Chapter 98 Descendants Of God

Robin felt she had heard something significant. She quickly wrote it down in her notebook and asked curiously,

"Pyrobroin particles, what are they?"

"Oh, that..."

Grigio thought for a moment before explaining,

"Since you come from the Blue Sea, you should be familiar with seastone, right?"

Robin nodded, and then heard something truly incredible.

"Pyrobroin particles are a component of seastone. They are hidden deep underground in the Blue Sea. They are released through volcanic eruptions and combine with water to form the island clouds and sea clouds that make up Sky Island. As for more details, I'm afraid I don't know much else."

"I see!"

Robin was taken aback. Could there really be a substance in seastone that supports life? She suddenly thought of something she had seen in the Pluton design recently.

"Ah, but island clouds can only support plant life and cannot create land from nothing. So, even though land is common in the Blue Sea, it is very rare on Sky Island. For the Sky People living here, land is their eternal longing."

Robin nodded, noted this down, and then asked another question.

"I hope this isn't offensive, but I noticed that both the Sandians and the Sky People have wings. Didn't you just arrive on Sky Island 400 years ago?"

Grigio was momentarily stunned, then shook his head and replied,

"No offense, but the answer to your question is quite simple. Gaya used to be a prehistoric island!"

"Prehistoric island!?"

Robin seemed to grasp something.

"Yes, 800 years ago, after the fall of Shandora, we Sandians have been waiting here. Mr. Rolando, who came 400 years ago, was the first guest we saw on Gaya Island, and he was also the last."


Robin's expression changed drastically. Grigio's casual mention of such unusual details made her realize several things.

"The fall of Shandora happened around the same time as the Void Century, didn't it? Could it be that Shandora's fall is linked to that period? The Sandians have been waiting here, and Gnar mentioned that there is a historical text in Shandora. Could it be that the Sandians are guarding this historical text? As a prehistoric island, the Sandians haven't changed much in 800 years. Could it be that humans 800 years ago also had wings? And since the Sky People also have wings, might there be a special connection between the Sky People and the Sandians?"

Unable to hold back her curiosity, she asked,

"I wonder, Chief, have you ever heard of the Lunaria tribe?"

Grigio's expression shifted upon hearing this question.

"How do you know that name?"

Seeing his reaction, Robin knew that Grigio must know something and asked,

"Chief, do you really know about them?"

Grigio's expression faltered slightly as he considered denying it, but seeing Robin's determined gaze, he could not help but ask,

"Who are you, and why do you know about this?"

Robin thought for a moment before responding,

"I came here with one purpose: to find the historical text."


Grigio's old body trembled with shock. The Sandorian warriors around them were startled as well. Just as they were about to ask something, Grigio waved them off.

"Continue with your duties. Miss Robin, please come with me..."

Grigio led Robin to a tent. After ensuring they were alone, Grigio sighed and asked,

"So, Miss Robin, have you found the historical text?"

Robin shook her head.

"Unfortunately, I have been searching for five days and still can't find it."

"Then how are you certain that the historical text is here?"

Robin paused and said,

"Gnar told me..."

Grigio was even more surprised.

"That man?"

Though Grigio was puzzled about how Gnar knew about the historical text on Sky Island, he did not deny it at this moment, knowing it was only a matter of time before Robin found it.

"Yes, there is indeed a historical text on Sky Island, and it is located at the base of the Golden Bell."


Robin now understood why she had been unable to find the historical text despite her extensive search. However, she wasn't in a hurry to read it. Instead, she focused on Grigio, waiting for answers to her previous questions.

"Regarding past history, I actually know quite a bit. From what my ancestors told me, there is indeed a connection between the Sandians and the Lunaria tribe. We share the same origins, but we separated due to certain special circumstances."

"What does that mean!?"

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Robin's face.

Grigio lowered his head, lost in thought, and said,

"We, like the Lunaria tribe, once lived in a great kingdom. However, due to certain reasons, that great kingdom fell apart. We were brought here by the Sea Kings, along with that piece of historical text. That's all I can tell you about Gaya Island now."

Robin was stunned.

"Wait, you mean you were brought here by the Sea Kings?"

Grigio nodded.

"Yes, in fact, many islands along the Grand Line were once part of the ancient kingdom, except for a few."


Ignoring Robin's surprise, Grigio continued,

"Sorry, that's all I know."

Robin fell into deep thought. Everything Grigio had said had overturned her previous knowledge.

Finally, she asked a crucial question,

"Then do you know about the Ancient Weapons?"

In the God's Shrine, Gnar lay on the large bed that symbolized the God of Sky Island.

Gnar was still lying in Zala's arms, gently kissing her belly.

At this moment, Robin walked in, looking a bit flustered. She said without preamble,

"I want to see Pluton's blueprints!"

Gnar was slightly surprised but didn't say anything. He waved his hand, and two blood-colored bats carrying document bags flew out from a nearby Skylander. The bats flew to Robin and dropped the bags into her arms.

Robin opened the bags and flipped through the pages, her expression constantly shifting.

Zala observed her with curiosity.

Halfway through the pages, Robin suddenly stopped, looked at Gnar, and asked quietly,

"Have you known about this for a long time?"

As if he understood Robin's concern, Gnar sat up, pulled Robin down into his lap, and gestured for her to sit on the other side. He then spoke slowly.

"Of course. Although I am not a scientist, I can understand from the illustrations that Pluton is not the fearsome weapon capable of destroying an island with one strike. Its true ability is to create—to create all the material world we see before our eyes, except for..."

Gnar gently touched Zala's belly and continued,



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