The ongoing match came to a conclusion, it was a fight between two Third realm Energy Gathering practitioners, it ended in a burly gut with a saver winning, his opponent was in quite a miserable state, his opponent's hammer was thrown to the side and his blue robes were dyed scarlet red with his own blood, he had a long bone deep saber cut that extended from his left shoulder to his right waist and blood flowed out of his mouth, Shortly after the loser fell in front of Wuji Wushuang, he passed out and was carried away by attendants for first aid treatment. As for the guy with the saber, his left arm hanged in a strange manner, it was obviously broken, the guy just let out a cold snort and left to probably treat his arm.

       The announcer announced the next match of Wuji Wushuang vs Lei Bao, and Lei Bao walked up the platform, Lei Bao looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, and held a huge axe on his back, and wore black robes, he gave off strong feeling of suppression, although it was unintentional, his aura leaked out, showing him to be at fourth level beginner energy gathering.

       On seeing him Wuji Wushuang felt a sense of danger, his mind was telling him one move and you are done. But he managed to remain calm because Lei Bao wasn't stupid enough to kill him and walked up the platform. On seeing him, the arena exploded and cheers and incessant shouts almost threw off the roof of the arena.

       In this way two figures one wearing red and one wearing black stood facing each other on the stage facing each other.

       "I am Wuji Wushuang a disciple of the Wuji pavilion, I indulge senior brother to not hold back, please enlighten me" Wuji Wushuang said cupping his fists.

Lei Bao on the other hand just said:

   "Come show me what you got"and gestured with his hands standing on the spot, he didn't even taken out his axe.

   Wuji Wushuang took a step forward and dissapeared feom his original position, and suddenly appeared beside Lei Bao and slapped towards Lei Bao's head, he made his move and it was a dangerous one.

   "You have a sword and you are proficient in the sword concept, but you refuse to draw your sword, you look down on me too much" Lei Bao smiled and created a giant hand with his spirit Qi that grabbed at Wuji Wushuang.

    "Outrageous! "Wuji Wushuang remarked and instantly changed the trajectory of his palm to slap towards the giant hand, and a clashing sound of collision was heard, and the energy was cancelled out, but Wuji Wushuang was forced to retreat in a miserable looking manner by the force of the hand, of course if he had used his sword that wouldn't have been the case, but he wanted to practice his palm concept, his sword and footwork concept were both at the 2nd level, but his palm concept was still stuck at the first level for almost three months, he was trying to use this battle to figure out the flaws of the palm concept. If others knew what He was thinking, the would vomit a mouthful of blood in anger, and curse "because your concept was stuck for just three months you are worried, we're you kicked in the head by a donkey?"That was what people would probably say, how long does it take to grasp a trace of concept, talk more of advancing to the next level, but Wuji Wushuang wanted to break through again after three month which was almost impossible to do.

    "Again! "Wuji Wushuang shouted and dissapeared from his original position and reappeared in front of Lei Bao thrusting out his palm aiming at his chest, but was forced to retreat miserably.

     Just like that, Wuji Wushuang and Lei Bao had exchanged dozens of moves but was forced to retreat every time.

  Wuji Wushuang stood still after retreating again muttering a few words that only  he could hear, he said

     "Palm has no form, as far as there's momentum, there will be motion"

"I understand now"Wuji Wushuang said in an excited tone as he had multiple Epiphanies.

     Once again he dissapeared from his original position and appeared in front of Lei Bao, he slapped again, his palm caused the winds to whistle, and his speed exploded, Lei Bao slapped forward again, he wasn't proficient in the palm concept, so his slaps just sent out large palms made of energy.

        "GO AWAY! "Wuji Wushuang said and slapped, out at the incoming palm, the two palms collided, the energy palms dispersed, but it caused Wuji Wushuang to stop for a moment, in that moment, Lei Bao slapped out another energy palm but this time Wuji Wushuang dissapeared, and appeared besides Lei Bao and slapped towards his chest, Lei Bao had to withdraw his hands to defend against the incoming palm, Wuji Wushuang's palm arrived, but in a split second, his direction changed to Lei Bao's armpit making him take a step back, then Wuji Wushuang's direction changed again like a spirit snake turning into a thrust, and accurately striking Lei Bao on the chest forcing him two steps back.

     "Humph" Lei Bao creased his brows and too a second look at Wuji Wushuang who was obviously excited.

     As for the audience it was chaos on their side, the Dou arena was in a total uproar.

     "He made Lei Bao take two steps back, he has even comprehended the palm and footwork concept along with his sword concept to the third level a man screamed at the top of his voice.

[One had to know that even people at the seventh level energy gathering that comprehended a a trace of concept were considered geniuses]

      "He comprehended three concept and all of them are at the third level before he started cultivation, he's worthy of his title of number one genius of the Long Dynasty"someone commented.

       During the battle, Wuji Wushuang had multiple epiphanies and his concepts all rose to the third level.

   "Are you sure you won't draw your sword? "Lei Bao asked

"Why do you ask? " Wuji Wushuang returned a question

   "Because I'm going to get serious"Lei Bao replied.

Hearing this, Wuji Wushuang's battle spirit was ignited and he drew his sword and said

"I also want to see my limits"

    Powerful auras soared into the sky and battle intent had been ignited, and two figures moved athe thesame time....

To be continued...


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