Fuck me, Fuck you, fuck her

If I was still in Chrissy's body, I could have made enough larvae. In the early afternoon, Kinsley returned to the bakery where Samantha worked.

While I had most of the workers under my control, they were putting larvae into the delicacies. I felt, if I wanted to, more and more people male and female were under my control. The store was full today too. As soon as my host walked in and went behind the counter, she put on her aprons and went to the boss. She greeted almost everyone in the bakery. Her boss, who was serving customers at the register, asked Kinsley if she could take some time off while she continued to help. Normally, her boss would start making a fuss or fire her right away, but since I was also checking up on her, she simply agreed. 

Kinsley's working hours started at two o'clock in the afternoon and lasted until the shop closed. She looked after the customers and sold the pastries, which were full of microscopic larvae. In the meantime, I was thinking about how to get Hannah infected. 

I couldn't risk my plan being compromised by her. So I thought that I would take different pieces of cake and infect her. It was worth a try and if it didn't work, I also had an idea for plan B, which was to pick up parasites myself and spread them. Krinsley did this on her own when she tried pieces of cake during the break. Even though they were infested with parasites, they still tasted good. 

That evening, Kinsley carried a few pieces of cake home. If there were more, it would seem strange. Kinsley opened the door, stepped inside and announced herself. Hannah and her mother were already home. Hannah was in her room while her mother was downstairs on the sofa watching TV. I took her body from Kinsley without any further problems and put the pieces of cake in bowls. 

I then walked past her mother and into Hannah's room. Hannah was working on her chores while I snuck up on her and put the bowl next to her. She noticed me and turned around. Her brown hair, darker than Kinsley's, fell to the other side, and her oval head with small cheeks and blue-gray eyes looked over at me. A quick glance down before she declined. She wouldn't eat it, even if I pretended I only meant well. Because she often ate healthy.

I stepped out of her room, completely defeated by her rejection. I closed her door behind me again when her mother looked at me. "What's that?" she wanted to ask? Hannah's mother looked similar to her, also with brown, long hair, a long oval face and brown eyes. She also had a few wrinkles on her face. Although she was thin, her breasts stood out. They were bigger than Kinsley's. But I let myself get lost in that. "These are the cakes I took with me today," I showed them to her in the bowl. She looked at it appetizingly. "Since she doesn't want to eat it," she hinted, "I can eat it." I handed her the pieces of cake. As soon as she had them in her hands, she bit into the first piece. "Beautiful," she said with her mouth full and continued to chew on it. I felt my children, my larvae, drop into my stomach. At least I hadn't thrown it away and wasted them. From now on it took several hours for them to attach themselves to her brain. Now I had to wait and find another plan. Immediately afterwards, I left Kinsley to her body again and continued to monitor the situation. 

Kinsley returned to her room, where she too was busy with her homework. Between Hannah, Kinsley and her mother, there was nothing else they did together that evening. Late in the evening, Hannah's mother's husband came home. He kissed her before sitting next to her and watching a movie with her. The later it got, the quieter the TV became until they went to bed. Kinsley also changed his clothes and went to bed. Without thinking twice, she fell asleep. It was almost ten o'clock. I followed how long it took with Hannah's mother. So far, the parasites had entered her bloodstream, but it took a little longer for them to get into her brain. At midnight, the time had come. While many larvae were attacked by their white blood cells, some survived and arrived at the surface of the brain. I transferred my consciousness into their bodies. As soon as I had done this, I heard Hannah's mother snoring. Her husband also snored, but deeper and quieter. As soon as I had taken over her body, I regulated her breathing and opened my eyes. I was wearing a nightgown that clung to me. I opened my eyes and stood up slowly. It took me a moment to balance my body because her breasts were bigger than Kinsley's. 

I felt my bladder weighing me down. I slowly crept out of the room. I went into the bathroom and switched on the light. An older woman in her mid-forties looked me in the eye. Even though she looked older, I was impressed by her because she still looked beautiful. I touched her face with my own hands, felt her wrinkles. I looked down at the nightgown. The breast holders held her breasts. The curve was visible on the nightgown. I grabbed her breasts. They were soft, but different from Chrissy's and Kinsley's. She was older and hung lower. I excited myself so that my bladder would soon burst. I squatted on the toilet bowl and looked at her private parts, black-haired, her vulva was covered. I felt her urine shoot out of me. Immediately afterwards, I lifted her pants and had to continue with my plan. 

After washing my hands, I went to Hannah. I opened the door and asked her if she would like some tea. She looked back at me and then at the clock. It was half past twelve in the morning. She exhaled. "Please!" she almost despaired. I prepared a cup of tea for her. I had planned to throw my larvae into it, but again there was only one larva. I thought quickly, should I take a few larvae from Kinsley's body? After some thought, this would take longer. I looked at other options. I looked for the cake that I gave to Hannah's mom. I found a few leftovers that still had larvae in them. My luck. I threw them into the tea. I was also lucky that I had only heated the tea and not let it boil. My children wouldn't survive that. I went into her room and gave her the tea. Without looking, she just said: "Thank you", put the tea next to her and carried on working. "Don't work too long. You have school again tomorrow!" I mentioned to her before she replied, "Not until the afternoon!" I went back to bed and had to wait.

In fact, Hannah drank the tea that night. I waited until the early hours of the morning to take over her body. At four o'clock in the morning, the time had come: I had access to Hannah's brain and part of her memories. I penetrated her. Her psyche as strong as I had ever seen it. As I tried to take control of her body, I plunged into her subconscious like a pool of water. In the colorless darkness, Hannah also emerged, torn from her dreams. She looked around her, unknowingly wondering what this was all about. It remained silent. After a while, she felt me, because I had invaded her body. "Who are you?" she wanted to know immediately. It wasn't that I was ashamed of my body form, but I changed my form into my human form. I stepped out of the darkness. She watched me before asking me who I was. 

"My name is Oscar, Oscar Roberts."

"You're British," she was puzzled. 

"Where am I?" she wanted to know right away. 

"In your memory, because I want to take over your body."

She was speechless. "What do you mean, 'take over your body'?"

"I am reborn as a parasite. I have the ability to control other bodies. And you, my dear, have eaten me," I said and stepped closer to her. 

"You want to take possession of my body?" she clarified again. Perhaps she thought she was still in a dream. "I don't even know who you are! "I grabbed her forehead as I showed her my memories, also conveying the pain I had suffered. She stared up at me for a few seconds as a tear fell down her cheek. "So much pain," she said, before I pulled her back. "But I don't want you to take over my body!" she said anyway, and I knew that diplomacy was no longer the answer. 

"Actually, I wanted to make it easy for you," I told her as I changed into my true body and curled around her. "I have no air!" she said louder and louder. She passed out shortly after. The next time she woke up, she was lying in a bed, naked. I was on top of her and she felt me massaging her breasts. I kneaded them like dough, as if they were clay. She wanted to disappear, but her body remained still. I kissed her on the mouth for a long time, put her tongue in my mouth and vice versa. She was already spoiled. While we kissed, I pushed my genitals into hers. She moaned slightly. I jiggled around, up and down, kissing her on the lips several times. The longer I did this, the more bare-faced she became. She wasn't herself, Hannah, who was afraid of me, but Hannah, the wild one who liked sex. I wasn't finished yet, but Hannah didn't mind either, as she no longer resisted. 

She felt comfortable. I felt the same. We started licking each other, her breast and she my genitals. Although it was her first time, she had done it really wonderfully. I kept kissing her, more and more, the sex became stronger and stronger until I had the feeling that she had fallen in love with me. Then her body accepted me, also as a user. Now she was mine. 

At some point she was so tired that she fell asleep on me. She began to confide in me. She probably thought she was in a dream. Even though my penis was inside her, I had the feeling of being understood. I also confided in her. I embraced her, now she was mine. I can now use her however I want.

The next morning, the alarm clock screamed out. Hannah took control and tapped the alarm clock. "Weird," she said, thinking about what she had dreamed. "Was that really real?" she asked herself, or had she been pushing herself hard with studying. Without thinking any further, she went about her life and I kept a low profile.