Chapter 32 Three Parties Gather Together

By this time, Kobra knew it was too late to stop them.

He realized that he had fallen into the trap set by the others from the very beginning. They had been waiting for him to panic and reveal his position.

Despite this, his dignity as a leader prevented him from surrendering easily.

"Nico Robin, since you know what's down here, you should also understand that if the information here gets out, neither the Marines nor the World Government will let you go."

Robin merely smiled slightly in response.

"Your Majesty Cobra, do you really think I care about that?"

Kobra's expression froze as he remembered that Robin was a survivor of the Buster Call.

Seeing Zala beside Robin, he thought of something and continued to persuade her.

"Even if you don't care about yourself, what about those around you? As a survivor of that tragedy, you should understand that the World Government won't let anyone interfere with the history. Are you prepared for the consequences? Is it really worth the risk?"

While Robin's face remained firm, Zala looked increasingly apprehensive.

As an agent of the dark world, Zala understood the World Government's terror. Even though she had seemingly run out of options, the idea of becoming a target of the World Government unsettled her.

"You talk too much, Your Majesty Kobra!"

Noting Zala's hesitation, Robin took decisive action.

With a wave of her arms, she grew limbs from Kobra's body, gagging and restraining him.

"Since you refuse to lead the way, I'll have to take more forceful measures!"

Under the power of Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit, Kobra grew additional legs in a bizarre posture and was compelled to walk slowly into the underground cave, with Robin following closely.

Despite her hesitation, Zala had no choice but to follow.

Not long after the three disappeared into the King's Cemetery, a burly figure descended from the sky. He noticed the hidden stairs in the grass and entered without hesitation.

As Robin, Zala, and Kobra descended the stairs, a vast underground palace came into view.

The palace was made entirely of enormous stones, with walls and pillars adorned with humanoid patterns and symbols, resembling a temple of the underworld.

Flanking the entrance were two statues, half-cat and half-fish, seemingly guarding the place.

Robin and Zala were awestruck by the grandeur of the hidden palace beneath Alabasta.

Robin, in particular, was fixated on the depths of the palace, feeling a strong premonition that what she sought was located here.

Her calm demeanor began to crack, showing hints of anxiety.

Zala and Kobra sensed her unease.

Robin's anticipation was confirmed when they reached the end of the palace. A magnificent room was revealed, housing a two-person-high stone slab covered in mysterious engravings.

"This... is this the historical text!?"

Zala, seeing the historical text for the first time, was filled with shock.

The dark stone and the enigmatic writing conveyed a unique sense of oppression, especially knowing it was a forbidden historical text.

Robin was trembling slightly with excitement as she approached the text and gently touched the inscriptions.

"Yes, this is the historical text that records the 100 years of blank history!"

Kobra's face was contorted with frustration.

At that moment, a voice suddenly echoed through the empty underground palace.

"What an impressive text. So, Nico Robin, can you decipher it?"


The unfamiliar voice startled Zala and Kobra. Zala, trembling and drenched in cold sweat, looked at the man entering the palace with a ghostly expression.

"B... Boss?"

Hearing Zala's voice, Crocodile's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I owe you thanks, Miss Doublefinger, for bringing me here."

Without another word, Crocodile passed by Zala, who was paralyzed with fear, and approached Robin, who seemed engrossed in studying the historical text.

"Nico Robin, tell me, what does it say?"

Robin did not respond but continued to examine the text with passionate intensity.

Crocodile's expression darkened, but he could do nothing. He knew Robin might be the only person in the world who could understand these inscriptions.

Kobra could finally confirm that the man before him was not the vampire Gnar and was different from Nico Robin.

So, who was this man?

Unfortunately, with his mouth blocked by Robin's Devil Fruit ability, Kobra could not speak and had to watch as events unfolded.

Robin, once filled with excitement, now looked disheartened. Her enthusiasm had turned into visible despair.

Crocodile noticed this change and, feeling concerned, asked urgently, "Hey, Nico Robin, what exactly is written here?"

Robin, however, did not answer. Her sadness deepened as she murmured, "How is this possible..."

Seeing Robin's reaction, Crocodile grew even more anxious but refrained from harming her, knowing she was the key to understanding the historical text. He turned to Zala and Kobra.

Kobra remained silent, but Zala's heart skipped a beat under Crocodile's gaze.

"Hey, Miss Doublefinger, are you and Nico Robin working together now?"


Zala was shocked.

With that, Crocodile vanished from sight.

At that moment, Zala could clearly hear a chilling voice behind her.

"You know the consequences of betrayal!"

However, Zala felt no fear. Instead, a look of relief and joy appeared on her face.

Another reassuring voice echoed behind her.

"Hey, Mr. Crocodile, it's not very gentlemanly to attack such a beautiful lady. Besides, this lovely Miss Zala is mine..."


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