Chapter 25: Powerful Attributes and Death Land

[ID: Godslayer]

[Level: 29 (12740/20000)]

[Class: First-tier Wrath of the Gods Mage, First-tier Nightmare Assassin]

[Health Points: 1750 + 50] (Constitution * 10)

[Mana Points: 9580 + 150] (Spirit * 10)

[Base Physical Damage: 711 + 356] (Strength * 1)

[Base Magic Damage: 964 + 30] (Spirit * 1)

[Speed: 342] (Agility * 1)

[Physical Resistance: 175 + 1] (Constitution * 1)

[Magic Resistance: 964] (Spirit * 1)

[Constitution: 175; Strength: 711; Spirit: 958 + 6; Agility: 342]

[Luck: 8]

[Free Attribute Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 6]


[Plunder (SSS-grade Unique):]

[Effect 1: When killing ordinary monsters, 20% chance to plunder an attribute point, 1% chance to plunder a hidden attribute.]

[Effect 2: When killing boss-level opponents, permanently gain one of the boss's skills, talents, or special attributes.]

[Effect 3: Doubles the drop rate of items from killed monsters, doubles the probability of high-quality equipment.]

[Effect 4: Killing monsters grants Kill Score; the stronger the monster, the more points. At 100,000 points, talent can be upgraded. Current Kill Score: 1173 points.]

[Wrath of the Gods: Divine Growth Talent, Current Level: C:Reduces skill cooldown by 40%.]

[Upgrade Condition: Kill 10,000 second-tier monsters to upgrade to B-level.]

[Spell Combo: B-grade Talent, 50% chance to trigger a combo when casting spells.]

[Physical Damage: B-grade Talent, Increases base physical damage by 50%.]


[Grand Fireball: Level 1, Basic Magic, Deals spirit * 110% fire magic damage to the target. Consumes 10 mana, 3-second cooldown.]

[Wind Blade Slash: Level 1, Basic Magic, Deals spirit * 110% wind magic damage to the target. Consumes 10 mana, 3-second cooldown.]

[Rock Armor: Level 5, Basic Magic, Earth elements form armor that protects the user, absorbing damage equal to spirit * 150%. Consumes 10 mana, 30-second cooldown.]

[Rain of Fire: Level 10, Basic Magic, Deals spirit * 153% fire magic damage to all targets within the area. Consumes 30 mana, 10-second cooldown.]

[Note: Currently max level. At fourth-tier Mage, can be upgraded to Intermediate Magic Fire Meteor Shower with 100 skill points.]

[Thunderstorm: Level 1, Basic Magic, Deals spirit * 110% lightning magic damage to the target and splash damage to surrounding enemies. Consumes 10 mana, 3-second cooldown.]

[Assassinate: Level 10, Basic Assassin Skill, Deals strength * 95% physical damage to the target. Consumes 5 mana, 5-second cooldown.]

[Note: Currently max level. At first-tier Assassin, can be upgraded to Deadly Strike with 10 skill points.]

[Pierce: Level 1, Basic Assassin Skill. Deals strength * 50% physical damage to the enemy and ignores 1 point of physical defense. Consumes 5 mana, 5-second cooldown.]

[Death Whirlwind: Level 1, Basic Assassin Skill. Approaches the enemy and deals continuous damage, each attack causing strength * 11% physical damage, lasting for 10 hits. Consumes 20 mana, 10-second cooldown.]

[Shadow Strike: Level 1, Basic Assassin Skill. Turns into a shadow to quickly approach and attack the enemy, dealing strength * 110% physical damage. Consumes 20 mana, 20-second cooldown.]

[Equipment: Flame Staff, Novice Dagger, Fire Phoenix Set]


John looked at his attributes. He wasn't just strong; he was terrifyingly powerful.

His current spirit and strength attributes were comparable to those of a level 60 third-tier warrior or mage.

The only shortcoming was his constitution attribute, which was only at 175 points.

However, John made up for this with his extremely high agility and the defensive skill Rock Armor, which entirely compensated for his lack of defense.

Furthermore, with the B-grade physical damage increase, his base physical damage had already surpassed his magic damage.

Both his magical and physical attacks were overwhelmingly powerful.


Just then, John received a private message from Ritchie.

Ritchie: "Godslayer, how did you level up so quickly? You're second on the leaderboard!"

John opened the level leaderboard.

[1st: Dark Angel, Assassin, Level 30]

[2nd: Godslayer, Wrath of the Gods Mage, Level 29]

[3rd: Ritchie, Earth Knight, Level 28] 


Sure enough, John had reached the second place on the level leaderboard.

Fortunately, the leaderboard didn't display detailed information, so his secondary profession as a Nightmare Assassin remained hidden.

This was his secret weapon, not to be easily exposed.

Ritchie's level had dropped to third place, at level 28.

The first place, Dark Angel, had already reached level 30 but was still a first-tier Assassin.

Level 30 required a second-tier advancement trial, which was quite challenging.

Most hidden profession players needed to team up to complete it, let alone Dark Angel, who was just an ordinary Assassin.

Ritchie: "Godslayer, isn't it time to fulfill our bet? If you can beat me, I'll be your underling. Otherwise, you have to be my underling!"

Ritchie sent another private message. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

He admired John's strength and believed that having him as an underling would be very beneficial.

Ritchie was very confident, knowing that the world of Gods wasn't just a simple game. Real-life strength transferred into the game.

He coming from an Army family, he had been pushed by his grandfather and uncle to undergo various physical training, even learning a basic Ancient Martial Arts mental technique.

It's no exaggeration to say that his strength was comparable to a military elite.

Beating an ordinary person would be no challenge.

Godslayer: "Alright, half an hour later, meet at Jade City!"

John readily agreed. Since Ritchie was so eager to be his underling, he wouldn't refuse.

Cities are connected by teleportation arrays, which allow for mutual transfer, though the cost is somewhat high.

Each teleportation costs 10 silver coins.

This amount is negligible for Ritchie.

John closed the private chat and looked at the silent, deep passage. For a moment, he was stunned and muttered in confusion, "Why am I still here?"

After completing the trial, he should have been teleported out of this space.

John was worried; what if he was trapped here?

There were no teleportation arrays, and he didn't have any spatial skills to leave.

Fortunately, this wasn't an enclosed space, and the light at the end of the passage attracted John's attention.

Maybe that was the exit.

With no more dangers in the passage, John quickly made his way through and soon reached the source of the light.

Outside, everything was shrouded in mist, not looking like an exit. It seemed to connect to an unknown area, giving him a sense of extreme danger.

Looking back at the dark, deep passage, he had no other way to go.

"Let's take a look!" John muttered to himself. Earth elements gathered, forming a Rock Armor that enveloped him.


John took a step forward, and the surrounding mist surged. Gale-force winds lashed at him, causing stinging pain all over his body; the Rock Armor was useless.




Damage numbers floated above John's head.

"True damage!" John was alarmed. This mist was too bizarre; it ignored both physical and magical resistance, dealing true damage.

Although it only dealt 10 points of damage per second, with only 1800 points of health, he couldn't last long.

John didn't dare stay any longer and turned to leave.

At that moment, a notification appeared.

[You have discovered a hidden, unopened map: Death Land] 

[Detected that you possess blessings from the Temple of Magic and the Temple of the Night. You have received a Death Land Token, Contract Scroll1, and Attribute Fusion Stone1]

A hidden, unopened map?

John was puzzled. He had never heard of Death Land before, and the items rewarded were unfamiliar.

He checked each item's attributes.

[Death Land Token: A pass to enter Death Land. Refining it will seal your life within Death Land. Current power is too weak to refine.] 

[Death Land: The sacred land of the dark elves, possessing strange and powerful forces. No life can survive here, except dark elves.] 

[Note: This place is sealed with numerous powerful monsters by the dark elves, forcing them to submit to the dark elves...] 

[Contract Scroll: Can be used to make a soul contract with any being, ensuring eternal loyalty.] 

[Attribute Fusion Stone: Allows early integration of your in-game attributes into the real world, excluding equipment bonuses.]

Integrate attributes into the real world early!

John was surprised and delighted as he looked at the Attribute Fusion Stone in his hand.

Normally, integrating player attributes into reality would only be possible when the world of Gods and the real world connected.

He never expected to find an item that could do this in advance.

John was certain that no one in the previous life had obtained an Attribute Fusion Stone, or it would have caused a massive upheaval.