
Time flew like water and in the blink of an eye, half a year had passed.

In the past six months, Xiao Jing ting, Xu Muan, Xiao Jinfeng, and Mu Shuyu had advanced to the fifth level of Qi Practice. Because of the Hidden Qi Technique, other people thought that the cultivation of the Xiao family stayed on the forth level of Qi practice.

Mu Shuyu gave birth to a little Ger son two months ago and named him Xiao Xiaofu.

Xiao Jing ting had earned a lot of silver and bought a lot of land in the past half year. The villagers only thought that Xiao Jing ting spiritual plants, but they didn't know that Xiao Jing ting made less than a tenth of the money he made from selling spiritual plants and the rest from wine.

Every once in a while, Xiao Jinfeng went out to sell wine and purchased a bath of cultivation supplies along the way.

Xiao Jing ting threw the dozens of spiritual jades that he had just got into spiritual spring.

Xu Muan who just walked into the door, looked at Xiao Jing ting and said, "Has all the spiritual jade been thrown in it?"

Xiao Jing ting nodded ad said with some pain, "Yes! The ones that just arrived all went down the drain again." Spiritual in the past half a year, several hundred of spiritual jades had been thrown into it.

Xu Muan smiled, cultivation meant burning resources. If advancement was so easy, there wouldn't be so many people who would spend their entire lives at the second and third levels of Qi Practice.

"Don't feel bad, as long as the Harvest Sparrow Orchid by the Spiritual Spring can grow, these spiritual jades are nothing," Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jing ting nodded his head and said, "That's right." The Harvest Sparrow Orchid was miraculous medicine that could help cultivators at the fifth level of Qi Practice advance to the sixth level. Xu Muan had a hard time buying seeds for this spiritual plants.

"Where's Xiao dong?" Xiao Jing ting asked.

"He became very diligent recently, he must have gone to the field." Xu Muan said.

Xiao dong entered the second level of Qi Practice two month ago. Even in large families, children that were not yet 5 years old advancing to the second level of Qi practice were not common. But it had never happened in the village before, so Xiao dong's advancement had caused quite a stir, As early as five or six months ago, Xiao Jing ting bought a safe piece of land not far away from home and gave it to Xiao dong to take care of.

Xiao Jing ting smiled and said, "Our son is so motivated, he will have great achievements in the future."

Xu Muan smiled, soft light flashing in his eyes, "I hope so."


A huge fire bird flew through the air, making many villagers stop what they were doing and stare.

Xiao Jing ting had spent a thousand taels of silver on a third level Fire Cloud Bird more than half a year ago He bought one and got one free, receiving a first level Fire Cloud Bird chick. The third level Fire Cloud Bird was used by Xiao Jing ting while the first level demonic beast was given to Xiao dong and Xiao fan to play with.

"This Fire Cloud Bird of the Xiao family is growing so fast! It's not the same as yesterday."

"The food in Xiao family is really good! Look at this Fire Cloud Bird raised by them. It's features are so glossy and shiny!"

"Xiao Jing ting is too hold to give such a big bird to two children to play with."

"This Fire Cloud Bird was bought from the imperial Beast Hall, with the imperial Beast Talisman. Although it cost several times the price, with the imperial Beast Talisman to control it, it is much easier to control than an ordinary demonic beast."

"Xiao dong is no ordinary child! At such a young age, he is already at the second level of Qi Practice, how can other little kids from the village compare with him?"

"How much money does the Xiao family have, anyway!? They earn thousands of taels by selling crops from fields once."


Xiao fan sat on the Fire Cloud Bird's back, eating steamed stuffed buns.

"Stop eating," Xiao dong said with a cold face.

Xiao fan looked at Xiao dong and asked, "Why?"

"The little Cloud Bird has been crying hungrily, and can't even fly properly anymore," Xiao dong said.

"Then I'II give it one to eat." The Fire Cloud Bird excitedly held the steamed stuffed bun thrown to him by Xiao fan.

In the process of holding steamed buns, it's body trembled violently, and Xiao dong, who was sitting on the Fire Cloud Bird, had a hard time stabilizing himself.

"You idiot, I knew I should not bring you out." Xiao dong angrily scolded.

"Brother, don't say that. I can help too." Xiao fan argued.

Xiao dong was full of disdain, "Help? What help, help me with eating?"

Xiao fan was filled with reluctance,, "No, I can help you fight the demon beasts."

Xiao dong snorted coldly and said, "Just don't make trouble and start fighting with demonic beasts."


Qiu Bai raised his head and looked at the Fire Cloud Bird flying in the sky with his heart filled with jealousy.

After marrying into the Li family, Qiu Bai realized that life in the big family was not easy.

Qiu Bai's husband had a very domineering wife, who set rules for Qiu Bai at every turn. His husband had several concubines, but when he first entered the Li family, he was favored for a period of time. However, after a few days, Qiu Bai's life became very difficult.

Sometimes, Qiu Bai would hate his father who asked him to become a concubine for two pieces of spiritual jade. But after hating him, Qiu Bai could only continue to live his hard life.

Qiu Bai came back this time because Qiu Li went hunting in the mountains, but was chased by a demonic beast and fell down from the mountain.

"Master, it's getting late, let's back to the town early," The maid beside Qiu Bai said.

Qiu Bai nodded and said, "All right." When he got home, his father would only complain about him. That he was incapable of winning his husband's heart and was ungrateful. He also didn't know how to help his family. Wearing expensive clothes and jewelry by himself while not caring about life and death of his family.

Qiu Bai smiled bitterly, his father couldn't see all his hardships, all the could think about was his brother.