Narania was waking up from their sleep, she looked at the time and noticed it was the afternoon, she sighed and looked at the window.
Narania tilted their head seeing Floreance asleep in their rocking chair, she smiled and sighed.
As Narania woke up, she went and get ready for the day since she's feeling better from the Hiraeth illness. As she came back, they walked over to Floreance to wake them up.
Floreance was waking up slowly, she smiled as she saw Narania in front of her. She got up from the rocking chair and sighed. "Thaddeus are expecting us at the war planning room." Floreance said as Narania sighed.
"I had a feeling." Narania said, as she sighed and looked at the mirror.
Narania was remembering the dream they had just now, she tilted their head as they closed their eyes. "Yang Shi is planning to steal The Great Power, I've been told in dream by someone."
"That's what Thaddeus got as well while spying on him." Floreance cut Narania off, as Narania turned around to look at Floreance who came to help on doing Narania messy's bun.
"Isn't The Great Power the only way on surviving Immortality?" Narania asked as the bun was finished by Floreance, Floreance sighed and nodded leaning back against the nearest wall.
Narania sighed and sat on the bench beside their bed. Floreance looked outside the window noticing it's about to become evening. "You've been asleep for a long time." Floreance said, as Narania scuffed.
"It isn't my fault, I was sick for two weeks." Narania said, as Floreance shook her head. Floreance gazed into Narania's eyes, Narania did the same to Floreance.
Floreance scuffed and walked to the door, Narania did the same as they walked to the meeting room. As they arrive Floreance opened the door and saw Thaddeus and Emiris sleeping on each others shoulders.
"Narania, look." Floreance said, as Narania entered the room, she looked at both Thaddeus and Emiris sleeping, she smiled and looked at Floreance. "They have feelings for each other, it's being shown." Narania said, as she smiled at them.
Emiris felt prescense in the room as he was waking up, he looked up and saw that Floreance and Narania was in the room. He widened his eyes seeing Narania and stood up.
"How are you feeling from the illness?" Emiris asked in a tired tone, as he looked over to Thaddeus who was still sleeping. Narania sighed and placed their hand on Emiris's shoulders. "I'm alright, but the thing is how are you guys?"
Emiris sighed as he knew Narania would ask him that, he nodded and Narania smiled at him. Thaddeus was waking up from the floor and looked up seeing the three up.
"What's going on?" Thaddeus said in a tired tone, as Emiris giggled and picked him up from the floor.
"News, more information about Yang Shi came into Narania's dream." Floreance said, as Thaddeus looked over at Narania. "What other information did he say?" Thaddeus asked Narania as she closed their eyes trying to remember.
"He mentioned about stealing two people after The Great Power is stolen, I'm scared on who he's planning, either me or Emiris since he mentioned 'boy'" Narania said, as she opened their eyes.
Floreance hugged Narania from behind, Narania hesitated for a moment but enjoyed the company behind them. Thaddeus smiled at them, he looked over at Emiris he walked over and hugged him.
Emiris hugged back as he leaned his head into Thaddeus, he wanted to cry it seems. Thaddeus let go of the hug and wiped Emiris's tears.
Emiris smiled as he felt Thaddeus's hand on his cheek after he wiped a tear off him. Narania walked over and hugged the two and they did the same. Floreance joined in as well.
After a short while, they let go of the hug, hey all sat on the meeting table chairs and began the planning.
Narania smelled a strange scent but it wasn't in the room, she turned around and saw someone's feet behind the door, but it was a shadow.
Narania looked over at Thaddeus and signaled him, Thaddeus got up from his seat and went to go look what Narania is seeing. "You don't think it's one of his pack members spying?" Thaddeus whispered at Narania while looking at them.
Narania nodded and sat next to Floreance for protection, Narania had forgotten to use the perfume Thaddeus gave them.
Floreance smelled Narania's original scent while she was smelling their neck. She looked at Narania knowing that she has to get them out of here, Emiris nodded and got up to get the secret exit door ready.
Emiris looked over at Narania who was afraid, he walked over to Thaddeus taking over for him. "You have to go with them." Emiris whispered at Thaddeus.
Thaddeus shook his head, as he looked at Emiris. Emiris sighed placing his hands on his cheeks. "I'll be alright, just go." Emiris whispered, Thaddeus smiled and kissed Emiris on the forehead as he left for the secret entrance.
Narania was shaking, she was scared that a Virtual Vision was going to happen, right here and now.