Chapter 50 - A Mere Wench

Adonis Vivaldi

"What do you mean" Sandro quelled, settling unto the porch steps beside me.

My head ached desperately and every inch of me just wanted to run over to Yavannah's house and beg her to let me explain but I knew I couldn't go, not at this very moment.

She would never agree to see me if I went to see her now, she was still freshly hurt. I made excuses in my head to help me convince myself why I couldn't go to see her but deep down I was scared. Scared that she would reject me, she would push me away, she would hate.

If there ever came a day when Yavannah looked at me with hatred in her eyes, I would be lost. I wouldn't know what to do with the rest of my life.

"Felicity set me up" I started, relating the entire ordeal to him. He listened attentively, his face suddenly resonating with pity.