Mu Shuyu Faints

Xiao Jing ting, who finally became sexually active, couldn't forget about what they had been through in the bed. Therefore, Xiao Jing ting very cheekily put the bed of Xiao fan and Xiao dong into another room and then, he naturally left the two kids for Xiao Jinfeng and Mu Shuyu to take care of.

Xu Muan tacitly approved Xiao Jing ting's arrangement.

Xiao dong complained in mind about what his two fathers had done to them, but quickly accepted it in the end.

Although Xiao fan didn't quite understand why his father wanted him to live with his second uncle, he still accepted the suggestion peacefully.

Xiao fan liked to store snacks in secret places, so Xu Muan always confiscated them when he found them. After his room changed to Xiao Jinfeng's room, Xiao fan could finally hide snacks in an open and honest manner.

Xiao dong was well aware of Xiao fan's trick. Xiao dong felt that his brother was really an idiot.

After the harvest of the mus of first grade field, Xiao Jing ting's silver reached around two thousand five hundred taels.

During this period of time, Xu Muan and Xiao Jinfeng killed many demonic beasts and earned a lot of money.

With silver in hand, Xiao Jing ting wanted to buy something to replenish it, so the four of them gathered together to discuss it.

"Your spiritual field has been abandoned for two months. Although the people from the Marquis family will only investigate this matter in October, we can't rule out the possibility of people coming in advance, so you better keep 1,000 taels of silver to be not caught off guard." Xiao Jinfeng reminded.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "I know." The fine for the fields was like the stone that weighed on his heart.

Xu Muan couldn't agree more with Xiao Jinfeng's proposal. They couldn't afford to offend the marquis. If they weren't able to afford to pay a fine, they would need to bear the consequence.

One thousand taels couldn't be used, so there were only 1500 taels left that could be used.

"I want to build two more rooms, one for Xiao dong and the other for Xiao fan."

Always letting these two brats live in one room with Xiao Jinfeng and Mu Shuyu, he was afraid it would seriously affect the development of these two people's relationship!

With all of the recent additions to the house, the house was really a bit crowded.

"I also want to buy a bigger storage bag." It would be convenient to have a storage bag, since at the edge of the field you could use the storage bag to collect the food and bring it with you wherever you wanted to, without needing to move it around. It was even more convenient to have a storage bag when Xiao Jinfeng and Xu Muan went out for hunting.

"It's better to buy some spirit jade. The top priority right now is to improve your spiritual power," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting eyes flashed with excitement as he said, "That's right."

Spiritual jade was a type of jade that contained spiritual energy and could be used for cultivation. In the past when Xiao Jing ting was still living in Xiao family, he had a monthly quota of one piece of spiritual jade which was the standard for the children of the Xiao family. The better their performance was in Xiao family, the more spiritual jade they could get.

According to Xiao Jing ting's knowledge, his parents sent five spiritual jades to Xiao Qing Yan every month. Making the original body owner very jealous of his elder brother.

Xiao Jinfeng was away all year round, so when he was away, his quota was often taken by Xiao Jing ting. The original owner was very generous, and the precious spiritual jades were often given away to other people. Sometimes, when Xiao Jinfeng went back to Xiao family to get his share, the original body owner felt that Xiao Jinfeng had robbed him of spirit jades and was very unkind to Xiao Jinfeng.

"How much is a piece of spiritual jade?' Xiao Jing ting asked .

"The current market price of between two hundred and fifty to three hundred and twenty taels a piece, depending on the quality of the spiritual jade," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting was full of grievances as he said, "So expensive!" After working for so long, he earned so little spirit jade! Most of the spirit jades in big families are given primarily to the top ones and according to Xiao Jing ting's knowledge, that grandfather of his consumed dozens of spirit jades a day. Some people were luckier than others.

Xu Muan who looked at Xiao Jing ting's appearance was amused. Many commoner families only eat some spiritual food and then absorb some spiritual energy to cultivate. Spiritual jade was something that only the children of big families could enjoy.

"In fact, the spiritual wine you brewed has a strong spiritual energy that is not worse than spirit jade. It a pity that you only sell it for a hundred taels," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "I know, I'm not selling it now." Xiao Jinfeng could drink as much as he brewed and Xu Muan also liked to drink, how could he have extra wine to sell!?

Finally, Xiao Jing ting spent one thousand taels to buy four pieces of spiritual jade, one hundred taels to repair the house, and three hundred taels to buy a two-cubic-meter and a four-cubic-meter storage bag, spending all of his money at once.

After the spiritual jade arrived, Xiao Jing ting wanted each of the four people to take one piece. But Xiao Jinfeng didn't take it and asked for two more jars of wine. Mu Shuyu didn't take it and asked for a few more clusters of grapes. Xu Muan didn't take it, wanting Xiao Jing ting to practice well and improve his strength as soon as possible. When Xiao Jing ting absorbed a piece of spiritual jade and found that the effect of spiritual jade was indeed very good but it was really too expensive, he threw remaining spirit jades to his space to save them for now.

Xiao Jing ting was still busy farming every day. As his strength increased, the cycle of planting spiritual plants became shorter and shorter.

After a few more peaceful days, Mu Shuyu suddenly fainted in the field, frightening everyone.