Immortality Aeilta : Part.2

It was next day, Narania was making their way to the garden again. She waited for Emiris so that he could help out opening the secret door was to get into the secret part of the garden to get the Aeilta ring, that had a dragon on it holding a sword with it's mouth.

Emiris finally arrived at the garden, he looked up at the tower since he's worried about Thaddeus. It's been two weeks since he's been up in the tower alone.

"As he drank or ate anything these past few weeks?" Narania asked Emiris, as he sighed and looked back at them. "He told me through letter that he has," Emiris replied.

Narania sighed and looked up at the tower where Thaddeus is still watching The Great Power. She sighed and looked at Emiris who was also looking Thaddeus in worry.

"He'll be okay." Narania said, as Emiris looked back at them and nodded.

After the two walked to where the garden arch was, Narania entered first and then Emiris after. As they made their way to an open bush, Emiris opened wide enough as possible so the two can enter the secret enchanted river behind it, to where the werewolf statue helds inside.

Narania entered first and then Emiris, the enchanted place was beautiful, it had lily pads surrounding the area with lanterns underneath, fireflies floating around.

Narania looked at Emiris with a shocked face, he nodded and then smiled. The place was here for centuries, no one in the kingdom never found it. Only Emiris and the rest of the castle did.

"This place, it's amazing!" Narania said in such a state of shock, Emiris giggled at Narania's response. "It was around for centuries, maybe the owner who owned this land found it once and kept it safe." Emiris explained, as Narania saw the werewolf statue up ahead.

Narania saw rocks on the river, she looked at Emiris. "I'll be here." Emiris said to Narania, as they got ready to jump at a rock.

As Narania continued to jump on each small rock to get to the statue, she quickly made it on the path safely without falling.

She looked over at Emiris and smiled, Emiris looked back and nodded. Narania turned around as she breathed in and out.

"⏚⍀⏃☊⟒⌰⟒⏁ ⊑⍜⌰⎅⟒⍀ ⋔⊬⏁⊑, ⏁⍜ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⊑⍜⌰⎅ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍀⏃⟟⋏ ⏃⋏⎅ ⍙⟟⋏⎅." Narania continued to say it repeatedly, as it is a different language than the normal universe. Emiris thought them last night.

As she stopped, the statue started to glow gold in its eyes, the bracelet started to float around in cage. The statue chose the next holder, which was Narania.

Narania turned around at Emiris, he was smiling and got proud of them. Narania gladly took the bracelet and placed it on their wrist.

Narania bowed at the statue and jumped back, she hugged Emiris and he did the same. "Yang Shi will fall." Emiris whispered as Narania let go of his hug and nodded.

The both walked back to the castle, they went to go and see how Thaddeus doing even if it had been a while.

Thaddeus looked up and saw Narania, he smiled and walked over to them and hugged. "New Aeilta holder!" Thaddeus said in excitement during the hug.

Narania giggled and let go, he looked at Emiris and then at Thaddeus. "If it wasn't for your friends help, he though me all of it." Narania said, as Emiris nodded and hugged Thaddeus.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" Emiris asked Thaddeus as he let go of the hug and coughed. "You see."

"You need sleep one day." Narania said to Thaddeus, as he sighed and sat down on the small benches surrounding The Great Power.

Emiris looked at Thaddeus with worry, he sighed and sat next to him. "They will not attack."

"What if they will?" Thaddeus said, cutting him off. Emiris sighed and got up and watched over the kingdom from the tower.

"If they plan on doing so, just so you know you have me, Narania, Floreance and the whole kingdom by your side. We won't go down without a fight." Emiris said, as Narania leaned against the tower wall nodding.

Thaddeus stood up and walked over to Emiris. "What if we loose?" Thaddeus asked Emiris as he took Thaddeus hands.

"Then we'll do whatever it takes." Emiris said, as he hugged Thaddeus again, he hugged Emiris back and sighed closing his eyes.