Nightout : Part.2

Thaddeus was getting ready for the night out, he got out of the room and saw Narania. He sighed and smiled at them.

"So, you ready?" Narania asked Thaddeus as he left the room. "Not really, still worried about The Great Power." Thaddeus responded, as they both started to walk to the gate. Narania sighed and looked up at Thaddeus.

"It'll be alright, there's already guards up at the tower. It'll be fine." Narania said, as she placed their hand on Thaddeus shoulder, he looked down at them and smiled nodding,

As the two wait by the gate, Floreance had finally made it in time. She stood still as she saw Emiris there first before her. "How is it possible that you're faster than me?" Floreance said, as Emiris chuckled.

"Time and courage." Emiris responded, as Thaddeus scuffed and walked to where Narania is, leaning by a fence seeing horses.

"Are you alright?" Thaddeus asked Narania as she sighed and looked up at him, they then looked back watching the horses run around.

"Worried about Satir, he'll be gone for a year." Narania said, as Thaddeus sighed and looked where Narania is looking.

"Well, he may be gone. But, I'm sure he'll survive. He's a strong wolf, it's what matters." Thaddeus responded, as Narania looked up to him and nodded.

Emiris walked up to the two letting them know it's time to leave, the four got into the carriage. As they got into the carriage, the coachman started the ride at last.

Floreance, Emiris, and Thaddeus were talking about the war preparations and theories while heading to the bar for the night out. Narania sighed and looked out of the small window of the carriage.

As she looked outside, the village was busy it seems. There were crowds of thousands of people, she looked at them in concern.

Thaddeus stopped talking about the preparations, he sighed and looked over at Narania. "You alright?" Thaddeus asked them as she looked at him and looked back at the small window again.

"The whole Great Power war is making me nervous, I get it you guys are worried as well but what about us?" Narania explained to three, as they looked at Narania.

Floreance sighed and held their hand. "I know it's hard to think about it, but trust me everything will be alright" Floreance said, as Narania sighed and nodded.

As they made their way to the bar, they finally arrived after a crowded field of villagers. It seems there may be a festival being held.

As the four got out of their carriage, Narania fixed their hair due to the strong wind that just hit them.

They entered the bar and noticed a lot of people, Thaddeus chuckled seeing Narania's reaction. "This a lot of people." Narania said, as Emiris placed his hand on their shoulder and then let go.

"It's a Bar mixed with a Restaurant." Emiris explained, as Narania sighed and nodded.

The four made it to their table and reserved for the food they've ordered. Emiris and Thaddeus sat with each other and Floreance and Narania sat together.

As they got their dinner, they've chatted and had a nice time. Narania was writing down in their journal about their experience. Floreance was seeing what they were writing and she smiled at them.

Thaddeus took a sip of his wine after he finished, and so did Emiris. Emiris looked back to make sure Narania and Floreance were okay.

"They'll be alright." Thaddeus said at Emiris, as he looked back at him. Emiris sighed and nodded. "Hopefully so." Emiris said, drinking half of his full wine.

Thaddeus was looking at Emiris, and shooked his head. He's been having this type of feeling with Emiris now.

Emiris looked back at Thaddeus seeing him blush a little, he smiled knowing he isn't the only one. Emiris took Thaddeus hand and rubbed it with his thumb so that he calms down.

"We should leave before you get drunk." Emiris mentioned, as Thaddeus scuffed and looked at Emiris. The two looked at each other, gazing into each others eyes.

Thaddeus leaned in and so did Emiris, Floreance walked over and the two stopped right after. Floreance just stood still. "Did I almost witness a kiss?" Floreance asked the two as Emiris coughed. "Not really." Emiris said as he was blushing.

Thaddeus was blushing as well but look away, it was emberassing after what had happened. Was he that drunk or the both had the same feelings for each other he thought.

As the four made their way to the carriage, Emiris stopped sensing something near by. "Stop the carriage." Emiris yelled, as Thaddeus turned around and saw Emiris running off.

"Where is he going off too?" Floreance asked as Narania walked over to see what's happening. "There's danger up ahead, I'll be back." Thaddeus said, as he ran to find Emiris and which direction he went off to.

Floreance stood still and looked over at Narania in confusion, they went inside the carriage and closed the curtains and waited for the two to come back.

Narania was worried and looked up at Floreance, Floreance took their hand and squeezed it gently, knowing that she's worried for the two as well.