Chapter 75- Trickster.

Yavannah Constantine.

They all turned to glance back at me, glued right in their tracks. Adonis could barely keep his eyes off the pathway that led to the judge's room, he looked like he was about to bolt back and slam their faces into a nearby wall.

 I tried so hard to stifle my laughter as Yaskier avoided my gaze, and Sandro looked at a loss for words, Lucia seemed to be ready to cry as i stared down at her. I never knew it was this fun to fool people. 

"Are you okay, Love" Adonis asked with a sigh, moving back towards me to grab my wrists. 

His hands were warm, steady, as if his touch alone could wash away my supposed failure. His eyes searched mine with such intensity, I almost felt guilty for the trick I'd just pulled.

Key word. Almost.

I bit my lip, letting the tension linger for a moment longer. "I'm more than okay," I said, a slow grin spreading across my face. "I got it."