thick-skinned! Miss Sun obviously didn't take the original body owner seriously, but this guy didn't take it seriously at all. He was really a fool, no wonder those people looked down on him.

It's good that you don't mind."

"Love cannot be forced. It's just strange that this proud Miss Sun will fall for Xiao Muhong," Xiao Jing ting said.

"Not so surprising! After father's and mother's accident, it is eldest uncle's family that is now in charge, and Xiao Muhong is eldest uncle's eldest son..."

Xiao Jing ting raised his eyebrows. it was right. The situation in the Xiao family had changed and now Xiao Muong was the most favored. It's just that the other houses aren't easy to mess with, so Xiao Muhong's position was very unstable."

"By the way, these fields of yours were given to you by great aunt?" Xiao Jinfeng asked with a deep frown.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "Yes!"

"I see that you only have a dozen mus of fields in total, but you still got serveral mus of first-class fields. "Xiao Jinfeng furrowed his brows.

"That's right. My strength is limited so i could only plant some ordinary plants. it was a waste for this first-class field to be in my hand." Xiao Jing ting has some regrets.

"I heard that your field has been abandoned before?" Xiao Jinfeng continued to ask.

Xiao Jing ting nodded his head and said, "Yes!"

"Do you know that this area of Mound Village is under the jurisdiction of the Marquis of Yong Cheng, who issued a regulation four months ago. If a Mu of first-class field is left unused for one month, you need to pay a fine of one hundred tales of silver. You have five Mus of first-class fields, how many months have those fields been out of use?" Xiao Jinfeng asked.

Xiao Jing ting's eyes widened. What the hell! A total of five Mus of first-class land had been idle for about two months, even before the original body owner came over.

"Seemed brother, why is the fine so high!" Xiao Jing ting was puzzled.

"The resources of the first-class fields are limited. Afraid that some landlords will occupy the fields and not do anything, the marquis issued this decree. Although the first-class fields are used to plants fifth and sixth grade spirit plants in order to make the best use of them, it doesn't take much effort to plant some third-class spiritual plants and they can usually grow well. It is too wasteful to desert such a good fields."

"Second Brother, where did you get this information? No one in the village told me this," Xiao Jing ting said.

"usually, people won't let the first-class fields be undeveloped, so not many people know about this decree. In fact, some remote villages won't be monitored even if they left their fields barren but if I'm not wrong, you field will definitely be under surveillance," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting was completely stunned. He originally thought it was stranger why the Xiao family would give so many first-class fields to Xiao Jing ting. It turned out that they were waiting for him getting punished. yes, maybe some people could leave it barren but there would definitely be someone who investigate it if he left it barren. His eldest uncle and aunt were really calculating. Xiao Jing ting really couldn't convince himself that it was just a coincidence.

"Before, I pawned these fields for a while," Xiao Jing ting said.

"The marquis calculates the time of desolation from the time the land deed was transferred to you, including the time when the deed was in the pawn shop," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting: "...." Then it should be two to three months, which meant he had to pay at least a thousand tales of silver.

"Second brother, do you know when the marquis will come to investigate?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

"By October," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, there was still time.

"By then, if I don't have enough silver for the fine, what will happen?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

"Jail," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting took a deep breath and thought: cruel enough.

"Second brother, let's go back first, we'II talk about the fields later. Anyway, there's still time to earn money. I think that Muan and Mu Shuyu should be back. This matter can wait. We should have some food first," Xiao Jing ting said.

When there were too many debts, one stopped worrying about them. When Xiao Jing ting listened to what Xiao Jinfeng said, he was surprised and quickly became optimistic again.

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said, "Good."

"Second brother, Muan sold five jars of wine and many grapes today. I think that we have almost enough money to buy you antidote," Xiao Jing ting said.

Hearing Xiao Jing ting's words, Xiao Jinfeng felt warm in heart.

Xiao Jing ting turned his head, looked at Xiao Jinfeng's face and said, "Second brother, how can you look at me like this?"

"I just never thought that you would do this for me." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting smiled peacefully and said, "Second brother, we are brothers! If I was poisoned, you will definitely help me too, right?"

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said; "Yes!" Although he wasn't close to Xiao Jing ting, he wouldn't sit by and do nothing if something really happened to Xiao Jing ting.

"Second brother, you and Mu Shuyu are dating, right?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

Xiao Jinfeng froze for a moment, his face slightly red.

Xiao Jing ting raised his eyebrows and said, "Second brother, Mu Shuyu is very good to you! He still stayed together with you under those circumstances. You should not let him down."

"I know, and by the way, that's a nice brew you made! One hundred tales of silver are too low. Your brother drank the wine sold at the price of one hundred and twenty tales of silver, and the taste was not as good as the one you brewed." Xiao Jinfeng eyes glowed as if he was enjoying endless aftertaste.

Xiao Jing ting smiled helplessly and said, "After all, we are in a small place, if it's too expensive it won't sell, and besides, my wine doesn't have much of a reputation yet, it takes time for people to recognize it." He was also in dire need of money, so he could only sell it as soon as possible.

"Your spiritual wine is very good for level 3 and 4 Practitioner and it is very useful for level 3 Qi practitioners," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jinfeng's words meant that although the spiritual wine was beneficial to level four Qi Practitioner, it had little use.

Xiao Jing ting smiled. The spiritual spring was not omnipotent. Before, he used the spiritual water to grow grapes, but the effect for more advanced spiritual plants was not so great.

After becoming level four Qi Practitioner, Xiao Jing ting also found that the speed at which spiritual water restored spiritual energy was greatly reduced. If the quality of spiritual spring could not be improved, then, when he become stronger, the spiritual spring would become useless.

"It's a pity that the wine was sold like this." Xiao Jinfeng was full of regret.

Looking at Xiao Jinfeng's reluctant look, Xiao Jing ting said, "The wine sold was the first batch and the second batch should be ready in a few days. The second batch of wine is more mellow. If second brother likes it, we should keep more."

Xiao Jinfeng smiled awkwardly and said, "I have no preferences. I just like what's in my cup."

Xiao Jing ting looked at Xiao Jinfeng and asked, "Second brother, drinking can cause trouble, you haven't gotten drunk and had an accident, have you?"

Xiao Jinfeng became a little embarrassed.

Xiao Jing ting looked at Xiao Jinfeng and said with some astonishment, "Second brother, you didn't really have an accident, did you?"

Xiao Jinfeng said with some embarrassment, "No."

Xiao Jing ting looked at the expression of Xiao Jinfeng and some doubt flashed in his heart, but this was Xiao Jinfeng's private matter, so Xiao Jing ting did not keep asking.

When Xiao Jing ting got home Xu Muan had already laid out the bowls and chopsticks.

Xu Muan took out the silver and said, "This is the money from selling wine and grapes, a total of eight hundred tales."

Xiao Jing ting touched his chin and said, "I still have over more than a hundred tales in my hand. I am almost there!"

"I still have some savings, about two hundred tales," Mu Shuyu hurriedly said.

Xiao Jing ting smiled and said, "How could I take your silver?"

Xiao Jinfeng took out a storage bag and said, "I still have 300 tales of silver in my hand. When left the Xiao family, I was driven out of my house, and the rest of my property was left in the Xiao family." Xiao Jinfeng in his eyes.

Xiao Jing ting looked at Xiao Jinfeng and said "Second brother, don't be angry, just think of it as giving up your fortune to avoid disaster"

"This town is too small. We inquired and found out that they didn't sell it, but there should be one in Qing Cheng." Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jing ting took the silver and gave it to Xiao Jinfeng, saying, "Second brother, why don't you go with Mu Shuyu?"

Xiao Jinfeng took the silver and nodded, "All right."