The skeleton waved his hand and a storage ring appeared in his hand looking closely it was the storage ring Wuji Wushuang had taken off from the skeleton's finger. Then he peeled out a grey coloured earthworm like strand of light before tossing it back to Wuji Wushuang.

     "This storage ring contains immortal spirit stones, try not to absorb them until you get to at least peak seventh true core realm, there are also two immoral ranked techniques the Life reaping sword skill and the Heavens annihilation palm. Try not to use them until you get to palace expansion or your fleshy body will collapse and your soul will dissipate because of the strain on your body due to low cultivation. There's also a secret skill seven levels of blood burning, it doubles your strength in a period of time but after that you fall into a weakened state, you can use that now but don't use it without scruples " The Ling Xue overlord introduced a few things.

      Wuji Wushuang had the urge to rush up and beat up the Ling Xue overlord, what life saving, the whole things the Ling Xue overlord mentioned could not be used until palace expansion and the secret skill couldn't be used without scruples, this was like a beauty stripped naked in front of a man but the man couldn't do anything to her causing Wuji Wushuang to feel depressed.


    "You think I'm stingy right? " The Ling Xue overlord asked

"No, this junior doesn't dare" Wuji Wushuang hurriedly refuted.


    "Some of The things I'm giving you now may not be useful now but they will ensure your safety and give long term benefits" Ling Xue overlord said to Wuji Wushuang

"Then I thank senior " Wuji Wushuang replied.

     "Next up there is a token, it contains ten all out sword strikes from me, enough to annihilate any one below the overlord realm, it can also play a good role during critical times, you can also release strands of sword With, that's enough to annihilate any one below the immortal realms. But be careful how you use it, before you mistakenly kill yourself and destroy this planet, there is also a book on formations, it was obtained by me from the tomb of an ancient power house, you can start studying it now, it will be of great help in the future. There are also forging materials,, array materials and spirit herbs and last but not least my sword he is my companion and has accompanied me to kill in all directions in the immortal realm, it is called milky Way star sword, a high grade immortal artifact, although you can only unleash one ten thousandth of its power, it is enough to make you invincible in the same realm, and leapfrog challenge. Lastly the artifact spirit can guide your cultivation, the rest will be explained by the star sword" Ling Xue overlord waved his hand and a sword flew out of the storage ring and suspended in mid air pointing at the sky and although it was sheathed it still had the aura of a dormant beast that if awakened would not stop until it had slain it's enemy.

    "Brother, I will see you again" Ling Xue overlord said and the sword let out human like sobs.

     "Alright let's get to business " Ling Xue overlord said and stretched his hand and grabbed at Wuji Wushuang's spirit cap, a painful tearing force came from Wuji Wushuang's head causing him to involuntarily groan in pain. Shortly after a strand of grey fluorescence was pulled out of Wuji Wushuang's spirit cap by Ling Xue overlord, they were then split and then fired into the storage ring and the sword and a connection was established between Wuji Wushuang and the two treasures.

    "The rest depends on you. The way out is through an array below the altar in the middle of the hall, also you have to retrieve the two treasures to reveal the array. After retrieving the treasures, a chance will come for you to make a breakthrough before the array appears, use it well" Ling Xue overlord said and spat a drop of blood onto the huge gates which in turn responded with creaking sounds and opened.

     Behind those gates was a very amazing splendid palace, made of shining gold, there were many murals on the walls. Wuji Wushuang quickly drilled into the gates and they closed with a bang.

Wuji Wushuang took a good look at the Hall and found the hall set up to be cool, there were seven lotus thrones arranged in a circle around the hall. And there was an altar in the middle of the hall, on the altar there was a green scaled egg and a tricoloured pearl that were both precious.

   "Those must be it right? " Wuji Wushuang said to himself.

Wuji Wushuang cautiously approached the altar paying attention to each and every step he took because he wasn't sure if there were no traps. But suddenly



   The crown image between Wuji Wushuang's brows buzzed and the pearl on the altar turned into an after image and drilled into Wuji Wushuang's abdomen before becoming dormant. Wuji Wushuang investigated the pearl in his abdomen, and after finding it didn't harm him he heaved a sigh of relief. Then he walked to the altar and picked up the egg that was covered in green scales. It was fine if he didn't, but when he did his expression turned 360 degrees and a sense of crisis arose because at the moment, the egg was constantly absorbing his blood essence in large gulps.

   "Motherfucker! " Wuji Wushuang curses and tried to throw the egg away, but it seemed the egg was weldes to his hand unable to be thrown out at all it couldn't even be shaken in the slightest.

       "If this continues, I will be sucked into a skin pouch" Wuji Wushuang said through gritted teeth. At the moment, Xing Jian (star sword) buzzed and released an aura that firmly suppressed the egg finally stopping it from devouring Wuji Wushuang alive, but Wuji Wushuang's face was still pale because he had lost a lot of blood. Get threw the egg to the side in horror.

      At this moment, the silent altar cracked and split open from the middle before shattering. Revealing an azure coloured pond that glowed like a thousand stars. The pond wasn't made of water but was made of dense Spirit Qi that had Liquidified due to its density.

      "FUCK! IT'S A FRICKIN SPIRIT SPRING! "Wuji Wushuang exclaimed twice in a row, seeing this, he remembered the skeletons words

    "After you retrieve the treasures a chance to make a breakthrough will come, make good use of it" Were the skeletons words.

     "Great, I'm frickin rich! " Wuji Wushuang said and jumped into the pond in excitement and jumped into the pond without hesitation.

Gulu Gulu!!!

    Sounds came from the pond and a whirlpool appeared in the pond with Wuji Wushuang as the center and the Quality poured into his body like a tide refreshing him very well. His cultivation started to rise as his cells started to expand, as his cultivation advanced, the spirit spring shrunk. The Energy gathering realm didn't need comprehension, it only needed to gather spirit Qi so there was no obstruction.

A buzzing sounds came from within Wuji Wushuang's body and a wave of spirit Qi soared into the roof, and the spirit spring that only had ten percent left was instantly devoured by his body.


Wuji Wushuang tired roar vent his pent up feelings and the aura of a seventh stage Energy gathering erupted from his body and he let out a breath of turbid air before standing up.

    "I didn't expect to be able to breakthrough to seventh stage Energy gathering in one go Wuji Wushuang said dusting his robes with a smile then he clenched his fists to feel his strength.

   "You are indeed lucky, but don't try to breakthrough any time soon,try to consolidate and polish your cultivation or else you will encounter a bottleneck and it will be hard for you to breakthrough to the immortal realms, there are rumors that if one polished their Qi to the limit, they would automatically breakthrough and that would be a natural breakthrough that can't be suppressed " A voice sounded in Wuji Wushuang's mind. Needless to say it was the artifact spirit of the star sword Xing Jian.

    "Thank you, but please how do we get out of here? " Wuji Wushuang asked.

"Look at the ground, there are grooves, insert seven immortal stones into the seven grooves and we can leave " Xing Jian Said simply.

    Wuji Wushuang looked at the ground in the pond and found seven lotus runes on the ground arranged just like the lotus Thrones in the hall, and each lotus drawing had a groove for immortal stones. Wuji Wushuang put seven stones into the grooves and the array started operating and a flash of light rose up in the hall, and Wuji Wushuang dissapeared. Just as the array was about to shut down, a green light drilled and followed behind Wuji Wushuang....


A flash of light descended from the skies outside the entrance to the thorn sea and a figure walked out from it. That's right, it was Wuji Wushuang, and he once again arrived at the outskirts of the thorn sea, he sighed and turned back to look at the thorn sea but a green light flashed by and slammed into Wuji Wushuang causing him to loose consciousness.


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