The Earth breaking bull ran towards Wuji Wushuang causing the earth to vibrate violently, and it's head titles down causing his horns to face forward aiming at Wuji Wushuang it intended to bulldoze Wuji Wushuang directly, but would Wuji Wushuang stay and watch as the bull bulldoses him.

      "Wishful thinking " Wuji Wushuang sneered as he moved a little to the left causing the bull to colide with a huge tree whose trunk was about 15 Zhang in diameter, the tree immediately exploded turning into long sharp sword like splinters that broke through the air in different directions. Three of the pieces shot toward Wuji Wushuang but he skillfully evades them with the March of destruction. Unwilling to miss such a good opportunity Wuji Wushuang curled his fist and jumped up high before punching the side of the earth breaking bull fiercely causing the bull to stagger to the side and almost fall. But the earth breaking bull stablized it's body and swept it's fore arm towards Wuji Wushuang bringing with it a terrifying amount of strength that causes the winds to whistle. Wuji Wushuang didn't pull out his sword but slapped out with his palm, the both collided and the Earth breaking bull was forced to retreat eight steps back while Wuji Wushuang stayed on the spot as stable as mount tai giving off a feeling that he couldn't be shaken.

    In this collision Wuji Wushuang only used sixty percent of his strength and forces the Earth breaking bull back eight steps. Feeling the numbness in its forearm, the Earth breaking bull let out a lous roar and pounced on Wuji Wushuang raising its hooves up high and smashed them down intending to stomp Wuji Wushuang to death.

    Sensing the danger, Wuji Wushuang didn't dare to be too careless but still used sixty percent of his strength, this time he directly mobilized an enery hand and slapped sidewaya slapping the Earth breaking bull away the bull drew a long line and crashed into several big trees its enormous body shattered the trees to piecies. Attacking the bull with fists and palm wasn't going to be able to kill it because of its thick skin, so instead of wasting his time, Wuji Wushuang took out his sword but it was still sheathed in the scabbard that was made of black sky iron. Even though the sword was still in its sheath, it was emmiting waves of sword QI.

    The earth breaking bull got up again and after stabilizing its body it charged at Wuji Wushuang, but obviously it wasn't charging forward as brainlessly as before, but it's tail suddenly grabbed onto a tree and uprooted I before hauling it at Wuji Wushuang.

     Wuji Wushuang reacted quickly by drawing his sword and slashing the tree in half causing the two halves to fall to his sides, but at that moment the earth breaking bull appeared in front of Wuji Wushuang not giving him a chance to react at all. It's terrifying head collided with Wuji Wushuang sending him flying for several hundred feet before crashing into a huge tree and falling.

    Wuji Wushuang stood up a trace of blood hanging at the corner of his mouth, he smiled playfully as he looked at the Earth breaking bull, and said to himself:

   "What a cunning beast"

If not for the radiabt flame armour offsetting 80% of the Earth breaking bull's attack, Wuji Wushuang would have been seriously injured in that collision.

      "Foul beast its time for you to eat my sword "Wuji Wushuang pointed his sword at the Earth breaking bull in a provocative manner.

      Wuji Wushuang executed the first move of the five way breaking sword slash and lashed out twice at an insane speed two strands of swift sharp sword Qi shot out from the thunder sword blade with the speed of thunder and landed on the Earth breaking bull's shoulder leaving a bone deep cut on the bull's left fore shoulder causing the already enraged bull to completely loose its mind, it's body started to bulge and grow until it doubled in size completely going berserk, it charged towards Wuji Wushuang once again, this time it was as if ten bull's were charging forward and it opens its huge mouth and bit towards Wuji Wushuang.

    The five way breaking sword slash was executed and this time the sword in Wuji Wushuang's hand lashed out four times forming two X shaped word Qi that landed on the Earth breaking bull's fore shoulders, his left fore lb that was already injured was directly crippled by the sword and his right fore limb was just held by a few veins and muscles.


The Earth breaking bull Fell to the ground sending shockwaves in all directions, the bull looked at the human child in front of him, shock, unwillingness and anger was plastered on its face.

    How can a first level energy gathering realm human defeat my peak grade four demon beast? Why haven't I seen such a human before? Are all humans this terrifying?... The Earth breaking bull had a lot of questions as it saw the human that cut off its legs walk in front of it with his sword raised high, at this moment it didn't even have the strength to roar any more, the last thing it remembered was a sword falling and then it's line of sight darkened completely dying and falling into a cycle of samsara.

    Putting the beast head, skinand core into his storage bag, Wuji Wushuang made a fire and roasted the bull's meat, after the roasting was done, he put the meat into his storage ring leaving a huge chunk the size of three bowls which he ate as he shuttled through the forest to find the next herb to pick.

    Time passed by in a flash, and Wuji Wushuang had been in the Qulin range for six days and he had completed fifteen out of the seventeen missions, the herb gathering missions were all completed, and the beast hunting missions had two completed, Wuji Wushuang had also killed a lot of demon beasts of various strengths varying from class1 to class4.

     WHIZZ! Someone sped through the forest creating rustling sounds.

"Looks like I have to pay the early stage sixth class mud Python an extermination visit" The figure said to himself while skillfully dodging the trees.

      Coming to a stop in front of a swamp, the figures took a look at the map In his hands and then put it away and let out a sigh. It was none other than Wuji Wushuang. During the past few days he has killed a large amount of demon beasts, he had also killed two early stage class six beasts and for a fist sized star ore which was used to forge weapons, then he also got a top grade Energy gathering grass which was used to refine energy gathering pills. The fist sizes star ore cost Twenty thousand low grade spirit stones, as for the top grade energy gathering grass, it had the chance to create a top grade energy gathering pill that can unconditionally raise the cultivation of anyone below the fifth stage energy gathering by two levels . So their value was slf evident.

    Walking around the swamp Wuji Wushuang took note of the area and prepared to kill the mud python in one fell swoop And not give it a chance to retreat into the swamp because the swamp was the mud Python's territory, and it was easy for it to fight in the swamp but it wasn't easy for humans to fight in swamps, adding on the fact that the swamp was impossible to breathe in, except one was ready to absorb impurities, so if the mud python escaped into the swamp it would be as difficult as ascending to the heavens to kill it so Wuji Wushuang decided to catch it off guard and defeat it in one fell swoop.

    After looking around, Wuji Wushuang came up with a plan to defeat the mud python, which was to first lure it out and then the fun would begin.

    Wuji Wushuang released the aura of Energy gathering level 1 to the fullest, but even when it spread to the surroundings it was ignored by the mud python beneath the swamp as an ant.

    "Get out here! " Wuji Wushuang roared thunderously and released a huge foot seal that descended into the muddy swamp causing mud to fly everywhere, but a radius of two feet around Wuji Wushuang was mud free.


A huge snake head the size of a car emerged from the swamp, it's Body was the thickness of a tanker.Staring at the mud python Wuji Wushuang felt insignificant, the moment it's head popped out, the mud python's tail swept towards Wuji Wushuang's head like a spirit snake whip it's face carrying a human like sneer as if telling Wuji Wushuang it wasn't the turn of human ants to act wildly in it's territory. The mud python's tail slammed into Wuji Wushuang's body, but something strange happened. The scene of Wuji Wushuang exploding didn't explode but instead the python tail passed through Wuji Wushuang's body, and his body faded gradually . Seeing this, the python's mind skipped a beat.

    Phantom image!... The python thought in his mind

  "DIE BITCH! "At this moment, an angry shout sounded behind the python, Wuji Wushuang had made his move.... /



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