
After getting a few more IV drips and resting, he was almost fully recovered after a few days.

The entrance exams would hold in a few months and he doesn't want to repeat the oolong of his last life. Zhu Mingze studied any chance he got. He was already very smart and even when he didn't pay much attention to his studies his scores could be said to be average and he didn't fall that far behind. Now that he was paying special attention to his studies, he has made progress in leaps and bounds.

At first his dandy friends though he would go right back to playing after he recovered but a month had passed and he showed no signs of reconnecting with them so they couldn't resist gossip and came to ask him directly. When they heard he was planning to focus on his books they were in disbelief and they just thought it was because he had a brush with death and was being obedient for the time being. But as time passed they realized that he might actually be serious.

Of course seeing this, Sun Zhiyu could no longer sit still. He kept inviting him out and told him not to overwork himself. Heh. It's funny how I haven't thought of how to deal with him yet and he keeps dangling himself in front of me. It's really ironic.

Recalling the results of the investigation he had previously gotten, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

This Sun Zhiyu was truly a white eyed wolf. That person had gotten him inside information on a few projects and it helped him get on the good side of some rich second generation kids he usually hung out with. He wove a pitiful tale about how he was being mistreated and wronged but couldn't do anything because of my family status. Why didn't they do anything? Because he portrayed himself as a little white rabbit who didn't care about anything but couldn't help but feel just a little aggrieved. Besides none of these kids could do anything anyways. They are all second sons who don't hold any power in their family and Sun Zhiyu knew that as well. His goal was just to turn them against me. Now it would not be an exaggeration to say I was surrounded by his people.

While I was lost in thought a crisp knock sounded on my door. I opened it a crack and saw Butler Li. He bowed respectfully and told me they were guets in the house and my presence was requested. I nodded to show my understanding and stepped back .

I don't remember this happening in my last life. Or is it the butterfly effect caused by my rebirth? I looked at the calendar and finally realized why I didn't have any impression of this. It was fifteenth April. How could I have forgotten? It was the day I was drugged and had several unsightly pictures of me taken with several different people. My family's stocks were greatly affected because of that incident. But in this life I barely had any time to play around so did I unconsciously gloss over that plot? I checked my phone and looked through my messages. I swiped through them and halted at a particular one. Song Wuchen. I had a slight impression of this person. I seemed to have run into him a few times at different parties and so we added wechats. According to the investigation reports, he was the one who had the best relationship with Sun Zhiyu. He had been fiercely pursuing him for some time now. We are not particularly close and for him to send me a message at this time, it is pretty clear who's intention it is. I opened the message and looked through it.

[ Young master Zhu, I heard you have been in seclusion these days. We are really worried about you. I am hosting a party this night and I hope you can give me some face]

I sneered and dropped the phone. Isn't just a bit of face? How could I who has been through hell and back care about something like that.

As for the traitorous butler, I had already told my dad about my 'suspicions' and despite the fact that I didn't have any substantial evidence, he still took my words seriously. But the investigation is a bit tricky. This is something that happened over twenty years ago and someone is deliberately trying to conceal it so it will take more time to uncover. In the mean time Butler Li has been stripped of his power bit by bit. Directly dismissing him will not only startle the snake but also give our family a bad name. He is someone who has been in the Zhu family for decades and has acquired contacts of his own, so before bringing anything to light we have to have iron clad evidence.

I picked out a random shirt and wore some trousers then went out to meet the guest.

When I got to the lounge room my stepmom was blossoming under the attention of a handsome young man.

He had blonde hair and light coloured eyes. He seemed to be of mixed race and about twenty years of age. When he turned look at me I felt my heartbeat stop for a second and then accelerate rapidly.I stared at him for a few more seconds before looking away calmly. My stepmom saw me as well and waved for me to come over.

"Xiao Ming. Look who it is. Do you remember A'Chen? He stayed with us for a short while when you were younger. You used to run around and call him brother. "

I looked at the man with slight embarrassment. I didn't remember him at all. He seemed to notice my embarrassment and stood up to offer his hand.

"I'm Wang Muchen. You may not remember me because you were about four years then and I only stayed with your family for three months. We didn't have any contact since then so it's only natural to have forgotten me"

I knew he was trying to smooth out the situation and I leaned forward to take his hand with a smile. When I got closer to him I paused. I smelt a very familiar fragrance from him. The one I had tried very hard not to think about these days. Spruce trees and oranges. I unconsciously leaned closer to him and he looked taken aback. I also realized my behavior was a bit improper so I took back my hand naturally and explained to him.

"Your perfume smells really nice. I'm sorry about my behavior, I couldn't help but want to take a few more wiffs. I hope you don't mind ?"

His eyes narrowed as though trying to see through me and then he gave a slight smile.

"It's okay. No harm done. It was specially made for me so it's not available in the market. I could give you a bottle of you want"

"I would love that"

My stepmom sat watching this scene and I could tell she was almost bursting with joy. She clasped her hands together and got up quickly saying she would go call my dad and Zhu Hui Ying.

We were the only ones sitting and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

"Young master Zhu is a high school student?"

"There's no need for that formality. You can call me Xiao Ming like my parents do or Mingming. Either will surfice. I will write the entrance exam in three months"

"Well, Mingming. "

"En. I'll call you A'Chen okay? You look not older than twenty are you a university student?"

" No. I was a special student. I already graduated a few years ago. I just turned twenty -one this year"

"Hey. I didn't realize you're actually an academic bully"

Our conversation progressed and the slight awkwardness could no longer be found.

My stepmom came back to say dinner was ready but dad and Zhu Hui Ying wouldn't be able to make it back in time.

The three of us ate and it was quite lively. Aunt Xiu(stepmom) asked him to stay the night but he strongly declined and so I was asked to see him out.

His driver was already waiting for him but he seemed hesitant to say something. I tilted my head slightly to the side and looked up at him. I am already a big man of 187 but I still needed to look up at him.

"A'Chen is there anything else you need?"

"Then may I scan your WeChat?"

I mentally facepalmed . Zhu Mingze how can you seduce someone without even getting their contact information?

"I left my phone in the room but you could write your ID for me. I'll search for your account later"

He got a piece of paper and pen from his driver and wrote down his ID.

I watched him drive away before walking back into the house.

Aunt Xiu was sitting. Probably waiting for me. When she saw me coming she immediately pulled me to sit.

"Xiao Ming what do you think of that kid A'Chen?"

"He's okay. He seems like an okay guy"

"You__ Do you like him? Do you feel your heart flutter when you saw him?"

I let out a low laugh

"Aunt Xiu, I just met him. It seems too early to talk about that"

"But you don't reject him do you?"

"Well, I don't"

She let out a sigh

"Well that good. I was afraid you would be dissatisfied with him. If so I can only break my promise"

"What promise?"

"When you two were younger I promised A'Chens mother that if you were to grow up, I would get you guys married to each other"

"A baby kiss?"

"You can call it that. A'Chen is quite satisfied with you so the only thing we needed was to get your opinion"

I went to my room and washed up. I lay decadently on the bed. I could already guess why we didn't have any intersection until it was too late in my last life. At this time I was already covered with messy rumors. They probably thought it wasn't worth mentioning anymore and decided to dissolve the engagement.

Speaking of which... I entered the name he gave and searched for his profile. I sent him an invite

[A'Chen, it's Mingming. Did you get back yet?]

I scrolled through my other messages and saw that Song kid had bombarded me with messages.

I didn't bother reading them I just replied him casually.

[I had guests today .]

I rolled around in bed for a while and then my phone dinged . I picked it up quickly and it was Wang Muchen. He accepted my invite and replied.

[Well I just got back]

I immediately texted him back.

[I was about to go to bed but I was waiting for your reply. Good night A'Chen] not long after it was sent out I got his reply

[Good night.]

I smiled and dropped the phone. Propping myself to sleep.