Chapter 65- Just Adonis and I

Yavannah Constantine

The drive back home was bitter sweet, sweet In a sense that we had accomplished what we wanted and torturous in a sense that the tension between Adonis and I was thick and heavy in the air. My fingers twitched as I grabbed the hem of my skirt and my arms trembled with goosebumps. I had to press my thighs together to stop the feeling that awakened in my body from Adonis gaze. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, while his sleeves were rolled, giving me a clear view of his veiny and muscular arms.

I had to pry my gaze and glue it to the window, if not I was sure I would bounce upon him and we would have an eight car pile up collision with the force I would use.

I literally jumped out of the car the moment we arrived at the house, Yaskier had informed me that he was over to see Sandro so the house was empty, just Adonis and I.

Just Adonis and i....