Qiu Bai's Marriage

Qiu family.

"Qiu Bai! Those grapes are very good. How come I haven't seen you bring them back recently? Why don't you go and pick up two more clusters?" Qiu father asked.

Qiu Bai frowned, slightly dissatisfied, "Father, grapes are sold out and gone."

Qiu Bai felt a little resentful in his heart. Xiao Jing ting specially paid the village people to watch the grapes to prevent people from "stealing" them. He brazenly went to the Xiao family twice to pick up grapes, people from the village looked at him strangely and not many grapes landed in his hands, so Qiu Bai simply stopped being this kind of villain.

Qiu father was envious and sighed, "These grapes are really good. Some people in the village say the reason why Xiao Jing ting and Xu Muan were able to advance to the fourth level is all thanks to these grapes. If your brother also had grapes to eat every day, he would soon also advance to level three."

Qiu Bai rolled his eyes in his heart, his brother wanted to eat grapes every day. But unfortunately, he didn't have the ability to grow grapes!

Qiu Bai used to worship Qiu Li very much, but as he watched Xiao Jing ting's life, which was despised by Qiu Li earlier, flourish when his own family still remained the same, Qiu Bai could not help but have a little prejudice towards Qiu Li, who always had a high opinion of himself.

"If I had known it, I would have let you marry Xiao Jing ting and you would have followed him to deink and eat spicy food with him by now." Father Qiu shook his head.

Qiu Bai looked at father Qiu and thought secretly, My father is not hoping that I could follow Xiao Jing ting to eat and drink spicy food with him. But he hoped that I could marry Xiao Jing ting so I could help my elder brother. If the two families become in-laws, It would be natural for his father to go to the Xiao family to ask for things.

"Do you know that the Xiao family has built three new titled rooms?' Father Qiu asked.

Qiu Bai nodded and said, "I know."

"It costs a lot to build three more rooms, but that is not a big deal for the Xiao family now," Father Qiu said, "There's so much more that can be done when you become stronger. I didn't expect that the black sheep of the Xiao family could be so capable when he got serious," Father Qiu added.

Qiu Bai bit his lip and didn't say anything. When the Xiao family was building a house, Qiu Bai went to see it and watched Xu Muan arrange people to work in an orderly manner. Qiu Bai only felt that the possibilities were limitless.

"However, no matter how capable he is, he is just a farmer now. After all, he can't compare with the young master of a large family now. I went to ask Xiao Jing ting and he is not willing to marry you. It just so happens that the son of the town Officer Li is willing to marry you. He's seen you and become very fond of you. It would be better for you to marry into the Li family house," Father Qiu said.

Qiu Bai frowned and said, "Father you have decided my life without even asking me."

Father Qiu didn't have a good temper "Can your father harm you? If Xiao Jing ting was interested in you, I could also consider him. However, he is indifferent to you now, do you want to be given a cold shoulder? Li family runs a big business in town. If you marry into the Li family, you will become rich in the future."

Qiu Bai nodded and said, "I understand, father, I'II marry him."

The villagers had a natural yearning for rich families. Qiu Bai originally wanted to marry into a big family. However, Xiao Jing ting had a good life recently, and Qiu Bai had become a little he hesitant.


Xiao family.

"Second brother, have you thought about what betrothal gift you will give Mu Shuyu?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

The poisoning made Xiao Jinfeng poor. Before the poisoning, Xiao Jinfeng made hundreds of taels of silver from killing demonic beasts, but his expenses were also great, so though he had saved some silver, it wasn't much.

"There is a level 4 demonic beast in the forest. If I kill it and give it to Shuyu, Shuyu will certainly be happy," Xiao Jinfeng said.

As far as Xiao Jing ting knew, the wind chasing beast ran very fast, and had a single horn on the top of its head that could be used as medicine to improve the speed of absorbing spiritual energy.

Xiao Jing ting knitted his brows and said, "Second brother, the wind chasing beast is not easy to seal with."

Xiao Jinfeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you second brother has even dealt with a level five demonic beast, a level four demonic beast is nothing. Moreover, Muan promised to help me. He is also level four now and with his help, it will be much safer."

"Count me in as well," Xiao Jing ting said cheerfully.

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said, "Good! Third Brother, when you arrive, just assist me. There is no need for you to rush ahead."

Xiao Jing ting, "..." Is Xiao Jifeng not trusting his abilities?

"Second brother, it must have been hard for you when you were in the mercenary team." When Xiao Jinfeng first joined the mercenary team, he was only a level three Qi Practitioner. Xiao Jing ting admired Xiao Jinfeng's courage very much.

If Xiao Qing yan joined the mercenary team, the parents of the original body owner would certainly not agree. The mercenary team had a very high casualty rate, and their lives were at constant risk. But the one who joined the mercenary team was Xiao Jinfeng, so the parents of the original body owner agreed with Xiao Jinfeng's choice.

"There was an old captain at the time who took care of me," Xiao Jinfeng said.

In fact, after several years in the mercenary team, Xiao Jinfeng was able to do it alone and there were other mercenary teams that were other mercenary teams that wanted to poach him and promised him a lot of benefits. However, Xiao Jinfeng had always kept his old captain's kindness in mind and did not leave.

Xiao Jinfeng closed his eyes and laughed coldly. Looking back, he realized that he was really a bit stupid. He couldn't give up the mercenary team, but the mercenary team could give up on him.

Xiao Jing ting patted Xiao Jinfeng's hand and said, "Second brother, you can only hunt with me in the future. I don't want you to think I would be in the way!"

"I heard from Muan that your fighting ability isn't too good, and you are very wasteful. You should work on it." Xiao Jinfeng.

Xiao Jing ting laughed awkwardly and said, "Muan discredited me, after all I am still a novice."

"By the way, I saw an old man looking for you yesterday. he seemed to be in conflict with you, what did you say?' Xiao Jinfeng asked.

Xiao Jing ting rolled his eyes and said with some annoyance, "That was Qiu Bai's father. He asked me to leave Muan and marry his son."

Xiao Jinfeng was stunned for a moment then said, "Is that so? Is that old man out of his mind?"

"I did some ridiculous things before, but now I have thought it through. Second brother, please don't tell Xu Muan about it." Xiao Jing ting said.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "I know."

Xiao Jing ting shrugged and said, "That old man said that his son will soon marry into a rich family. If I was willing to leave Muan, he could also consider me but since I am not willing, he will no longer consider me."

Xiao Jinfeng, "...This old man, there is something wrong with him!"

Xiao Jing ting shrugged and said, "Who knows."