Xiao Qingyan

Time was running like water and in flash it had been a month.

"As of today, the harvest of five mus of first-class field spiritual plants has been finished!" Xiao Jinfeng let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jing ting nodded, beaming, "It's a pity we couldn't rest for a while." When the spiritual plants from five mus of first-class fields monsters even though they had made a lot of preparations, making Xiao Jinfeng rearrange the traps every day.

Xiao Jing ting took out five thousand taels of silver and said, "This is this month's harvest from selling spiritual plants, a total of five thousand taels."

Xiao Jing ting took out five thousand taels of silver and said, "This is this month's harvest from selling spiritual plants, a total of five thousand taels."

Five thousand taels would also be enough to buy a dozen or so pieces of good quality spirit jade and each person would be able to get four or five pieces.

The Wasteland continent's cultivation resources were very precious, and spiritual jade could quickly improve one's strength, so its price had always been high. In the past, when he was still in the Xiao family, he would get one piece of spiritual jade every month.

The oldest brother Xiao Qingyan was talented, so his parents would give him five or six pieces of spiritual jade every month without him doing anything and reportedly a lot of silver as well. Before, his opposition and disliked that his parents were so biased. But father Xiao explained that the academy was full of rich students, and if Xiao Qingyan didn't have money to hang around in it, he would be locked down upon by his classmates and mentors.

"Keep the money and buy a flying beast so that we won't have to waste time on the road every day," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jing ting had thought about buying a flying demonic beast for a long time, but he had never been able to put it into action. Now he had a chance.

Xu Muan looked at Xiao Jing ting's bright eyes when he mentioned buying a demonic beast and was somewhat amused.

"Second brother, you should also have a share of this silver." Xiao Jing ting said. If it wasn't for Xiao Jinfeng's help in killing the demonic beasts, all spiritual plants in the field would meet disaster.

"After drinking so much of your spiritual wine, your second brother is already embarrassed enough." Xiao Jinfeng waved his hand. He helped Xiao Jing ting to take care of the demonic beasts, but Xu Muan also helped and most of the silver earned from selling demonic beast corpses went to him. Xiao Jinfeng's main expenses were wine, and now drinking wine made by his own family saved him a lot.

"The other first-class fields will not attract too many troublesome demonic beasts, so I should take advantage of this period of time to take the spiritual wine to a big city to sell it," Xiao Jinfeng said.

They had discussed before that the purchasing power of people in small towns were couldn't be sold for a more expensive price and it would be better to take it to the big city. Although it would be a bit more troublesome, they will be able to earn more silver. Moreover, selling wine in the small town could easily attract unwanted attention, so it would be better for them to keep a low profile.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "Okay, second brother! After selling the wine, you can see what cultivation resources there are in the big cities and bring some back."

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said, "All right."

Mu Shuyu chose to go with Xiao Jinfeng. The people in the Wasteland continent were much stronger than those on Earth. There were also a lot of people who could easily kill demonic beasts when they were pregnant, so taking a cart from the road and travelling a long way was nothing.


Xiao Jinfeng and Mu Shuyu drove for two days before they finally arrived at Wind City.

In order to save money, Xiao Jinfeng and Mu Shuyu casually found a tea stall and sat down instead of doing to a restaurant.

"Jinfeng, they said that there are students from Bifeng Academy coming to Wind City to do missions," Mu Shuyu said.

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said, "Yes."

Xiao Jinfeng's affection for Xiao Qingyan was very complicated. Xiao Jinfeng originally had some admiration of his big brother, but Xiao Qingyan always acted high and mighty in front of Xiao Jinfeng. Xiao Jinfeng's temper was never very good, so Xiao Qingyan didn't like him very much, and Xiao Jinfeng would not allow himself to be snubbed despite showing good intentions.

"Do you think your brother will be in Wind City?" Mu Shuyu asked.

"I don't know." When he met troubles before, Xiao Jinfeng wrote to Xiao Qingyan for help but his several letters were all left without answers, which made Xiao Jinfeng very disappointed with Xiao Qingyan. "It will depend on fate," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Mu Shuyu nodded and said, "Good!"


"Qingyan! Isn't that your brother down there?' In the Falling Moon Restaurant, a young man who played with the folding fan in his hand faintly said.

Xiao Qingyan looked downstairs and said in a calm voice, "It should be just someone who resembles him. It's impossible for my brother to be here."

"Yes, your brother attempted to rape your brother's wife! You should find a hole in the ground to hide in now, how could you come out in the public?' Zhao He said half-jokingly.

Xiao Qingyan's face sank as he snorted coldly and didn't say anything.

After the accident of Xiao's father and mother, Xiao Qingyan's situation suddenly became much worse. After Xiao Jinfeng's accident, Xiao Qingyan's reputation was also affected. Xiao Qingyan had received Xiao Jinfeng's letter for help, however he was very dissatisfied with Xiao Jinfeng, so how could he lend him a hand?

"Qingyan! Do you know where your brother has gone?" Xiao Qingyan obviously didn't want to talk more about this issue, but Zhao He clung to it.

"he has been kicked out of the house, so he is no longer my brother," Xiao Qingyan said coldly.

Zhao He touched his chin and said, "Qingyan, don't be so heartless! You're brothers, connected by blood."

Xiao Qingyan said coldly, "This is my family business."

Zhao He shrugged and no longer spoke.

Xiao Qingyan stood by the window, looking at Xiao Jinfeng and Mu Shuyu talking and laughing downstairs, a bit of fury flashing in his eyes.