Chapter 7 -Confused Collin

Yavannah Constantine

"Tell me , Miss " She began, scanning through the documents sprawled out on the table before her. 

"Constantine" i chipped in, watching as her level and clearheaded gaze snapped to my face. She regarded me silently for a few seconds before speaking.

"Yes, Miss Constantine. For your final question -why do you think Yuliard should hire you out of the 29 applicants today".

Her voice was sharp as she drove straight to the point. Her platinum hair was sleeked into a bun just like mine. A pair of clear y2k looking glasses adorned her face but yet, she kept looking beneath and above the lens. 

" Aside from my obvious talent and incredible vocals, i believe i should be hired as i have the qualities required of a vocal coach" i began, searching her face for a hint of emotion as she arranged the papers on the desk into a huge stack.

My fingers tugged at the material of my fishnet stockings as i continued despite not recieving any hint of emotion." Out of all the subjects I studied in college, Music was always my favorite. That's why I took on projects involving vocals, history of music and instrument build-up. I know this knowledge will help me form a foundation and build more knowledge. I am reliable and hard-working, with a thorough understanding of all processes". She finally seemed interested in my words as she looked up , sending me a surge of confidence.

"I'm also good at maintaining relationships with people. My career aspirations are to be a full-time music producer and a vocal coach. I am confident I will achieve this dream with your company. You can count on my loyalty and dedication, knowing that I will never cross a line. I will be honored to join your team and help contribute to its success" I finished, watching with bated breath as she nodded softly.

"I had listened to your vocal track previously and i would agree that you are talented " She said, pursing her lips as a smile overtook my features. 

"Here at Yuliard" She began, leaning back into her seat." We pride ourselves for having the fastest communication and feedback system. You will receive the results of your interview by the end of today".

"Thank you " I said before rising to my feet.

The attention of all the applicants rested on my face as i stepped out of the room and into the hallway. The door clicking shut behind me.

I wondered why they were staring though, it's not like the answers to the interview questions were floating over my head. 

"The next applicant will be called in soon".

That simple sentence sent them all into a flurry of nerves and I was glad that took all the attention off me.

Now to what had grabbed my attention.

My was Yuliard an extraordinary beauty.

It was vast and wide , with three different story buildings inside. Numerous classes that were locked - I presumed. I wondered where all the students were until the date resounded at the back of my mind.

This was summer break. There wouldn't be any students in schools around this time.

"Excuse me" A voice called out.

I turned to see a figure making it's way towards me from the crowded end of the hallway

"My name is Collin".

His white teeth sparkled as he stood before me, allowing me to take in all of his presence. He was tall. Not so tall enough to tower over me as i had heels on but tall enough for us to speak at eye level. Shoulder length blonde hair, crinkled smile. Quite good looking.

"Nice to meet you, Collin"

" You're Anna right" he asked, with a hint of recognition on his face.

I didn't know him. That's for sure. My intuition would have said something. 

"Yes, I am Anna" I confirmed. 

"Okay, see you around Anna" He yelled as he turned around, waving behind him.

I watched him as he faded out of my line of vision, wondering what the fuck was going on but honestly i didn't really care. Yuliard had occupied all my thoughts at this moment. i didn't have time to worry about someone's actions.

Before I could sigh at the situation, the sound of my phone's ringtone echoed throughout the empty area. I clutch my bag immediately, fishing for my phone from between the cluster of papers and God knows what that I had stuffed into the bag.

The call screen comes up , Yaskier's name flashing in green light's. Well not technically his name though.

I tapped on the green button before raising the phone to my ear.

"Hello" I called out as I moved forward.

"Yavannah " He barked from the phone, making me squint in suprise. Yaskier never called me by my full name. He felt it was too serious.

"Yaskier" I drawled out suspiciously, trying to confirm if he was alright.

"My lovely baby sister" he shouted back and I could her voices in the back ground.

Yep , he was definitely alright.

"How was it"

A ghost of a smile passed over my lips when I heard Adonis voice in the background. I didn't hear what he said but I knew I heard his voice.

"It was lovely" I replied, chuckling as he went on to express how he knew I would ace the interview.

"I've got to go now , See you at home" he yelled , making me cringe at how loud his voice was.

"Tell, Adonis and Sandro I said hi". I yelled back just before the line went dead.

I stepped out of the gates, stuffing my phone into my bag as I walked along the sidewalk,

I believed I had done well. I answered her questions confidently and to the best of my ability. She had noted she was impressed by my vocals and what more. 

A small smile played on my lips as i hailed a cab from the other side of the road. 

I felt fulfilled. 

The drive home was smooth and soon enough I found myself at the polished doors of our apartment. Yaskier's car wasn't in the driveway. So obviously he wasn't around. 

I settled slowly into the couch as I flung my bag into the far ends of the earth, a satisfied smile overtaking my features.