2:Masking soul

  "Damnit, they escaped"Hong Lei cursed

"Pursue"The Diyu saintess commanded and flew on a dark cloud quickly followed by Hong Lei in his chariot that was pulled by two large bull like beasts a tide like army followed behind at a fast pace.

      When someone looked at the situation from below, one would see a golden light and a black light tearing through the sky accompanied by a mass tide like army that covered the sky wherever they passed, they would block the light because of their Numbers.

       On the other side of the rift, the two rulers fell out from the spatial rip and landed in a forest, the rift attracted the attention of the surrounding hunters and old medicine men that came to gather herbs. The rift attracted many curious people, and when the two rulers soul bodies fell out from the space rift, it was like a bomb, causing the surrounding mortals to plunge into a state of chaos, one person even shouted

     "Ahhhhh a Ghost escaped from hell!!!!!!!!!"

The two figures felt a sense of urgency and couldn't be bothered to explain the these ignorant mortals just let them think what they wanted.

       "Sister we'll soon be caught up with, what's your plan? "Yang asked

       "We have to search for masking souls"Yin replied without much change in her expression

       "Hong Lei that bastard and Feng Xi that bitch must have destroyed all possible masking souls that we can use to hide"Yang said his red eyes burned brighter with fury.

      "But we have to try"Yin said shrugging her shoulders.

  The two rulers gathered light beams around them and they quickly spread the areas around them searching for a masking soul.

      Even though they expected it, their faces fell, the lights extinguished until only one was left, traveling at sonic speed, but they light Started to dim, like the others, one might think that it could be blown away by any passing wind.

But suddenly, the light burst out with an even more brilliant light, shinning even more than the sun and illuminating the morning.

     "What! "Yang exclaimed.

"A masking soul was found, and judging from the glow it is an exceptional grade masking soul looks like fate is on our side"Yang said excitedly

        "Let's move out"Yin said and took the lead rushing at a high speed in the direction of the masking soul.

       At the location of the masking soul... The Wuji pavilion, a middle aged man paced around worriedly, this middle aged man was the current pavilion master of the Wuji Pavilion Wuji Feng.

       The Wuji Pavilion was an overlord in the Long dynasty of the Blood continent they had the best information channels, controlled many treasures and were second only to the Royal house, even the Long dynasty's Emperor Long Huo had to be respectful of Wuji Feng by three points, but of course it wasn't to the point of fearing the Wuji Pavilion.

     At this moment, a lady came out of the golden coloured door in front of Wuji Feng.

     "How did it go? "The man asked anxiously shaking holding the lady's shoulders and shaking her shoulders

      "Ahem Ahem"the woman let out a dry cough

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure for a moment"Wuji Feng let go of the woman and put his hands behind his back.

       "It went well brother Feng"The last finally said relieving the man of his worries

       "It is a son but there is something strange about him"The lady said

      "Ji Yue is he in danger? "Wuji Feng's mood tenses up again

          "No, he's not, but he was born with an image of a golden crown between his brows that keeps releasing a terrifying aura"Ji Yue said.

          "That's not necessarily a bad thing"Wuji Feng commented

         "Not a bad thing at all its just strange"Ji Yue agreed with Wuji Feng and gestured for him to enter the room.

         "Alright let's go see my son"Wuji Feng said patting Ji Yue's shoulders.


The door lock clicked as it opened, revealing a huge chamber, it looked splendid, if one took one look at it, they would know that the room was decorated by a woman. The interior was decorated with many treasures, the curtains, chairs, tables, stools, the doors, and even the room was a high grade defensive type treasure.

      On the bed, a beautiful woman sat and rested her back On the head of the bed.

      The woman held a baby wrapped in a cyan coloured silk blanket which was a high grade magic treasure for defense and temperature regulation.

      "Feng"The woman called out excitedly.

      "Miao'er" Feng also called out affectionately and sat on the bed just beside the woman, but suddenly...


There was an explosion in the sky above the Wuji pavilion and a bright light that was shaped like a star shone in the sky, it's brilliance outshone the sun and the star hung above the room that the baby was in.

       All things were illuminated by the light and all illusions were useless in front of it, even the layout of the Wuji pavilion's array eye was visible. 

      "A rare phenomena, tsk brother Feng aren't you lucky Ji Yue's commented playfully.

       A phantom image of a golden throne descended behind the baby and it's mom, it was a collosal throne whose top was hidden in the clouds.

The throne had an aura of dominance, which made everyone who saw it want to bow down before it. As if that wasnthe enough, phantom images of people with crowns on their head started to descend.

        "That's Emperor Long Xue... And there's also Emperor Long Hai Lu... " Ji Yue called out in surprise

      "All these are previous Emperors of the Long dynasty" Wuji Feng who was more knowledgeable said.

      The figures kept descending and only stopped when they got to one hundred and three, all Phantoms wore dragon patterned robes and had different crowns on their heads releasing aura of majesty, but their aura paled in front of the aura emanating from the space between the baby's eyebrows.

     All the deceased Emperors of the Long dynasty had all descended and stood behind Long Huangdi the founding Emperor of the Long dynasty.

     Then the Emperors all got down on their knees and kowtowed in a thunderous manner that shook the heavens.

     Everyone looked over to the Wuji pavilion, and saw the large star shinning above the Wuji pavilion, in shock.

     In the chamber, the 103 Phantoms gave one hundred and one kowtows and the crowns on their heads exploded and turned into flowing lights before rushing into the crown image between the boy's brows. Then the Phantoms began to disperse one after another. Just at that moment 2 figures appeared in the room, but didn't seem to be seen by anyone. If not the two rulers soul bodies that were on  the run, who else could it be.

      "All Emperors bow not a bad talent, I remember that your disciple Hong Lei is thesame phenomena" the black robed Yin commented.

      "Let's go quickly" Yang said and dived into the space between the kids brows quickly followed by Yin.

     "YOUR ANCESTORS YOU DAMNED CHILD!!! " Yang could help but curse, looking at his soul, his entire soul was bound with grey chains that were glowing, same went for Yin.

      The chains didn't harm them but only imprisoned them, and at the same Time replicated their comprehension, techniques, dao comprehensions, e. t. c and stored it in the boy's mind only accessible when he reached a certain level of strength in the future.

       The only thing he received immediately was 4 percent of the two rulers comprehension ability which further boosted his comprehension ability. Don't look at the 4 percent as a small amount, even one percent of the comprehensive ability of the rulers of heaven and earth was enough to make immortals fight to the death, but the kid immediately received 4 percent, if the immortals were here they would curse at the heavens for being unfair, and probably destroy Wuji pavilion before devouring the baby's soul.

       As for the two rulers, they only got some energy that nourished their soul.

      "Soul synchronization chains? Why did this appear in the mortal realm? " Yin was surprised beyond compare.

       "With our current strength, we can't do anything about these chains, let's try to stablize our selves first" Yang said and sat cross legged to recover, as for Yin, her reaction was faster she had already started meditating.

(^O^)❤PEERLESS❤ ⓝⓔⓧⓣ ⓦⓐⓣⓒⓗ Ⓣⓣⓘⓣⓛⓔ : ⓔⓧⓒⓔⓟⓣⓘⓞⓝⓐⓛ ⓦⓤⓢⓗⓤⓐⓝⓖ.ⓚⓔⓔⓟ ⓡⓔⓐⓓⓘⓝⓖ ⓕⓞⓡ ⓤⓟⓓⓐⓣⓔⓢ, ⓐⓝⓓ ⓑⓔⓖⓖⓘⓝⓖ ⓕⓞⓡ ⓓⓐⓘⓛⓨ ⓥⓞⓣⓔⓢ, ⓢⓗⓔⓝ ⓝⓘⓐⓝ ⓞⓤⓣ ⓐⓝⓓ ⓡⓔⓜⓔⓜⓑⓔⓡ ⓦⓔ ⓡⓤⓛⓔ ⓞⓤⓡ ⓕⓐⓣⓔ.