Chapter 67‐Koala Bear.

Yavannah Constantine

I snuggled closer to whatever warmth I was feeling, totally enveloping myself in it. The warmth seemed to be fading away, but I pulled it back, desperate to keep it with me. My pillow vibrated softly, and I gave it a great slap, murmuring something incoherent as the soft and comfortable hands of sleep lulled me back.



Immediately, my eyes shot open, but the blinding lights had me closing them back, wincing in pain. The light was bright enough to light up a whole country at this point. I groaned in annoyance, finding my way back to the warmth, pulling it back to where I lay.

"I know you're a koala bear, Yavannah, but I need to close this damn curtain."

"Huh?" I mumbled, trying to make sense of whatever was said.

"Let go of me, love."