Meet her (1)

Chrissy thought about the event all evening. She brushed her teeth after doing homework with her children and feeding her son. She spit out the toothpaste and decided to put it behind her. She fell asleep like a child within seconds. 

A sudden pain, sinking into the deep water with her fifth child. She tried to swim to the surface, but she kept being pulled back down. She looked into the depths and saw hands holding her. With the last of her strength, she tried to break free when she could no longer breathe. "Mother, why did you leave me alone," she heard a voice in the water. She looked down at her stomach when suddenly a hand poked out. The second hand poked through as she tried to open the womb. Chrissy's upper body jumped up in the middle of the night. She was breathing heavily. "Chrissy, are you all right?" her partner woke up next to her and helped her to sit upright. 

The next morning, as Zach was preparing his clothes, Chrissy woke up. Completely tired, she got up and grabbed a coffee before packing the last few things for herself and her children. After breakfast together, they got dressed. Zach at the wheel, Jamie in the passenger seat with the baby, Chrissy and Chrissy's eldest son and the rest of them in the back. Chrissy made herself comfortable, leaning against the window and nodding off while the children either enjoyed the view or watched a movie on the iPad. 

After Chrissy fell asleep, she found herself back in her mind. Surrounded by black darkness, she screamed around. She screamed to see if anyone was here. 

"Don't be afraid," I said to her. My voice resounded in the room.

"Who are you?" she wanted to know straight away.

"The person who saved you from the water," I replied back. 

She looked in my direction but couldn't see me. She looked a little shocked and at the same time she knew that her perception was correct.

"Who are you?" she wanted to know my name. 

I wondered whether I should tell her now, but after thinking about it for a long time, I decided not tell her. 

"When the time is right, I'll tell you."

When she asked me why I had called her, I replied that I hadn't called her, but that her consciousness had brought me here. We fell silent, the silence spanning the room. 

 "I want to thank you for saving me," she thanked me. Anyway, I would have been dead too if she hadn't saved her. Just before she was about to ask me why I had saved her, Anna woke her up. 

Anna was holding her mother in her T-shirt. "Mom, we're here." Chrissy faded from her mind and jolted up in the vehicle. The family pulled into a driveway of a large house in Pismo Beach. Two older people who looked a lot like Zach were already standing in the sun, waving at the vehicle. 

As soon as Zach had parked, the children got out. Baby Mina handed Jamie over to his father, who carried his luggage over. "Welcome back," smiled the grandparents, hugging their son and daughter-in-law. Chrissy's children jumped up at them and asked the grandparents if they could go fishing, to the old town or to the movies. After calming down, we all went inside and settled into the guest room. 

The children ran like wild chickens to the room, which they shared so that they could occupy different beds. While Zach took his and his wife's luggage to their room, grandfather made coffee. Grandma played with the baby during this time.

The coffee had been poured into their cups. The grandfather sat on the other side of the table and started talking to his son. It was one of the longest small talks I'd ever seen, about the drive up to his house, about his company and about the shares they were investing in. Chrissy listened for several minutes, but she wasn't interested. She looked at her grandmother, who was playing with Mina. 

"Who's your best grandmother," she tickled the child. "Yes, that's me," she took Mina's hand. She rocked the child in her arms, gazing at her sweet face again and again. Chrissy almost melted at the sight. She really felt at home with them. When the child then started to cry, the grandmother handed the child over to Chrissy, not because the grandmother was afraid for the child, but because the child was hungry. So Chrissy lifted her breast holder, took her right breast and as soon as the child took the nipples into its mouth, it sucked milk. The engorged breasts did not empty even after half an hour. The child sucked and chewed on the nipple when Chrissy removed it. Personally, I was a little aroused by the toddler chewing on Chrissy's nipple, but I couldn't show my expression. Except that my feelings made Chrissy a little wet underneath. 

In the late afternoon, Chrissy helped her mother-in-law plant seeds. They did it all by hand, bending over, digging a hole and burying the seeds in the ground. In the middle of the work, Chrissy felt pain in her vaginal area. She moaned heavily as her mother-in-law ran to her. 

"Is it coming out?" she asked as she held her hand. 

Chrissy was breathing heavily. 

"Not yet," she replied as her breathing deepened. 

The pain calmed and Chrissy sat on the floor. She was breathing normally again when her mother-in-law checked on her again. But this time the pain disappeared abruptly. Her mother-in-law helped her to stand up. 

"Before you give birth, I want you to know something else," she surprised her daughter-in-law. "But that can wait until after dinner," smiled her mother-in-law.