In the merit tower, a youth dressed in red robes stood in front of the counter with two longswords on his back, he was followed by a lion like class 3 demon beast cub the size of a baby goat, and the most eye-catching thing was a gold coloured crown image that flashed between the brows of the youth.

      That's right, this youth was Wuji Wushuang who had just returned from the Qilin range. He stood motionlessly waiting because a servant has gone to report the news of his return to the elders. The first floor was packed with disciples as usual, and they looked at Wuji Wushuang and whisperes something to one another.

     "Do you think the young master completed his mission, because in his situation it seems unlikely " A disciple said to his companion.

      "I also think the same I can't believe he completed all those missions in half a month even if I'm beaten to death" Another disciple said scornfully.

     Wuji Wushuang whom they were talking about heard them, but he simply ignored them and stood with his eyes closed because some things don't need explanations and can only convince others with action.


Several whooshing sounds came from the surroundings, indicating the arrival of the elders. Following the whooshing sounds, nine figures appeared in the hallway emitting waves of Majesty, WujiFeng was standing in the middle of the other eight figures, his jade crown made one think that he was an Emperor that was high up and untouchable.

     "Wuji Wushuang greets Father and the Elders " Wuji Wushuang said dipping a bow in respect.

     "Hahahaha kid, it's great you are back, I am worried " Xue Elder said and chuckled.

"Turn in the missions and labels in order to calculate the merit points " Merit tower Elder said.


    "Okay Elder" Wuji Wushuang said and took out thirteen spirit herbs with fruits.

"Herb gathering missions completed " The Merit tower Elder said causing everyone to be shocked because most of the spirit herbs and fruits were guarded by class 4 demon beasts, some were guarded by Class 5 demon beasts, and one even had a half class 6 demon beast guarding it, causing everyone to think again on how Wuji Wushuang had killed the beasts with his first level energy gathering cultivation, of course no one would believe it at all because if Sixth stage Demon beast weren't cabbages that could be killed just because one wanted to.

      Ignoring the surrounding gazes, Wuji Wushuang took out the head and beast core of the beginner class 6 Mud python, the elder once again announced the completion of the Fourteenth mission.

      Wuji Wushuang took out another class six beast core, it was the core of s class six fire fox, when the elder announced another mission completed, it was like a bomb was dropped in the hallway creating waves of discussions.

     Wuji Wushuang stopped taking out cores and looked at the elders, you look at me I look at you no one understood what was going on.

     "Why did you stop? " Wuji Feng asked in a cold tone.

"Father it's nothing much, I'm afraid that the space won't be able to hold the cores that I am about to bring out" Wuji Wushuang said.

      "Make space " Wuji Feng ordered and waved his sleeves moving the disciples within a radiu of ten feet away.

     "Will this be enough? " Wuji Feng asked.

"More or less" Wuji Wushuang replied and took out over ten storage bags and then he turned them upside down and began to shake them.


Glass like beast cores made clinking noises as they fell to the ground. The cores first filled up the space created by Wuji Feng and started to pile up until it reaches the roof of the first floor. Jaws dropped, everyone was shocked.

   "S**T! " An elder couldn't help but curse.

"Did he hunt all the frickin beasts in the Qilin range? "Another elder said in shock.


   "These are all the cores In my possession" Wuji Wushuang said dusting his hands.

"I do not see a wind wolf's beast core" Wuji Feng said in an indifferent manner.

    "Sorry I almost forgot " Wuji Wushuang said.

    "ROAR! YOU DESPICABLE HUMAN, YOU DARE TO HUMILIATE ME, I WILL SKIN YOU AND CRAMP YOUR BONES" A beastly voice full of resentment resounded throughout the hall and a miserable pig headed creature appeared in everyone's lines of sight releasing aura at the first stage of the ocean realm.

    "What the heck is that, it looks so ugly" A female disciple said in disgust.

          "Who did you just say is ugly? It is your father and his ancestors that are ugly " The miserable Wind Wolf couldn't help but curse.

      "No doubt it's the Wind Wolf, but when did the Wind Wolf become an Ocean beast? " Someone asked but unfortunately no one would answer him.

      "Wuji Wushuang completed his missions and after calculations, he will be given Forty million gold bars, Forty million low grade spirit stones, three million Energy gathering pills and Forty thousand contribution points" The merit hall Elder announced.

    The students couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, such an enormous amount of money was going to be handed over to Wuji Wushuang, it would be a lie to say they weren't envious to death.

    "Great! Good! Shuang'er do you remember what I told you? " Wuji Feng asked

        "Yes Father, I will be on my own and will fend for myself once I get to the seventh level energy gathering realm " Wuji Wushuang replied.

     "WHAT! " A disciple couldn't help but exclaim, in shock of Wuji Wushuang's advancement speed.

     "Breaking through six levels in two weeks, he's truly worthy of being called the number one genius in the Long dynasty " The female disciple from earlier that called Wind Wolf ugly said and blushed.

      Wuji Feng waved his sleeves to disperse the noise in the hall and turned to look at Wuji Wushuang.


      "From here onwards, you are no more a member of the Wuji Pavilion, you won't receive any help from us or any kind of support, you must rely on yourself to earn resources, status, and power and most importantly protect your self " Wuji Feng said in a casual tone.

     "Shuang'er shall obey father" Wuji Wushuang said and bowed.

"Good, now take your rewards and go" Wuji Feng said and signaled the merit hall elder who passed on a storage ring to Wuji Wushuang, then Wuji Feng flicked his sleeves causing Wuji Wushuang to disappear from sight.

     At the foot of Wuji Wushuang's mountain range on which his courtyard was built, a figure appeared at the entrance followed closely by a pet lion like beast. That's right it Was Wuji Wushuang, he was teleported back home by Wuji Feng.

     Taking a deep breath, Wuji Wushuang ascended the mountain. At the peak of the mountain were lavish palace like buildings that looked cool even though it was only in its embryonic form. There was a dome like light shield around the mountain peak, it was a defensive formation that glowed with azure light. Looking at all these, Wuji Wushuang was satisfied.


      Walking up to the gates, Wuji Wushuang knocked thrice with his knuckles.

"Who is smashing our Wushuang pavilion's gate like that? " A loud voice with a domineering tone came from inside the gate followed by creaking, the gates opened, and a burly youth with a scar on his face wearing heavy Armour with a saber pinned on his waist walked out, he gave off the feeling that he wasn't easy to talk to at all. He was followed by a handsome youth dressed in marsh coloured light armour with a spear hanging on his back.

     "Who are you and what do you want? " The burly youth asked in a cold tone

"My name is Shuang, please tell Master Lei that I'm here to see him" Wuji Wushuang said politely

     "You want to see master Lei just because you want to? If you have come to cause trouble again, you better scram before I loose my temper" The burly youth said in an impatient tone.

   "Please brother tell your master Lei I'm here to see him " Wuji Wushuang said again.

"I already told you to scram " The burly youth said obviously angered by Wuji Wushuang's refusal to leave.

    "Brother please, take this and inform Master Lei of my presence" Wuji Wushuang said passing a storage bag to the burly youth.

     "You're courting death! Do you think we don't get paid here? Or do you think that this daddy can be bought? This is simply looking down on me and our Wushuang pavilion , now die! " The burly youth roared in anger and pulled out his saber, a wave of killing intent soared into the skies, even the youth with the spear who had always maintained an attitude of watching a play was obviously annoyed.... \

Sorry guys i was really sick thats why i couldn't update on time,my sincere apologies.


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