Chapter 96 God Gnar

In the Shrine of God.

Looking at the Sandian chief sitting opposite him, Ganfor, covered in bandages, sighed.

"How many years has it been, Grichoel, since we've been able to sit and talk face to face?"

Unfortunately, Grichoel did not respond kindly. Without even opening his eyes, he said, "You are mistaken, Ganfor. I am not here for you but for the agreement between our ancestors and Mr. Montblanc Rolando."

The five great warriors behind Grichoel also glared at Ganfor and the Sky Island guards with hatred.

"It was you who killed Mr. Montblanc Rolando..."

"If it weren't for you, Rolando wouldn't have died with such a humiliating name..."

Ganfor looked confused. He didn't understand what he had done wrong. Why did the hatred in the eyes of these Sandians seem even deeper than before?

The Sandians had reason to be angry. After reading the fairy tale book brought by Guy Kuli from the Blue Sea and learning about Mr. Rolando's past, they understood that it was the Sky People who killed Mr. Rolando. If they had not driven the Sandians out of Apayado, when Mr. Rolando returned to Gaya Island, they could have rung the golden bell for him, proving that Shandora existed. Mr. Rolando would not have been executed with the humiliating title of the "King of Liars."

"Even if you hand over Apayado now, the war will not stop."

"Enough, Zhanpa, calm down!" Grichoel, the chief of the Sandians, interrupted, looking towards the seat representing the god. The young man watching the exchange, Gnar, sat comfortably on a soft bed, looking thoughtful.

"God? An interesting title. 'God Gnar' seems like a good codename. However, this is not my name in the Blue Sea below. I am called the Blood Emperor Gnar. I am a pirate."

The Sandians had already learned of Gnar's identity and terrifying reputation from Guy Kuli. However, this was the first time Ganfor had heard Gnar's full name, and he asked with keen eyes.

"So, Mr. Blood Emperor Gnar, what is your purpose? I don't think our little Sky Island has any value to you. Although Apayado is cherished here, there must be plenty of land like it below."

"Oh, old man, it seems you know a lot about the Blue Sea below."

Ganfor thought for a moment and said seriously, "I once had a good friend from the Blue Sea below. His name was Roger, and his pirate group was called the Roger Pirates. He told me this."

Zala and Guy Kuli were both shocked.

"One Piece Roger!!!"

"Did he actually come to Sky Island too?"

Gnar sneered, "Hey, old guy, you don't think the name of a dead man can scare me, do you?"

Ganfor's expression froze, embarrassed and unsure what to say.

"Snort!" Gnar snorted, looking at everyone below and said without wasting time, "I have made my purpose clear: I intend to rule this Sky Island, including Apayado. From today on, I am the new god of this Sky Island!"

Ganfor's face became extremely ugly, and the Sandians were furious. But Gnar didn't care and continued calmly, "However, what the old man Ganfor said is not wrong. I am not interested in your Sky Island's land. I am only interested in three things: your Sky Island's Dial technology, your Sky Island Cloud technology, and Shandora's gold. As long as you provide me with these three things, I will not interfere with the original order of Sky Island."

This surprised Ganfor. "Is that all?"

"Of course not. I will also build an arsenal on Sky Island. Miss Zala here will be in charge. As for the workers? We'll use your God's Guards!"

Seeing that Ganfor seemed to have something to say, Gnar said coldly, "It's still God's command!"

Ganfor was choked with his words, unable to speak.

"Other than that, from today onwards, Apayado is my private territory. But don't worry, I promised Guy Montblanc that, except for the Shrine of God where we are now, the rest of this land will be shared by the people of the sky and you Sandians. You can live here as you please, and I will not interfere."

This shocked the Sandians. Grichoel, the chief, asked with surprise, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of wouldn't think I would be interested in such a small island." After the good news, Gnar naturally delivered a stern warning. "However, my kindness is based on your obedience. I believe you don't want to know the consequences of disobeying God..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying bloody aura erupted from the direction of the Apayado Shrine in all directions. In just a few breaths, lightning and thunder filled the sky, and a fearful atmosphere of death and despair enveloped the entire Apayado. All the beasts panicked and ran around.

In the Shrine of God, looking at Gnar sitting there like a demon, all the courage in Ganfor, his guards, and the Sandians dissipated, leaving only fear. Their clothes were soaked in cold sweat, their bodies trembling, and they struggled to breathe.

Fortunately, the terrifying aura appeared and disappeared quickly...

"Whew..." Like a gust of wind, everyone present finally regained their freedom, breathing hard and looking at Gnar on the throne with disbelief.

"This...what kind of power is this..."

Gnar had no intention of explaining. He simply ordered, "Okay, that's all I have to say. Now, go down and do your tasks. Miss Zala will tell you everything I want you to do..."

After his words, Gnar stood up from the throne and disappeared.

Zala was left looking at the two forces below with a smile.

"Then, Mr. Ganfor and Mr. Grichoel, the hard work begins..."


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