Chapter 36: The Contest of Internal Martial Arts.

No one underestimates the elder village chief's political maneuvers.

Especially when it comes to internal martial arts.

So now, when the move named "for the sake of the village" is employed, even Fugaku is at a loss on how to respond.

This is the strength of the elder village chief!

Anyone who underestimates the strongest Hokage will pay a severe price!

Did they really think that after being slandered and bearing the brunt of the Nine-Tails disaster, and with war approaching, Sarutobi Hiruzen would have no means to counterattack?

On the contrary!

The elder village chief seized the opportunity, using a legitimate move to directly thwart the Uchiha clan's chance to earn distinction on the battlefield!


With war looming, the village will likely become even more vulnerable.

So, no matter what, Konohagakure won't withstand another Nine-Tails disaster. You Uchihas think you're so great? You wanted to step in and protect the village during the previous unrest, but Danzo stopped you, robbing you of the chance to prove yourselves.

Now the opportunity is yours; protect Konohagakure with your lives, always ready to face the Nine-Tails disaster!

After all, the entire Konohagakure can suppress the Nine-Tails, preventing its rampage, and that's only possible by the Uchiha clan.

When the time comes to suppress the Nine-Tails, all the credit will be yours, isn't that better than going to the battlefield?

"The capable should bear more burdens; the safety of the village now rests entirely on the guard squad."

The old village chief's counterattack was so forceful that it left Fugaku at a loss for words, without even a reason to refute.

In this regard, the old village chief truly lives up to the name of the strongest Hokage!

"Additionally, Patriarch Hitoshi..."

After dealing with Uchiha Fugaku, the old village chief turned his kindly yet probing gaze to Hyuga Hitoshi.

He didn't expect to regain the face he lost in the square immediately, but he needed to make these two restless fellows understand who really calls the shots in Konohagakure and the cost of offending the Hokage.

It's not hard to guess that Hyuga Hitoshi is backing Fugaku, considering Fugaku himself lacks the courage and brains to confront the higher-ups.

Hyuga Hitoshi has already made his move, so naturally, the old village chief must respond with his own set of rules.

But when it comes to the Hyuga clan, Sarutobi is now somewhat hesitant.

He can't quite grasp what Hyuga Hitoshi is thinking, why he insists on standing with the Uchiha against the higher-ups, especially since Hyuga Hitoshi doesn't seem like someone with a shrunken brain, who should know that aligning with the Uchiha won't end well.

Yet, he still chose to do so.

Could it be that Uchiha Fugaku's wife's charm is really that great?

Regardless, even if he doesn't want to completely fall out with the Hyuga clan, he still needs to teach them a lesson now.

So the Third Hokage plans to hint, or rather, to sow discord.

After all, the combined force of the Hyuga and Uchiha is quite formidable, and the correct strategy is to divide and conquer.

"Patriarch Hitoshi, regarding the arrangement for the Hyuga clan, I have a suggestion."

While the order given to the Uchiha was mandatory, Sarutobi Hiruzen was much gentler with the Hyuga.

But this was a veiled threat.

"As for the frontline battle reports, Patriarch Hitoshi must have seen them. This time Kumogakure Village intends to compete in raw strength against Konohagakure, so the frontline doesn't seem to have much need for the Hyuga clan's Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan."

"Considering the guard squad must always be vigilant against the Nine-Tails going berserk, and manpower is likely insufficient, combined with the fact that Patriarch Hitoshi is already familiar with the essence of the Sharingan that controlled the Nine-Tails, I hope the Hyuga clan can cooperate with the Uchiha, guard diligently, and be wary of any petty villains, to ensure the chaos of the Nine-Tails does not repeat."

Note the choice of words.

I said 'hope.'

The Third Hokage claims to have given the Hyuga clan dignity, offering two choices, two paths.

One is as he said, the Hyuga clan willingly stays in Konohagakure with the Uchiha, acting as their guardians, protecting Konohagakure, and preventing the owner of Obito's Sharingan from taking advantage of a vulnerable moment to trigger another Nine-Tails chaos.

The other, should Hyuga Hitoshi speak up and express a desire to fight on the front lines, Sarutobi Hiruzen would agree, and he doesn't believe anyone would be foolish enough to stay behind. This too is a stratagem.

If Hyuga Hitoshi chooses the latter, it will inevitably create a rift with the Uchiha, breaking their alliance, and in the future, the Hyuga clan can only stand with them!

By not proposing to go to the front lines, it is the Hyuga themselves who suffer. Even during wartime, the clans of Konohagakure are in competition; if your merits are small, don't blame others for receiving fewer resources later! To reap rewards, one must make sacrifices!

The old village chief believes he has given the Hyuga clan dignity, and all the Hyuga need to do is bow their heads and submit to him.

Just speak up, and I will give you the opportunity!

But the situation was entirely different from what the old village chief had anticipated. Even the thoughts of the present higher-ups were greatly misaligned.

Yes, that noble clan who once strove for recognition on the battlefield, the Hyuga, whose Patriarch now spoke with joy in his eyes.

"Is this my lucky day?"

"No need for more words, old village chief. I know what must be done! Leave the village to me and Patriarch Fugaku!"

 Hitoshi struggled to contain his grin as he readily accepted the heavy responsibility bestowed by the old village chief.

He almost burst out laughing!

Just moments ago, Patriarch Hitoshi was pondering how to use the chaos of war to deal with the Otsutsuki clan of the moon and relocate the Hyuga clan members.

The old village chief's cooperation was simply unbeatable!


The old village chief looked at Hyuga Hitoshi in shock, thinking he had gone completely mad. You don't want military glory? You want to protect the village? If you're guarding the village from the rear, then what am I to do?

But Patriarch Hitoshi hadn't finished speaking.

"Rest assured, old village chief. Starting today, I will withdraw All the Hyuga clan members on the front lines and devote all their energy to protecting the village!"

Patriarch Hitoshi's face was the picture of sincerity as he took the old village chief's hand.

But the old village chief began to feel awkward.

You're pulling back all the Hyuga, isn't that a bit underhanded? Although their effectiveness in a frontal confrontation is reduced, they still play a significant role!

What if the enemy changes tactics and attempts a sneak attack?

"Fear not, everyone. With the Hyuga and Uchiha clans here, the village will not face any problems!"

 Hitoshi, ignoring Fugaku nearby who was moved to tears, still clutched the old village chief's hand tightly before dropping the bombshell.

"The rear is ours to guard, as long as there are people, the village stands!"

"But old village chief, when you go to the front lines, you must withstand the Raikage's pressure!"


Sarutobi was taken aback, his eyes widening.

"When did I say..."

Before he could finish, Sarutobi quickly shut his mouth.

He realized that once he voiced it out, admitting to everyone that he wasn't ready for the battlefield, he would lose all face.

As the Hokage, how could he not dare to go to the battlefield?

But his silence didn't mean Hyuga Hitoshi wouldn't speak.

 Hitoshi looked at the old village chief with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Surely the old village chief isn't planning to shirk from taking the lead and set an example for the Konoha ninjas?"

Suddenly, his tone shifted.

"No way, right? The Raikage is coming for us, and you, Hokage-sama, can't be scared, can you? You're the Third Hokage, and he's just the Fourth Hokage. Are you afraid?"

I am not afraid!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, red with anger, retorted, "I need to stay behind to oversee the overall situation and handle the village's affairs. This isn't about being afraid of the Raikage! Can a Kage's actions be called fear? If I leave the village and someone attacks..."

"If there's an attack, then naturally, we Hyuga and Uchiha will handle it. Aren't there two advisors for the administrative affairs? Or are they just eating rice for nothing? Are you saying you don't trust us, Hokage-sama?"

"Let us take charge of the rear."

Hyuga Hitoshi winked at the old village chief, his face full of conviction.

"This is the task you've arranged, right~?"

"So, for the sake of the village, to inspire our comrades fighting bloodily on the front lines, you'll surely head to the battlefield, won't you?"

This is the essence of traditional internal martial arts! Even against one's own, each strike is lethal!

Only by defeating magic with magic can one achieve a true finishing blow.

And thus.

Checkmate once again!


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