Chapter 16 016 Heavy Rain, Poisonous Moth 12

The sixteenth floor is the restaurant. As soon as Ye Fu entered, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

There were seven or eight human skeletons lying on the floor of the restaurant, with tattered clothes hanging sparsely on them. Some of the skeletons were still covered with flesh and blood. Poisonous moths were gnawing on them. In addition to the fishy stench, the air was also filled with the smell of blood from the thick fog.

And on the last skeleton, there was still a swollen arm left.

Walking around the skeletons, Ye Fu walked carefully towards the kitchen. She wanted to see if there were any supplies in the kitchen's storage room that could be collected. The water from the moth corpses that were crushed to pieces on the ground was sticky and stuck to the soles of her shoes like taffy, making it extremely difficult to walk.

Entering the kitchen, Ye Fu smelled a rotten smell. He saw moldy buns in the steamer and the porridge next to it was full of dead moths.

All the bowls in the disinfection cabinet were clean. Ye Fu opened it and checked, then put all the bowls away. She came to the storage room and found that it was locked. However, the door of the storage room was a wooden door. Ye Fu took out a mountain axe from the space and chopped it with all her strength to make a hole. She reached in and opened the door from the inside. The poisonous moth behind her also wanted to come in. Ye Fu placed a burning pine torch at the door to block the hole in the door, and quickly closed the door after entering.

Very good, the storage room was not invaded by poisonous moths, and there were a lot of supplies inside. Ye Fu took a quick look and saw all kinds of rice, flour, grain and oil, just like a small supermarket.

There were dozens of bags of rice alone, and each bag was high-quality refined rice weighing one hundred kilograms. Ye Fu found an unused pressure cooker in the corner and put all the supplies in the storage room into the space. Ye Fu was not in a hurry to leave, but took out the insecticide and sprayed it on the outside of the protective suit again. He changed into a pair of hiking shoes and put on two masks before opening the door of the storage room.

The thick smoke from burning pine torches was pungent, so the poisonous moths did not dare to approach and only hovered three meters away.

Taking the torch, Ye Fu left the restaurant.

Arriving at the seventeenth floor, Ye Fu's eyes glowed green as she looked at the three words "Medicine Warehouse". She couldn't wait to push the door open and go in. However, when she saw the human skeleton and a swarm of poisonous moths on the floor of the warehouse, her heart instantly sank.

Ye Fu didn't bother with these poisonous moths and went straight to the medicinal materials area. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that all the herbs were sealed and preserved.

He wanted to take all the supplies, but Ye Fu suddenly thought of a problem. When the natural disaster is out of control, the authorities will send people to search for supplies and medicines, and then send them to various bases to treat the survivors. What if the authorities come to take these medicines and find that the warehouse is empty? But if the people searching for supplies are not the authorities, but some criminal gangs that appeared after the natural disaster, the things falling into the hands of these people will be even more abetting the evil. Ye Fu struggled for a long time, and finally decided to take it.

She put everything together with the cabinets for storing supplies into the space. By the time she had finished packing the entire warehouse, Ye Fu was already exhausted. Time passed by little by little. She came out at seven o'clock, and now it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Ye Fu did not delay. After resting for two minutes, he continued to go up to the 18th floor. The 18th floor was the warehouse for finished drugs developed by the pharmaceutical company. Fortunately, like the floor downstairs, the loss was not serious because of proper storage.

The finished drugs were sent from the factory. The quantity was not large, but there were dozens of boxes.

A few hours later, Ye Fu came to the 23rd floor. After a busy night, besides being tired, the most uncomfortable thing was the cold. He took out the temperature measuring instrument and saw that it was already minus ten degrees Celsius. Hearing a thunder, Ye Fu walked to the window and looked. A purple lightning streaked across the night sky, followed by heavy rain and thunder and lightning.

There was a crackling sound, and Ye Fu knew that the glass was shattered by lightning.

After searching the department manager's office, Ye Fu entered the cubicle to rest for a while. He took off his dirty protective clothing and looked at the things on it. His stomach began to churn. He simply washed his hands and powered up the electric oven with a battery. The cubicle immediately became warm.

Ye Fu took a cushion and put it on the ground, sitting on it. She stared at the electric tube in the oven in a daze, but in fact she was wondering if there were any survivors in the building.

After all, starting from the restaurant, many skeletons were found on every floor.

After his body and hands warmed up, Ye Fu took out a box lunch and a bowl of mutton soup. After eating and drinking his fill, his stomach was warm and he had strength. However, Ye Fu did not continue to go out to collect supplies. Instead, he closed his eyes and planned to take a nap.

There are fifty-eight floors. Even if she works as fast as she can, it will take her two or three days to finish. So there is no need to rush. Just get some sleep first.

Ye Fu woke up after sleeping for three hours. Although it was already eight o'clock in the morning, the sky outside was gray and no different from night.

After putting away the electric oven and batteries, putting on the hot packs again, and putting on protective clothing, Ye Fu started a new day of collecting supplies.

The twenty-fifth floor is a gym. These high-end fitness equipment have now been destroyed and occupied by poisonous moths. There is also a library and a coffee shop on the twenty-sixth floor. Ye Fu couldn't help but sigh when he saw the damaged books.

On the 27th floor, Ye Fu found another storage room that had not been invaded by poisonous moths. However, it was filled with office supplies, paper, and ink. Ye Fu felt pretty good as he looked at the boxes of white paper. He carefully put them all into the storage room. When he came out of the storage room and saw the poisonous moths on the wall, his nausea seemed to have lessened a little.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Fu was so tired that her legs were weak. She looked at the sign for the 42nd floor, kicked open the security door, and walked in with a shaky step.

He found a clean office and immediately took out a fireplace. The heat packs he was wearing had frozen hard, his hands were red from the cold, and his toes even began to itch. Ye Fu was worried about getting frostbite, so he took off his shoes and socks and warmed himself by the fire, then took out a tube of frostbite cream and applied it to the itchy areas.

The warmth makes people easily sleepy. While warming herself by the fire, Ye Fu became so sleepy that she fell asleep. Half an hour later, she woke up because she wanted to go to the toilet.

Just thinking of the poisonous moth in the bathroom, Ye Fu scratched his hair in annoyance.

Half an hour later, Ye Fusheng returned to his office dejectedly, where he was going to sleep tonight.

After eating, he simply washed his face and just took out his sleeping bag to go to sleep, but at this moment, Ye Fu suddenly heard footsteps.


She turned off the stove, held her breath, and listened carefully to the noise outside.

The sound of footsteps came from a distance, and there was more than one person.

When they came closer, Ye Fu could vaguely hear their conversation.

"I'm cold and hungry. I'm going crazy." The voice was young, belonging to a man, and his tone was a little irritable.

"It would have been great if I hadn't stayed to work overtime on April 1st. It would have been great if I had believed the warning online and not come to work that day." This was said by a young woman in a crying voice.

Ye Fu's eyes darkened, he put all the things into the space, took out a dagger and held it in his hand.