The Plot Unfolds

It has been a few years since Kael reincarnated into this world and he has have adapted quite splendidly. No longer the young child he was once, honed by rigorous training he did under the teachings of his master. His white hair had lengthened, framing a face that retained its youthful determination. His sky blue eyes, reflecting the wisdom and experience gained.

In the late afternoon, Kael was packing his school books into his bag, the rays of the afternoon sun cascading over his face, illuminating his features with a soft, ethereal glow. His white hair glinted like spun silver, the sharp lines of his jaw and smooth lines of his cheekbone, emphasizing his youthful yet handsome appearance. His sky blue eyes sparkled with quiet intensity, their clarity intensified by sunlight.

Nearby, a group of girls watched him with undisguised admiration. Their whispered comments and giggles filled the air as they marveled at his appearance.

"Look at his hair, it's so dreamy." One girl murmured, he cheeks flushing pink

"And those eyes, so captivating." Another added.

Kael aware of the attention he was receiving sighed yet maintained his composure as he finished placing his books into his bag.

"Damn girls know I can perfectly hear them." He thought

Just then a familiar voice broke through the murmurs. "Kael! There you are!"

Kael turned to see his childhood friend, Aria Redthorne, approaching with her usual confident stride. Her vibrant red hair, contrasting sharply with the green of her eyes, made her stand out even more. The remaining boys in the class stared at her with a mixture of longing and jealousy as she approached him. while the girls silently stared with hints of jealousy in their eyes.

"Hey there Kael, you ready to go back?" Aria asked as she came close.

"Yeah." Kael answered as he slung his bag onto his back.

"Mind if we get something to eat in the way back? A new snack store opened up right across the street?" Aria asked.

"No, I'm feeling quite hungry myself." Kael answered 

"Great let's go." Aria smiled brightly as she linked his arm with hers and dragged him out of the class.

The students who were still in the hallway watched in envy as the two most popular student's in school, walked arm in arm as they spoke among themselves.

"There goes the power couple again." A student let out a sigh.

"Goddammit why couldn't I get a girl like Aria." Another cried out in anguish.

"As if any girl would look at your ugly mug."

"If you half as good looking as Kael maybe girl's would fawn over you as well"

"Damn it, If only Aria wasn't all over Kael he would have fallen for me."

"Really girl? I think you confusing your delusions with reality, he would have easily fallen for me."

"Really? I think your the one whose delusional."

Conversations like these happened on a daily basis, but both Kael and Aria ignored them and continued on their way.

(Kael's pov)

It has been 15 years since I reincarnated into this world and it has been quite an interesting journey thus far. Finding out I reincarnated in a novel I read when I was literally in college, Awakening an element at the age of eight and finding a master to train upto this point sometimes feels like a dream.

"Kael look they have strawberry filled donuts here." A voice said excitedly to my right.

I looked over to see Aria point excitedly to the donuts in the display window of the shop.

"Do you want some?" I asked

She nodded her head quickly and I bought a few dozen for Aria, since she was a little glutton and a few pieces for me. I paid the cashier and we left the store.

Aria was another conundrum of mine as I hadn't expected to make contact with one of the main heroine's of the story. Aria Redthorne aka "The Crimson War Goddess" one of the main heroines whose main element is fire, a character who made a name for herself in the academy for her martial skills and astounding leadership qualities. Fought in numerous battles in the novel as she gained respect and prestige together with the protaganist and other heroines.

She was given the title of the crimson war goddess but ultimately perished in the final battle. Never would I have guessed I would meet one of the main heroines here, less likely becoming her childhood friend.

"Hey Kael are you ready for the entrance exam?" Aria asked as she tugged on my arm.

As ready as I'll ever be." I answered

"But still, I don't like how you say you are going to try and stay lowkey in the academy." Aria said as she pouted. "It's literally your chance to get noticed and recruited by the big guilds, don't you want that?"

"Nah, you know me Aria, I literally hate being the center of attention, considering my looks and all, and I have no other friends aside from you." I spat out facts.

Aria was a little surprised but let out a soft giggle as she hooked her arm with his and laid her head on his shoulders.

"You are right about me being you're only friend though." She said smugly.

I let out a sigh as we continued walking till we reached the dojo. We entered through the front gate and saw my master's various students practicing in the courtyard. In this world strength was everything, thus martial arts was highly emphasized by everybody, it was even recommended for children of all ages to learn basic martial arts.

"You over there kick higher! Did you not have your lunch?" A voice shouted

"Hey there Michael " Aria called out

The man turned to us and a wide grin began to form on his face, he proceed to walk towards us

"Aria, Kael, how are you both doing?" Michael asked

"We're both fine," I answered." Hey is the master in?"

"Yeah he is in the inner room." Michael answered

"Thanks and good luck with the training." Aria said before grabbing my arm and dragging me inside

We walked through the main dojo and made it into the inner room where master Winston trained personal disciples. We found him cleaning his Katana Kaze no seishin ( Spirit of the wind)

When he saw us, a smile appeared on his face on motioned for us to sit in front of him.

"Now then, are the both of you ready to head to the capital?" He asked

"Ready as we'll ever be Grandpa." Aria answered.

He nodded his head as he turned to face me.

"Now Kael I'll like you to take care of Aria for me when your both in the academy," He said." We both know how impulsive she is."

"Grandpa! I'm not impulsive." Aria pouted

Master Winston smiled as he caressed her hair before Aria slapped it away

"Understood master I'll take care of her." I answered with a bow .

"Good, now it's best both of you pack up and rest early, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." He said

"Yes grandpa/master." We both answered

I said goodbye to them both as I made my back to the orphanage to pack my items for tomorrow.

The following day at 7.00 in the morning, both Aria and I stood at the train station together with Sister Cynthia and master Winston. We had packed spare clothes in our suitcases and our swords were in cases on our backs.

"Now I want you both to be on your best behavior when you arrive in the capital," Sister Cynthia warned." I don't want you both getting lost."

"Yes Sister Cynthia, we know," Aria replied. "Besides Kael is gonna be responsible for the both of us."

Sister Cynthia, master Winston and I let out a sigh at her shenanigans. Master Winston turned to me .

" I've placed enough money into your phones and I'll send some every month, make sure to spend it wisely." He said

We both nodded and soon we had the train PA call out " All passengers last call to climb aboard as we prepare to leave for the main city of Valoria, Aetheris."

The message repeated twice before stopping

"That's our cue." I said.

"Alright then hurry along and take care." Sister Cynthia said

We gave both of them a hug and climbed into the train, we occupied a window seat and waved goodbye to Sister Cynthia and master Winston as the train began to pull out of the station.

We stopped waving when the train left the station and sped down the track towards Aetheris. We made ourselves comfortable and I began to mule in my own thoughts

" The plot finally begins, I hope I'm ready."

"Hey Kael can't wait to see the academy." Aria said pulling me out of my thoughts

"Yeah me too." I answered with a smile.

We continued making small talk the rest of the journey there, awaiting the challenges ahead.