Body Control (3)

I never thought I would ever wear leggings in my life. To be honest, I am not me, but in Chrissy's body. From her memories, I packed my things before I set off. I shambled around like a duck, crouching down to tie my shoes.

By the time I got to the studio, I couldn't believe how soundly Chrissy was sleeping. Half an hour had passed since I arrived at the studio and met her friends. I was lucky that I could access her memories. When unknown women greet you, ask about you, or ask if you want to have coffee with them, I didn't know what to say. I told Terri Vanderwerf that maybe I could come next week, while before that I talked to Jinti Mason about how unhealthy it is for the child to paint the baby bump. It was a purely ethical question with no information or anything else available, but luckily Chrissy already had a hunch about it, or at least what she had read.

We all came together in a room before we started our exercises. The yoga teacher first led us through the breathing exercises, during which I could always hear the child moving. At the same time, I felt Chrissy in the background, slowly waking up. For the next exercise, we had to stretch. I held my stomach and shifted Chrissy's weight back and forth. It wasn't long before I felt Chrissy getting stronger. Her presence was pushing back my abilities. It wasn't long before I closed her eyes and let her return to her body.

She looked around, a little surprised, to see herself in her yoga class. She wondered how she had got there and what was going on with the children. However, she quickly assumed that it was the baby stress that she was probably suffering from. She joined in with the exercises and felt the baby in her belly like I did.

"This is killing me," she said, her head glowing red.

I backed away and observed the situation.

When Chrissy ran straight home after yoga class, her three other children were already on her mind. She opened the front door.

"I'm back," she shouted into the room. Her husband shouted back from the kitchen. So she ran into the kitchen and saw the children eating broccoli and meat. Chrissy was hungry when she started eating. Without a word, she set to work to satisfy her hunger.

For me, this experience today was pure happiness because she had not discovered me. I am not ready for her to meet me yet, but there will come a time when she will meet me.