Current Situation of the Mercenary Team

Xiao dong sat in the Jioma carriage, looked at Xiao fan and said, "You should stop eating, you stink all over."

Xiao dong covered his nose and thought to himself: What a strange hobby my brother has! Eating garlic!

Xiao fan blinked his eyes, smiled cunningly at Xiao dong and said, "I want to eat, eat a lot. When I meet Xiao Yue rong, I will..." Xiao fan rushed to Xiao dong's side and exhaled. Xiao dong hurriedly covered his nose and Xiao fan triumphantly added, "Stink him to death."

Xiao dong's face darkened as he said, "You will stink me to death before you stink him to death."

Xiao fan looked at Xiao dong, titled his head, and said, "Big brother, you're afraid of the stink."

Xiao dong's face darkened even more as he thought to himself: Idiot! He was an ordinary person. Of course he was afraid of stink.

Xiao fan took out a box of stinky tofu from his storage bag and Xiao dong finally couldn't bear it any longer and jumped out of the carriage, saying he wanted to change the carriage.


Xiao Jing ting looked out of the window nervously.

"You're nervous!" Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "I'm going to see my parents. Of course I'm a little nervous."

Xu Muan understood that Xiao Jing ting was worried that his identity as an outsider would be discovered by the parents of the original body owner. Xu Muan grabbed Xiao Jing ting's hand and said, "In fact you parents often go out and leave you in care of the family servants."

Xiao Jing ting nodded and said, "Yes! The person my parents care the most is the eldest brother."

If Xiao Qing yan had changed, the parents of the original body owner might have noticed but if it was Xiao Jing ting, the probability would have been greatly reduced.

A guard sent Xiao dong to the carriage of Xiao Jing ting and Xu Muan.

"Why are you here?" Xu Muan asked.

"My brother ate garlic, and now he is eating stinky tofu. His whole body stinks badly." Xiao dong was very depressed.

"Xiao fan? Why does he suddenly want to eat those things?" Xiao Jing ting thought it was a bit strange. He only knew that Xiao fan liked to eat sweets. He could eat more than ten sweet bean buns at time.

"He said he wanted to stink Xiao Yue rong to death," Xiao dong said.

Xiao Jing ting's face sank, secretly thinking: Xiao Yue rong gave Xiao fan such a big trauma in mind! So much so that when he thought of going home, Xiao fan behaved like he was about to face his greatest enemy. If they go back, the two children will inevitably meet. The parents of the original body owner were very fond of Xiao Qing yan's two sons but were not very good to the original body owner's sons.

Xiao Jing ting stroked his chin and thought that after he went home, he should try his best to avoid meeting Xiao Qing yan!


Xiao Jinfeng looked at the scenery outside the window and sighed.

"What's the matter?" Mu Shuyu asked.

Xiao Jinfeng shook his head and said "It's nothing, I just thought that after I go back, I might meet some acquaintances. I don't know how the mercenary team has developed now."

When he had just been expelled from the mercenary team, Xiao Jinfeng was filled with resentament towards the mercenary team. But when his days became lbetter, coupled with the company of a lovely wife and son, Xiao Jinfeng's hatred towards the mercenary team had diluted a lot.

Mu Shuyu laughed coldly, full of sarcasm. "Hua Yu feng is greedy and reckless. He always felt that your cautious behavior limited the development of the mercenary team, so when he finally kicked you out of the mercenary team, he would have a chance to make great plans."

"When the old team captain died unexpectedly, he asked me to help Hua Yu feng. He said that Hua Yu feng was a bit rash and asked me to help admonish him," Xiao Jinfeng said.

Mu Shuyu shrugged and said, "This patch was their own choice, you have already done everything you could."

Xiao Jinfeng closed his eyes and said, "Yes! Since I am already expelled from the mercenary team, I should have nothing to do with them."

Mu Shuyu lowered his head, in fact he secretly inquired about the current situation of the mercenary team. He heard that the mercenary team had failed several missions in a row and suffered heavy losses, reaching the brink of disbanding. Because he knew the temperament of Hua Tianyu, Mu Shuyu was not surprised by this result.

Knowing the situation of the mercenary team, Mu Shuyu did not sympathize with them at all but gloated.


In Desert City's Moonlight Restaurant, several mercenaries gathered together.

"Xiao Lin feng came back and reorganized the Xiao family and it seems the deputy captain is about to be brought back." The one who spoke was Zhang Meng from the fox hunting mercenary team.

"It's been almost a year, so we don't know deputy captain's strength now. Zhou Feng sighed.

Zhang Meng bowed his head. After the mercenary team had been forced to fire Xiao Jinfeng under pressure, Xiao Jinfeng had become a taboo subject in the mercenary group.

Xiao Jinfeng was a generous person, but he acted cautiously. After he left the mercenary team, Hua Yu feng was so eager for success that he led his men to besiege a level five demonic beast and suffered heavy losses from the demonic beast's fierce attack.

Before that mission, the mercenary team had also dealt with a level five demonic beast, but it was wounded. Moreover, Xiao Jinfeng was also there at that time and after Xiao Jinfeng left, the strength of the mercenary team decreased a lot.

After the failure of the operation, Hua Yu feng's prestige was greatly diminished, so in order to recover his lost reputation, Hua Yu feng arranged a dangerous mission once again and suffered a big defeat.

The two failed operations caused the mercenary team's strength to be greatly reduced, which was far from its former glory.

"Even if the deputy captain comes back, he will not return to the mercenary team," Zhou Fang said. The mercenary team was all made from the commanders, so they all had vague rejection of Xiao Jinfeng. But after Xiao Jinfeng left, the mercenaries gradually missed Xiao Jinfeng's kindness.

"We don't know how the deputy captain was doing these days."

Zhang Meng sighed and said, "When the deputy captain left, doctor Mu also left. I heard that the deputy captain and doctor Mu got married and they went to live with the deputy captain's younger brother."

"Assemble." Zhao Li walked into the restaurant and said.

Zhang Meng frowned and said, "Assemble? Do we have another mission?"

Zhao Li nodded his head and said, "Yes!"

"But now, there are still a lot of people who were injured previously, isn't it too hasty to go on the mission now?" Zhou Fang asked.

Zhao Li frowned and said, "It has been a long time since we id any mission. If we go on like this, the mercenary team will be out of business."

Zhou Fang sighed lightly and said, "All right."