Chapter 43 -Cindervannah

Adonis Vivaldi

I was nervous.

I had pre-planned and over analyzed every single detail of the date I had in mind,the possible out come, Yavannah's reaction and the security implications, every thing seemed fine and perfect, but still a nagging thought echoed in my mind.

"What if she doesn't like it"

"What if I mess something up".

Yavannah wasn't the kind of person to get upset or angry when things didn't go her way. I knew her well enough but still I just didn't want anything to go wrong. My Yavannah was perfect and I want every memory we share together to be perfect.

My fingers tapped the steering wheel in a repeated fashion, hoping to ease the anxiety brimming in me. I didn't want her to feel like she was caged in her own home so i decided to make her hiatus less dreary and more exciting which now turned out to be a seemingly bad idea as i was clueless on how to go about anything and the internet was giving me vague ideas.